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43 Cards in this Set

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Agastya Haritaki
Blend of:
Haritaki 50%, Chitrak, Dasmoola, Barley, Camphor, Shank Pushpi, Psyllium, Bala, Pushkarmool, Bhangra, Pipli, Kapi Kacchu.

Actions: Expectorant, astringent, antispasmodic, nervine.
Systems: Res, Circ, Nerv
Useful for: Coughs, Digestion, Asthma & Heart Condition
Amla or Amalaki
Emblica officinalis; Euphorbicaceae
(the nurse) - fruit - sour/cooling PV-K increases ojas
systems: circulatory, digestive, excretory
actions: nutritive tonic, rejuvenative (P), laxative, aphrodisiac, refrigerant, hemostatic, stomachic, astringent
good for: all Pitta diseases, bleeding disorders, hemorrhoids, anemia, diabetes, gout, vertigo, gastritis, hepatitis, osteoporosis, constipation, weakness of liver/spleen, premature greying/hair loss, convalescence from fever, general debility and tissue deficiency, mental disorder, palpitation
caution: acute diarrhea, dysentery, pregnancy
One of strongest rejuvenatives for blood-bones-liver-heart, inc. RBC count, cleanses mouth, strengthens teeth, nourishes bones, causes hair/nails to grow, improves eyesight, stops gum bleeding, relieves inflammation of stomach and colon, improves appetite, cleanses intestines, regulates blood sugar
(S) Choraka
(C) Dong Quai
Angelica spp.; Umbelliferae
Root - pungent, sweet/heating VPK=
systems: circulatory, female reproductive, respiratory, digestive
actions: tonic (blood and fem.), emmenagogue, rejuvenative, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, analgesic
good for: a/dysmenorrhea, menstrual cramps, PMS, anemia, headaches, colds, flus, arthritis/rheumatic pain
caution: hypertension, pregnancy, P+ in excess
Nurtures uterine organs, best herb for regulating menstrual cycle,
antiarthritic, promotes circulation, rejuvenative for fem., especially vata, external use for wounds, ulcers, and to nourish skin
bark, leaves - sweet, bitter, astringent/cold VPK
systems: circulatory, epithelial, digestive
actions: stimulant, tonic, nutritive, rejuvenative, astringent
good for: cardiac tonic, reduces cholesterol, balances BP, regulates heart beat, detoxification, broken bones, skin disorders, longevity, edema, diarrhea, earaches, scorpion stings
caution: don't use with extreme edema, professional supervision
Excellent for recovery from all heart disorders, one of the best herbs for prevention of heart disease, helpful for angina, for edema caused by congestive heart condition, assists with blood purification/detoxification, injuries and broken bones, immune booster, excellent for fevers
(S) Hing
resin - pungent/heating VK-P+
systems: excretory, circulatory, nervous, digestive, respiratory
actions: analgesic, stimulant, carminative, anthelmintic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac
good for: worms, gas, bloating, indigestion, constipation, intestinal pain, paralysis, epilepsy, hysteria, rheumatism, arthritis, convulsions, palpitation, angina, whooping cough, nervousness, headaches caution: pregnancy, high fever, rash, hyperacidity
Excellent for stimulating agni and moving vata, tamasic, grounding, eliminates stagnation by breaking up fecal matter within colon, relieves gas, pain, and cramping; warms up digestive tract and promotes proper digestion and circulation, enhances stamina, promotes deeper assimilation of nutrients, esp. in the small intestine; good for balancing heart problems caused by vata; enhances singers' voices. Externally use as a paste for painful joints, arthritic joints, and abdominal pain
"Vitality of a horse" - Indian ginseng - root - astringent, bitter, sweet/heating VK-P (Ama+ in excess)
systems: nervous, reproductive, respiratory
actions: rejuvenative, tonic, nervine, sedative, astringent, aphrodisiac
good for: long term stress, nerve exhaustion, debility, convalescence, nurtures mind, mental clarity/memory, restful sleep, spermatorrhea, rheumatism, glandular swelling, infertility, fatigue, difficult breathing, cough, skin disorders, anemia, weak eyes, reduces grey hair, multiple sclerosis, paralysis, immune system disorders, alcoholism, lumbago, cancer preventative, reduces cancer cell growth, lupus preventative, reduces high BP, lowers heart rate, nervous exhaustion
caution: severe congestion or high Ama
Very effective rejuvenative, regulates and regenerates hormonal system, good for weak pregnant women, brings stability to the fetus, strengthens body for chemo and rebuilds after chemo
root - sweet/cooling VPK (K+ in excess)
systems: urinary tract, endocrine
actions: diuretic, antiviral, adaptogenic
good for: Aids, cancer, arthritic joints, low BP, night sweats, prolapsed organs, colds, flu
Excellent for building the immune system. Excellent to take after chemo and radiation therapy.
