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60 Cards in this Set

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ile, ili-L. ileum or ilium,
the groin. (Ileum, iliac, ilium)
incu - L. incus,
an anvil. (Incus of ear)
ineum - Gr. inan,
to excrete. (Perineum)
infra - L. infra,
below. (Infraorbital foramen, infraspinatus muscle)
infundibul - L. infundibulum,
a funnel. (Infundibulum of the uterine tube)
inguin - L. inguen, inguinalis,
pertaining to the groin. (Inguinal canal)
inter - L. inter,
between. (Intercalary plate, intercostal muscle, internuncial neuron, interparietal bone)
irid - Gr. iris, gen., iridos,
rainbow. (Iridescent, iris of the eye)
ischi - Gr. ischion,
hip. (Ischial, ischium)
jejun - L.jejunus,
fasting, empty. (Jejunum [so called because it is usually found to be empty in dissection])
jugu - L.jugum, dim. , juguLum,
collarbone. (Jugular vein)
Lab - L. Labium,
lip. (Labial cartilages, labia majora)
Labyrinth - Gr. mythology Labyrinthos,
the maze in which the Minotaur was confined. (Labyrinthodontia)
Lachry, lacrim - L. lacrima,
tear. (Lacrimal bone, nasolacrimal duct)
Lagen - Gr. Lagenos,
flask. (Lagena)
lamin - L. Lamina, dim., LameLLa,
layer or thin plate. (Lamellar bone, lamina terminalis, laminate)
Lat - L. latus ;gen., lateris,
side. (Fascia lata, lateral, latissimus dorsi muscle)
lemnisc - L. Lemniscus,
ribbon. (Lateral lemniscus)
Len - L. Lens, gen., lentis,
a lentil. (Lens, lentiform nucleus)
Lien - L. lien,
spleen. (Gastrolienic ligament, lienogastric artery)
Limb - L. limbus,
edge, border. (Limbic lobe)
lingu - L. Lingua, dim., linguLa,
tongue. (Lingualis muscle, lingual nerve, sublingual gland)
liss - Gr. Lissos,
smooth. (Lissamphibia)
lith - Gr. Lithos,
stone. (Lithosphere, otolith)
Lumb - L. Lumbus,
loin. (Lumbar artery, thoracolumbar fascia)
Lun - L. Luna,
moon. (Lunate bone, lunatic, semilunar valve)
Lymph - L. lympha,
water. (Endolymph, lymphocyte)
magn - L. magnus,
great. (Foramen magnum)
mall - L. maLLeus,
hammer. (Mallet, malleus)
mam, mamma - L. mamma, gen., mammalis, dim., mamilla,
breast. (MamilIary body, Mammalia)
man - L. manus,
hand. (Manual, manubrium, manus)
marsup - L. marsupium,
purse, pouch. (Marsupialia, marsupium)
mass - Gr. maseter,
a chewer. (Masseter muscle)
mast - Gr. mastos,
breast. (Mastoid process, neuromast)
meat - L. meatus,
passage. (Acoustic meatus)
mediastin - L. mediastinus,
median (from medius, middle). (Mediastinum)
medull - L. medulla,
marrow. (Medulla oblongata, renal medulla)
melano - Gr. melas,
black. (Melancholy, melanin)
menin - Gr. meninx,
membrane. (Meninges, meninx)
ment - L. mentum,
chin. (Mental foramen)
mes - Gr. mesos,
middle. (Mesencephalon, mesentery,mesoderm, mesonephros)
met, meta - Gr. meta,
beside, after. (Metacarpal, metacromion, metanephros, Metatheria)
metr - Gr. metra,
uterus. (Endometrium, mesometrium)
mon - Gr. monas,
single. (Monarch, Monotremata)
morph - Gr. morphe,
shape. (Elasmobranchiomorphi, morphology)
mult - L. multus,
many. (Multifidus muscle, multiply)
myel - Gr. myelos,
marrow, spinal cord. (Myelencephalon, myelin)
myl - Gr. myle,
millstone, molar. (Mylohyoid muscle)
myo - Gr. mys,
muscle. (Myology, myomere, myotome)
nar - L. naris, pl., nares,
external nostril. (Naris)
nas - L. nasus,
nose. (Nasal bone)
nav - L. navis, dim., navicula,
ship. (Navicular bone, navy)
neo - Gr. neos,
new, recent. (Neo-Darwinism, neopallium)
neph - Gr. nephros,
kidney. (Mesonephros, nephron, protonephridia)
neuro - Gr. neuron,
tendon, nerve. (Neurocoele, neuromast, neuron)
nict - L. nictare,
to wink. (Nictitating membrane)
nota - Gr. notos,
back. (Notochord)
nuc - L. nux, dim., nucella,
nut. (Nucleus)
nuch - L. nucha,
nape of neck. (Nuchal crest)
nunc - L. nuncius,
messenger. (Internuncial neuron, nuncio)