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40 Cards in this Set

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Legalism human nature
-Naturally Selfish
-Need laws, structure, and punishments to keep controlled
Confucianism human nature
-Naturally good
-all men have the potential to be good and to learn
-education prevents corruption
Daosim human nature
-Man is naturally good
-laws and government corrupt men
Legalism methods to their goal
Goal-centralizied rule
methods-discourage education
-censorship (book burning)
-laws and punishments
Confucianism methods to their goal
Goal- create harmony between people
-5 relationships
-Filial piety
-Ren and Li
Daoism methods to their goal
Goal- to become one with nature
Methods-Wu Wei
-let nature take its course
-the art of doing nothing
-go with the flow
-reject learning and government
Legalism role of leader and government
-Rulers must govern with a strong punishments
-Law is the supreme authority
-war with gain the ruler power
Confucianism role of leader and government
-government leads and should rule by example
-Superior man should lead government
-moral authority
Daoism role and leader of government
-don't believe in government
Legalism relationship between individual and society
-individual is subservient to government
-individuals should obey a powerful authority rather than exercise individual freedom
Confucianism relationship between individual and society
-relationships are very important in maintaining social order
-emphasis is on community
Daoism relationship between individual and society
-individual freedom
-no need to have or follow societal laws because they will only cause unhappiness
5 relationships (Confucianism)
1. Ruler - subject
2. Husband - Wife
3. Older brother - younger brother
4. Friend - Friend
5. Father - Son
Filial Piety (Confucianism)
Respecting your elders and parents
Ren and Li (Confucianism)
Ren (thought)- humaneness,benevolence, humanity
Li (actions)- Rite, rules, ritual decorum
Chun-Tzu (confucianism)
superior and educated man who should rule government
Confucianism Founder and Texts
Founder-Confucius , wanted to end constant warfare
Texts-The Analects
Confucianism Supporters
-poor people
Daoism Founder and Texts
Founder-Lao Zi
Texts- Dao De Jing
Dao (Daoism)
-the first cause of the universe
-force that flows through all life
-believer wants to become one with dao ( nature)
Ying-Yang (daoism)
-finding the balance between opposites
yin- feminine
yang- masculine
Daoism supporters
-lower class
-government, scholars, and soldiers WILL NOT support it
Legalism founder and texts
Founder- Han Fei Zi
Texts- None
Fa, Shih, Shu (Legalism)
Shu-Methods in Art of War
Legalism supporters
-Civilians WOULD NOT support this
Authoritarian (Legalism)
Someone who favors the principle than individuals should obey powerful authority
Era of Warring States
fighting among the several states in the Zhou kingdom that erupted so quickly
The Art of War
a manual on how to be successful in the military. it suggests ways to defeat the enemy without actual fighting like using spies, sow dissension, and nurture subversion to prevent unnecessary fighting
Sun Tzu
Author of the Art of War
Autocracy (Legalism)
a government where the ruler has unlimited power and uses it without reason
"strengthening the tree and weakening the branches" (legalism)
strong central government and forced labor
Shi Huangdi (legalism)
Qin ruler and first emperor who stopped internal battles and expanded China
Liu Bang
First emperor of Han Dynasty
Han Synthesis
a synthesis of philosophies that included ideas from legalists, Confucianists, and deists, which became the basis of chinese life
6 Ministries
1. Appointments (filed gov posts)
2. War
3. Revenue (taxes)
4. Ceremonies
5. Punishments
6. public works (projects)
made to create order
Price control system (han)
-Leveling (buying food from an area of surplus and reselling it to places in need. this equalized prices)
-state controls industries - prices are the same for everyone
Two Handles (han)
Punishment (Chastisement) and Reward (Commendation)
These gave incentive because people are born naturally selfish and need these to make them act right
Confucian Social Structure
Order of Dynasties
-Xia Dynasty
-Shang Dynasty
-Zhou Dynasty (Confucianism and Daoisim)
-Qin Dynasty (Legalism)
-Han Dynasty
the zhou system of gov where land is divided by the king and is given to nobles based on their loyalty and taxes