(licorice flavor) - seed - pungent, sweet/warmng VK-P+
systems: digestive, respiratory, excretory
actions: carminative, stimulant, galactagogue
good for: colds, dry cough, gas, bad breath, digestion, menstrual cramps
root - sweet/cooling VPK= (K, Ama+ in excess)
systems: circulatory, nervous, urinary, reproductive
actions: tonic, rejuvenative, aphrodisiac, demulcent, diuretic, stimulant, nervine, analgesic, vulnerary
good for: heart disease, facial paralysis, sciatica, insanity, neuralgia, rheumatism, asthma, emaciation, exhaustion, sexual debility, cystitis, dysentery, leucorrhea, chronic fevers, convalescence
caution: congestive disorders of high ama or kapha
Tonic and rasayana for all kinds of vata disorders. Feeds nerves and soothes arthritic pain. Rejuvenative, nutritive, and stimulant to the heart. Relieves inflammation of nerve tissue. As medicated oil is good for nerve pain and numbness, dispels muscle cramps, promotes healing of tissue in chronic infectious diseases.
(S) Tulsi
leaf - pungent/heating VK-P+ (in excess)
systems: respiratory, nervous, digestive
actions: diaphoretic, febrifuge, nervine, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antiseptic
good for: colds, cough, sinus congestion, headaches, arthritis, rheumatism, fevers, abdominal issues
caution: high pitta
Pure sattva; opens heart and mind; strengthens faith, compassion, and clarity; clears aura and strengthens immune system; purifies home; removes excess kapha from lungs and nasal passages, increasing prana and promotes sensory acuity; removes high vata from colon, improves absorption; strengthens nerve tissue, increasing memory.
bark, fruit - pungent, astringent/heating VK-P+ systems: respiratory, nervous, circulatory, lymphatic
actions: diaphoretic, expectorant, astringent, emetic, antispasmodic, alterative
good for: colds, flu, laryngitis, sinus/nasal congestion, sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, adenoids, fever, bleeding gums, sores, epilepsy
caution: high pitta, hyperacidity, hypertension
Very sattvic; one of best herbs for initial stage of diseases and mobilizes the defensive energy of the body. Powerful anti-kapha, dispels mucus, cleanses lymphatics, promotes emesis; improves voice, opens mind and senses, and clears sinuses. Is a primary diaphoretic for colds and flus and works well with cinnamon and ginger; decongests vata in the head and strengthens prana; promotes healing of mucous membranes and can be gargled for sore throats or used as a paste for wounds and sores that don't heal.
fruit - astringent/heating KP-V+ (in excess)
systems: respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous
actions: astringent, tonic, rejuvenative, expectorant, laxative, anthelmintic, antiseptic, lithotriptic
good for: cough, sore throat, laryngitis, bronchitis, catarrh, stones, chronic diarrhea, dysentery, parasites, eye diseases
caution: if high vata, mix with other herbs
Powerful rejuvenative; tonic to Kapha, to lungs; improves voice, vision, and promotes growth of hair; is strongly laxative and astringent, cleansing the bowels and increasing their tone; good for all types of stones and kapha accumulations in digestive, urinary, and respiratory tract; it liquifies and expels them, including removal of parasites; astringes and tones stomach and increases appetite. Can be taken for sore throat and impaired voice, as gargle, and externally as antiseptic.
