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20 Cards in this Set

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reward power
person ability to influence the behavior of others by offering something desirable
coervice power
penalizes unwanted actions
Legitimate Power
stems from the belief that a certain person has the right to exert influence and that certain others have an obligation to accept it
Expert Power
Stems from a superior's credibility with subordinates. Positively related to experience
referent power
exists when two people goals are equal
centralized organization
decision making authority is concentrated in the hands of top level managers, and little authority is delegated to lower levels.
decentralized organization
decision making responsibility is delegated as far down the chain of command as possible
work groups
used to subdivide duties within specific functional areas of a company.
formal group
an assembly of individuals that has an organized structure accepted explicitly by the group
informal group
two or more individuals with a common interest but without an explicit organizational structure
Group norms
standards of behavior that groups expect from their members
variation in employee conduct
10% follow own values and beliefs; 40% follow company policies;40% go along with the work group;10% take advantage of situations
a part that a person plays in an orginization
socialization process
process through which a person learns the values and behavior patterns considered appropriate by an orginization or group.
role sets
total of all role relationships in which a person is involved as a result of his or her position in an organization
importance of peers and top managers
likely to have a major influence on the ethical decisions of individual employees
differential associations
idea that people learn ethical or unethical behavior while interacting with others who are part of their role-sets or belong to other intimate personal groups.
whistle blowing
exposing an employer's wrongdoing to outsiders, such as media or government regulatory agencies
Sarbanes Oxley act and whistle blowing
makes it illegal to demote, suspend, charge, harass, or discriminate against whistle blowers
Opportunity and conflict
both play important role in influencing the ethical decision making in interpersonal relationships