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18 Cards in this Set

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Boundary: Apex?
Contents: ?
Cervicoaxillary canal
B: bw 1st cervical rib, clavicle, superior to border of scapula
C: "a small opening"
Boundary: base ?
Contents: ?
Axillary fossa: Armpit
B: Deep fascia passes from arm to 4th rib
C: skin, subcutaneous tissue, axillary fasica
Boundary: Anterior wall ?
Contents: ?
B: forms anterior axillary fold inferiorly (inc pec major), skin
C: pec major,pec minor, and fascia
Boundary: Posterior wall ?
Contents: ?
B: forms posterior axillary fold inferiorly including teres major and lat. dorsi
Contents: sup=scapula + subscapularis mm
inf= teres major + lat dorsi
Boundary: Medial wall ?
Contents: ?
B: thoracic wall bw ribs ~1-4
C: intercostal mm + serratus anterior mm
Boundary: Lateral wall:
B: intertubercal sulcus of humerus
C: none
Axillary sheath
Axillary arteries & branches
Axillary veins & tributaries
Cords & branches of brachial plexus
Axillary Artery
name the 6 branching arteries from all 3 parts
1= superior thoracic artery
2=thoracoacromial artery
lateral thoracic artery
3=subscapular artery
anterior circumflex humeral
posterior circumflex humeral
Axillary vein= start to finish
subclavian vein> axillary> Basilic vien> brachial veins.
What are the 3 nodes that drain into the central node?
and from where do they receive?
1. pectoral=ant thoracic wall and breasts
2. humeral= upper limb (except what goes through cephalic)
3. subscapular= post thoracic & scapular region
if subclavian lymphatic trunk goes L?
goes R?
R= joins with jugular and subclavian to make R. lymphatic duct
L= joins with thoracic duct.
(injury) Prefixed brachial plexus
C4-C8 ventral rami form roots
(injury) Postfixed brachial plexus
C6-T2 ventral rami form roots
-1st rib may compress inferior trunk
(injury) Cervical ribs (C7)
may compress inferior roots/trunks
(injury)Aneurysm of axillary artery
-Artery enlarges (1st part)
-May compress plexus trunks
(injury) Surgical procedures to axilla:
-axillary lymph node disseciton
-risk of damage to long thoracic & thoracodorsal nerves
(injury) Erb-Duchenne Palsy- C5-6 roots/superior trunk
mechanism: excessive increase in angle bw neck and shoulder
(landing on shoulder/neck, newborn delivery, carrying heavy loads "backpackers palsy")
-paralysis of shoulder and arm muscles
-loss of lateral sensation
-"waiter's tip"
(injury) klumpke paralysis- C8-T1 roots/inferior trunk
mechanism: sudden forceful superior pull on the arm
(grabbing something to break your fall, newborn deliver)
-paralysis of intrinsic (short) hand muscles
-loss of medial sensation (hand, forearm, arm)
-claw hand deformity (hard to make a fist)