berries - sweet, astringent/warming VPK=
systems: all systems
actions: alterative, tonic, astringent
good for: improves night vision, strengthens eyesight, all nasal disorders, diarrhea, inflammations, varicose veins, bruising, hemorrhoids, hypoglycemia, diabetes
Good for eye weaknesses, GI problems
Black Cohosh
root - pungent, bitter/cooling PK-V+
systems: reproductive, digestive, muscular
actions: emmenagogue, antiseptic, alterative
good for: female reproductive system, childbirth, uterine problems, menopause, cough, delirious, coma, fever, rheumatism, skin disorders, liver disorders
Blue Cohosh
Squaw Root
root - bitter, sweet/heating KV-P+
systems: reproductive, endocrine
actions: emmenagogue, parturient, antispasmodic
good for: labor pains, menstrual irregularities, infections
caution: high pitta
Especially effective for menstrual irregularities, increasing blood flow, and assisting with labor pains. High in calcium and magnesium
seeds - sweet, bitter, astringent, pungent/cooling VPK= systems: epithelial, endocrine
actions: rejuvenative
good for: gallbladder disorders, liver disorders, skin conditions
Black Pepper
fruit - pungent/heating KV-P+
systems: digestive, circulatory, respiratory
actions: stimulant, expectorant, carminative, febrifuge, anthelmintic
good for: chronic indigestion, toxins in colon, degenerated metabolism, obesity, sinus congestion, fever, cold extremities
caution: inflammatory conditions of the digestive organs, high pitta
One of the most powerful digestive stimulants; burns up ama and cleanses the alimentary canal; can be taken nasally as medicated ghee to relieve sinus congestion, headaches, and epileptic seizures; good antidote to excessive intake of raw food and salads; used externally to help ripen boils and promote oozing; prepared in ghee, heals inflamed surfaces such as in hives; with honey it's a powerful expectorant and mucus-cleanser; if used excessively can act as irritant since it is rajasic
root, seeds - bitter, pungent, astringent (root also sweet)/cooling PK-V+ (in excess)
systems: respiratory, urinary, circulatory, lymphatic
actions: alterative, diaphoretic, diuretic, antipyretic, detoxifying, cleansing, antibiotic, antiseptic, antifungal
good for: inflammatory skin conditions, rashes, cold with fever and sore throat, toxins in the blood, lymphatic clogging, nephritis, edema, kidney inflammation, hypertension, gout, arthritis, lowers blood sugar, anti-tumor, fevers, relaxant
caution: anemia, chronic chills, high vata; mix with digestive herb
Excellent blood and lymph purifier; great for cancer prevention, clears congestion, dispels toxins through the skin or diuresis; seeds have strong diuretic and detoxifying action and help relieve cough; root has more nutritive properties and is better for vata; tonic and rejuvenative for pitta; good for clearing high pitta emotions like anger, aggression
flowers - bitter, sweet/cooling PK-V+ (in excess)
systems: respiratory, nervous, digestive
actions: diaphoretic, antipyretic, alterative, antispasmodic
good for: headache, sore throat, eye infections, nose bleeds, boils, dysmenorrhea, liver diseases
caution: high vata
Good cooling tea for summer heat or pittas, brightens the eyes and improves vision, cools and regulates the pitta that governs vision, calms pitta emotions like anger and irritability, soothing liver function, helps promote menstruation, relieves menstrual cramps and headaches, promotes lactation, used in puja, surrender of egoistic will to the divine
"speaking" - rhizome - pungent, bitter, astringent/heating VK-P+ (in excess)
systems: nervous, respiratory, digestive, circulatory, reproductive
actions: stimulant, rejuvenative, expectorant, decongestant, nervine, antispasmodic, emetic
good for: colds, cough, asthma, sinusitis, arthritis, epilepsy, shock, coma, loss of memory, deafness, hysteria, neuralgia
caution: bleeding disorders, bleeding hemorrhoids, nose bleeds; in large doses is emetic
Sattvic - one of best herbs for the mind, rejuvenative for brain and nervous system, clears subtle channels of toxins, promotes cerebral circulation, increases sensitivity, sharpens memory, enhances awareness, feeds kundalini. Can be applied externally as a paste on forehead for headaches or on painful arthritic joints. Best herb for nasal administration, for nasal congestion and nasal polyps, and directly revitalizes prana. Powder taken nasally in small doses is effective restorative to those in shock or coma
crystallized oil - pungent, bitter/heating KV-P+ (excess)
systems: respiratory, nervous
actions: expectorant, decongestant, stimulant, antispasmodic, broncho-dilator, nervine, analgesic, antiseptic
good for: bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, lung congestion, hysteria, epilepsy, delirium, insomnia, dysmenorrhea, gout, rheumatism, nasal congestion, sinus headaches, eye problems, tooth decay
caution: in excess acts as a narcotic poison
