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97 Cards in this Set

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5 Pillars of AWS

1. Operational Excellence

2. Reliability

3. Performance Efficiency

4. Security

5. Cost Optimization

AWS Command Line

Sets up AWS services through a CL (including MFA). Can use scripts

AWS Organizations

Control over users and roles in a group of accounts

AWS Guard Duty

Gives guidance against security threats and DdoS attacks. Can work with CloudWatch and Lambda to automate remediation actions

Amazon CloudTrail

Tracks WHO, HOW, WHEN, makes changes

AWS Config

WHAT changes were made. Asses, audit, and evaluate relationship of resources

Reserved Instances

1 or 3 year contract for instances. Good for consistent use.

Reserved Instances - Partial Upfront

Pay partial upfront and discounted rate afterwards

Reserved Instances -No upfront

Pay no money upfront but pay over time. No discounts

AWS Service Quotas

Limit on maximum number of service operations on an account

Max # can be seen in Trusted Advisor

Can change max # by contacting AWS Support


Firewall potection for web applications. Monitors HTTP/S requests to Cloudfront, load balancers, and API gateways.

Can protect websites NOT hosted on AWS

AWS Lambda

Runs code with no admin burden

Has usage plans

Inheritantly elastic

Ec2 instance pricing variables

1. Buying option

2. Instance type

3. Region

4. Number of instances

5. Load balancing

6. Allocated elastic ip addresses

Amazon RDS

Relational database service

Allows for multiple AZ deployment

Read copies can be deployed across regions

Application load balancer

Load balancer for HTTP/S requeste

Network Load Balancer

Used for TCP/UDP applications


Distributes CACHED (not actually instances or storage) content to edge location

NOT Network related

Cost based on Traffic, requests, and data transfer out

Amazon Machine Image

Image of instance that can be easily created. A template

Amazon Elastic Map Reduce

A managed cluster platform that simplifies running big data frameworks


Certificate manager (SSL)

IAM Policies

Granular control over what users & roles individual accounts can do

AWS Service Control Policies

AWS Organizations service policies that are applied to multiplied accounts

Are EC2 instances inheritantly elastic?

No. They have to be configured to adjust to demand

Are S3 buckets elastic

Yes. They will scale by default with no prior configuration

Are Lambda scripts elastic?

Yes. They are elastic by default without configuration

How does S3 protect data at rest?

Through versioning, permissions, and AWS Macie

AWS Migration evaluator

Creates business cases for migrating DB's to AWS

S3 One-Zone IA

Infrequent Access storage that can be accessed rapidly when needed

S3 Standard IA

Used for backup, but not as cost effective as One Zone

Benefits of Dynamo DB

Performance at scale/elasticity

Server less

Highly available and low latency


Allows you to manage infrastructure as code. Ci/CD pipelines to setup infrastructure.

Can spin up RDS instances

Amazon EBS

Block storage. Used for frequent and rapid read/write activity

Attached to a single instance. Similar to a hard drive

Not Encrypted by default

Replicated and Stored in a single availability zone through snapshots and AUTOMATED backups

Load Balancer

Distributes traffic between targets. Checks the health of the target before sending info

AWS Service Catalog

Simplifies and organized commonly deployed IT services

Amazon VPC

Private networks within a cloud

AWS Trusted Advisor

Reduce costs,

improve performance,

improve security

Improve compliance

Virtual Private Gateway

Gateway to a private VPC


Total cost of ownership. Applies to labor, IT, maintanence, power/cooling costs of data centers

Amazon Chime

Let's you meet, char, and make business calls outside your organization

Is data sovereignty applicable to regions?

Yes. Data sovereignty is a considerable factor when picking a region

Amazon route 53

Service for DNS registration, and health checking web service

AWS Savings plan

1 or 3 year contract for consistent usage. However, you can use any instance config (#,type, etc of ec2s).

Reserved Instances you are locked into an instance confirmation

Amazon SQS

A queuing system to decouple existing and monolithic systems.