Sattvic, increases prana, opens up senses and brings clarity to the mind, applied to eyes in small amounts to promote tears and cool and clear eyes, pinch of powder is taken nasally for congestion, headache, and to awaken perception, burned as incense to purify air and promote meditation, medicated oil is good for joint and muscle pain
flowers, herb - bitter, pungent/cooling KP-V+ (in excess)
systems: respiratory, nervous, digestive
actions: diaphoretic, carminative, nervine, antispasmodic, analgesic, emmenagogue, emetic
good for: headaches, indigestion, digestive and nervous problems of children, colic, eye inflammations, jaundice, a/dysmenorrhea
caution: large doses are emetic and may aggravate vata
Sattvic herb that is very balancing to the emotions, very good for pitta, relieves bilious, digestive headaches, relieves congestion of the blood and promotes menstruation, sedates nerve pain and strengthens eyes, can be used as an eye wash or poultice for nerve pains
seed - pungent, sweet/heating VK-P+ (in excess)
systems: digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous
actions: stimulant, expectorant, carminative, stomachic, diaphoretic
good for: colds, cough, bronchitis, asthma, hoarse voice, loss of taste, poor absorption, indigestion, circulation and heart disorders, menopause, fevers, gas, ulcer, mucus expeller, weak eyesight
caution: ulcers, high pitta
Sattvic; good for opening and soothing the flow of pranas; one of the best and safest digestive stimulants; helps stop vomiting, belching, acid regurgitation; awakens spleen, stimulates samana vayu, kindles agni, removes kapha from stomach and lungs; stimulates mind and heart and gives clarity and joy; neutralizes mucus forming properties of milk and detoxifies caffeine in coffee; good for nervous digestive upset of children or of high vata, and in this regard combines well with fennel
Cat's Claw
thorns, bark, root - bitter, pungent/heating PKV=
systems: digestive, endocrine, circulatory, immune
actions: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antioxidant, antitumorous, antiviral, cytostatic, depurative, diuretic, hypotensive, immunostimulant, vermifuge
good for: Aids, arthritis, chronic degenerative diseases such as CFS, balancing intestinal flora, intestinal complaints and bowel disorders, viral and fungal infections, immune system deficiencies, cancer preventive, cell regenerator, kidney cleanser, parasites, healing of wounds
caution: not for pregnant or lactating women; high doses may cause diarrhea
Support for the intestinal and immune systems, cleanses entire intestinal tract, anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties
seed (cilantro) - bitter, pungent/cooling PKV=
systems: respiratory, digestive, urinary
actions: alterative, diaphoretic, diuretic, carminative, stimulant
good for: burning urethra, cystitis, urinary tract infection, urticaria, rash, burns, sore throat, vomiting, indigestion, allergies, hay fever
caution: high vata with nerve tissue deficiency
Good for pitta disorders of digestive, urinary systems, effective digestive agent for pitta conditions, fresh juice of herb is good internally for allergies, hay fever, and skin rashes, can be used externally for itch and inflammation, increases digestion and absorption and is good for diarrhea and dysentery. Coriander, cumin, and fennel are often used together for pitta digestive disorders
leaves - bitter, pungent/cooling PK-Vo
systems: digestive, urinary, endocrine, urinary, excretory
actions: alterative, diuretic, carminative
good for: indigestion, liver disorders, piles, emaciation, intestinal parasites, dysentery, fever, cold, kidney disorders
Seed of cilantro is coriander; high nutritional value in leaves and seeds; enhances digestion; helps strengthen liver function; excellent detoxifier, helps in the chelation of heavy metals (ie mercury and lead)
corn silk from cob - sweet/cooling PK-V+ (in excess)
systems: urinary
actions: diuretic, demulcent, alterative
good for: infections, bedwetting, old age, kidney/bladder regulator
caution: vata - avoid in excess
Corn silk can be dried on a plate on a window for 5-10 days, then used to make a tea
leaf - bitter/cooling PK-V+
systems: endocrine, circulatory, respiratory
actions: alterative, diuretic, bitter tonic, antiviral, antifungal, anti-microbial, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant
good for: parasites, respiratory problems (bronchitis, colds), arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, diarrhea, cancer esp. in stomach, liver, or kidneys, circulation, gout, blood cleansing
caution: not recommended for those with kidney problems
Externally used to heal bruises, soothe skin rashes, chicken pox, heal wounds, prevent infection, dandruff
leaves - bitter, pungent/heating K-VoP+
systems: reproductive, nervous, circulatory
actions: stimulant, aphrodisiac
good for: prostate problems, menopause, hormone balancer, anti-depressant
Excellent for reproductive system and increases sexual vitality. Can be helpful with vision. Calming and relaxing.