Horizonal scaling

Adding more instances instead of upgrading them. Always do horizontal scaling (increasing # of instances) over vertical scaling (upgrading computational power)

AWS Support plan order

1. Basic

2. Developer

3. Business

4. Enterprise

Basic Support Plan

Free basic Support for every AWS user

- 24/7 customer service

- Documentation

- white papers

- Support forms

- Limited AWS Trusted Advisor features

- AWS personal Healthboard

Developer tier

Basic Support Tier + can email AWS Support directly and have a max 12 hour response time

Business Support

Everything in Developer Support +

- full AWS Trusted Advisor at a low cost

- AWS Health API

- Direct phone and live chat access to AWS Support

- 4 hour response on delayed prod systems

- 1 hour response on downed prod systems

Enterprise support plan

Everything in business support plan +

- personal technical account manager

- 15 minute response for critical workload issues

Native Lambda Programming languages

- C#

- Java

- Go

- PowerShell

- Ruby

- Python

- Can run any language through a runtime api

IAM roles

Temporary credentials and permissions for AWS accounts. Can be rotated automatically for security reasons

Where are Edge Locations located?

Outside of regions in multiple cities

AWS Professional Services

Assists costumers in achieving their desired business outcomes

AWS Cloud Directory

Web-based directories to organize and manage hierarchy of users, groups, locations, policies, and devices

AWS OpsWorks

Manages instances of Chef and Puppet

Chef and Puppet automate how servers are configured, deployed and managed across EC2 instances

AWS Storage Gateway

Allows on premise applications to use AWS Storage such as S3, EBS, etc

FIDO Security Key

MFA device

AWS Outposts

Hybrid where AWS services, apis, infrastructure, and tools can be used at local data centers

Amazon Connect

Cloud contact center. Low-cost customer service

AWS Federation

Used for IdP

AWS Infrastructure Event Manager

Offers architecture and scaling guidance and operational support

Amazon EMR

Big Data management

Security credentials for IAM account?

Username and password


NoSQL Database with key-pairing values.

Multi-AZ fault tolerance. Stored SSD and replicated across multiple AZ

Scales automatically. RDS does not scale automatically


Bring your own (existing) license. Can be used on only Dedicated hosts. New licenses given on reserved hosts

APN Consulting Partners

Professional Service to help customers design, architect, build, migrate, and manage workloads for AWS applications


In-memory data store for read-heavy applications

AWS Identity Center

Manages SSO connections to your AWS accounts and cloud pplications using SAML 2.0

AWS Site-to-site

Securely connects on-prem network or branch office site to AWS using IPSec

AWS Client VPN

Enables you to securely connect users to AWS or on-prem networks from any location. Uses TLS connection

Amazon S3

Storage type. Comes with different usage plans. Good for static content and data stored for long periods of time

Up to 5 TB per S3.

Unlimited S3 per AWS account

Amazon EFS

Storage type. Allows multiple instances to access data at the same time.

Regional resource

Automatically scales

Can be used on prem

Encrypted by default

S3 Glacier

Deep storage type. Split into 3 types:

Instant retrieval - retrieves data instantly. Most expensive

Flexible retrieval - retrieves data within 1-5 minutes to 12 hours

Deep - retrieves data in 12 hours

AWS QuickSight

Generates high-level reports of insightful business intelligence

AWS Personal Health Dashboard

Alerts/dashboard for AWS service availability and performance that may affect resources deployed

When can you change security groups?

When the associated instance is in the "running" or "stopped" state

Is instance Savings Plans available everywhere?

No it is not available in China

Amazon Workspaces

Manages virtual desktops for remote users

Amazon Inspector

Provides security inspection on your infrastructure setup

Amazon Neptune

Graph type AWS managed DB

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Provides fast, reliable recovery of physical, virtual, and cloud based servers

AWS Cost Explorer

Dive into your usage Data to identify cost drivers and detect anomalies.

Checks from the last 12 months, and forecasts to the next 12.

Details Reserved and Dedicated Instance utilization

S3 infrequent access

Infrequent data, but needs to be accessed immediately.

Amazon Lightsail

Easy way to launch web servers on aws

AWS CodeBuild

Compile and test code

Databases that can run on RDS

1. Amazon Aurora,




5.Oracle DB


AWS CloudFormation

Allows you to build infrastructure with just a text file

Biggest charges in AWS

Compute charges

Data Transfer Out charges

Cloud HSM

Manages security keys

AWS CloudWatch

Used to send alarms based on triggers

AWS Ground Station


Amazon Aurora

Used for MySQL and Postgres DB. High performance and auto data replication

ECS launch types

Fargate: server less

EC2: server-based

5 Pillars of operational Excellence

1. Perform operations as code

2. Make frequent, small reversible changes

3. Refine operations procedures frequently

4. Anticipate failure

5. Learn from all operational failires

AWS Transit gateway

Network transit hub they simplifies VPC connections

Inherited controls

Physical and environmental controls

Shared controls

Patch management

Configuration management

Awareness and training