Devil's Claw
tuber - bitter, astringent/cooling PK-V+
systems: muscular, nervous
actions: alterative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic
good for: headache, sciatica, back problems, inflammation, injuries, shock, coma, tissue inflammation, stress disorders, immune problems
Very effective in a medicated oil, or liniment for massage. Excellent for chronic pain
root - bitter, pungent/cooling PK-V+
systems: circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory
actions: alterative, diaphoretic, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, analgesic
good for: toxic conditions of the blood, blood poisoning, gangrene, eczema, poisonous bites or stings, venereal diseases, prostatitis, infection, wounds, abscesses
caution: anemia, vertigo, high vata
Excellent detoxifier; natural antibiotic; counters effects of most poisons in the body, cleanses blood and lymph systems, catalyzes action of white blood cells, helps arrest pus formation and tissue putrefaction, is used in destroying ama; is stronger on the blood and lungs for colds and flus than golden seal, and can be safely used longer; tincture is preferable because plant should be be fairly fresh; externally used as a poultice or wash for toxic bites or infectious sores
fruit - astringent/heating VPK
systems: circulatory, respiratory, digestive
actions: immune builder, diuretic, diaphoretic
good for: allergies, obesity, constipation, arthritis, rhinitis, cold/flu, improve vision, lower cholesterol,
Highly antioxidant; excellent remedy for flu, colds, bacterial and viral infections and sore throat/tonsilitis; assists in purifying the blood; burns fat and cleanses the colon; assists with circulatory problems; excellent for allergies; good for arthritis, joint inflammation, infections; excellent for varicose veins and glandular congestion
seeds - sweet, pungent/cooling (slightly) VPK=
systems: digestive, nervous, urinary
actions: carminative, stomachic, stimulant, diuretic, antispasmodic
good for: indigestion, low agni, abdominal pain, cramps or gas, difficult or burning urination, children's colic
One of the best herbs for digestion; strengthens agni without aggravating pitta; excellent for digestive difficulties in children or in elderly; calming to the nerves; promotes mental alertness; stop cramping of purgatives; help promote menstruation and promote milk flow for nursing mothers
roots, flowers - pungent, bitter/heating KV-P+ systems: respiratory, nervous, digestive
actions: expectorant, antispasmodic, carminative, analgesic, rejuvenative
good for: colds, asthma, pleurisy, dyspepsia, cough, nervous debility
caution: high pitta conditions; pregnant or breast-feeding patients; hypersensitivity to ragweed, chrysanthemum, marigolds, and daisies
One of the best rejuvenative tonics for the lungs; helps to absorb water from lungs and promote longevity of lung tissue; one of best expectorants and cough-relievers and has a calming action on the digestive system and the mind; can be used externally as paste for pain and skin infections; acts as digestive tonic and liver stimulant
Milk Thistle
seeds - sweet/cooling PK-V+ (in excess)
systems: nerves, endocrine, digestive, reproductive, urinary, circulatory
actions: nervine, galactagogue, rejuvenative, tonic, antipyretic
good for: all liver disorders, alcoholism, immune protector, depression, increases breast milk, infections, kidney disorders, protection from chemotherapy, psoriasis
root - bitter/cooling PK-V+
systems: circulatory, digestive
actions: bitter tonic, antipyretic, alterative, antibacterial, anthelmintic, laxative
good for: fever, weakness after fevers, jaundice, hepatitis, enlargement of liver and spleen, genital herpes, acne, rash, obesity, ulcers, venereal sores, diabetes, cancer
caution: general weakness, nervousness, muscle spasms, high vata; where there is no fever or inflammation, or where there is no high pitta or excess fat in the body, it's not to be used
Destroys ama in fever and inflammation; strong herb for sedating hyperactivity of liver and spleen; heals genital area sores and infections; good for ulcers in stomach and small intestine; one of best anti-pitta herbs
seed - pungent, salty/warming KV-P+
systems: digestive, reproductive
actions: antimicrobial, carminative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, diuretic energizer, expectorant, lithotriptic, analgesic, appetizer, cardiac stimulant, diuretic, uterine stimulator, aphrodisiac, tonic
good for: cold, bronchitis, laryngitis, sore throat, gas, indigestion, arthritis, food poison, constipation, uterine disorder, dysmenorrhea, kidney and bladder problems
Ajwain water that is distilled from the seeds is an excellent carminative that cures flatulence, indigestion, and low appetite; brew ajwain seed in tea formulas for an immune boost
Golden Seal
rhizome - bitter, astringent/cooling PK-V+
systems: digestive, circulatory, lymphatic
actions: bitter tonic, antipyretic, alterative, antibiotic, antibacterial, antiseptic, laxative
good for: jaundice, hepatitis, diabetes, obesity, ulcers, infectious fever, malaria, swollen glands and lymphatics, hemorrhoids, eczema, pyorrhea, menorrhagia, leucorrhea
caution: emaciation, deficiency conditions, neurasthenia, vertigo, chronic debility; negative impact on good intestinal flora
Good antibiotic; one of strongest anti-pitta herbs in the West; antibacterial and antiseptic; destroys yeast and bacteria in GI tract and clears flora; strong detoxifying action extends throughout circulatory system; sedates and regulates liver and spleen function, along with sugar and fat metabolism, reducing toxins and excess tissue; purifies mucous membranes; contraindicated in most deficiency conditions, most conditions where a nurturing therapy is appropriate
Gotu Kola
herb - bitter/cooling VPK=
systems: nervous, circulatory, digestive
actions: nervine, rejuvenative, alterative, febrifuge, diuretic
good for: nervous disorders, epilepsy, senility, premature aging, hair loss, chronic and obstinate skin conditions, venereal diseases
caution: may aggravate itching; in large doses may cause headaches or temporary loss of consciousness
Close relative of Brahmi; increases intelligence, longevity, and memory; fortifies immune system, both cleansing and feeding it; strengthens adrenals; powerful blood purifier; for chronic skin disease, including leprosy and syphilis, as well as eczema and psoriasis; valuable in periodic fevers like malaria; tonic for pitta; inhibits vata, calms nerves; helps reduce excessive kapha
bark - pungent, sweet, astringent/heating VK-P+ systems: circulatory, digestive, respiratory, urinary
actions: stimulant, diaphoretic, carminative, alterative, expectorant, diuretic, analgesic
good for: colds, sinus congestion, bronchitis, dyspepsia, digestive stimulant, flatulence, diarrhea, circulatory disorders, menopause, sinus congestion, sexual stimulant, impotency
caution: high pitta, bleeding disorders
Sattvic; effective for strengthening and harmonizing flow of circulation; good diaphoretic and expecorant in colds and flus, good for those of weak constitution, pain reliever for toothache and muscle tension; strengthens the heart, warms the kidneys, promotes agni; good general drink for vatas
seeds - bitter, pungent/cooling PKV=
systems: digestive, immune
actions: carminative, alterative, stimulant, galactagogue
good for: weak digestion, immune disorders
caution: too much at one time may cause nausea
Helps burn ama that are starting point of many disorders; enhances immunity; increases metabolism and improves absorption of nutrients throughout body; helps enhance appetite; is helpful for the stomach, the liver, and the intestines; assists with assimilation and elimination; cumin tea prepared by steeping cumin seeds in boing water, can be drunk after a meal to aid digestion; heals mouth sores; purifies blood; cumin seeds act on female reproductive system by reducing inflammation of the uterus; increases milk production in lactating mothers;
dried flower buds - pungent/heating KV-P+
systems: digestive, skeletal, immune
actions: stimulant, expectorant, carminative, analgesic, aphrodisiac, antimicrobial
good for: colds, cough, asthma, indigestion, toothache, vomiting, hiccough, laryngitis, low BP, impotence; nausea, parasites, blood sugar regulator, infections
caution: inflammatory condition, hypertension, high pitta
Effective stimulant and aromatic for lungs and stomach; dispel chill and disinfect lymphatics, mildly aphrodisiac
seeds, herb - pungent, bitter/cooling PK-Vo
systems: digestive, muscular, excretory, reproductive
actions: carminative, alterative, expectorant
good for: lactation, gas, digestive aid, gastric pain, eye sight, muscular problems, arthritis, bone break, pain relief, hiccups
Its most common use is in the preparation of dill water, which is a common remedy for the flatulence of infants; the dill boiled and drank is good to ease swellings and pains; dill is useful in stimulating and regulating menstrual flow; is effective in spasmodic menstrual pain in girls and absence of menstruation due to anemia