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93 Cards in this Set

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What does CMG stand for?

Cockpit to Main Gear Distance

What does MGW stand for?

Main Gear Width

What does TDG stand for?

Taxiway Design Group

what is the formula for the Distance from touch down point to exit?

De = ((Vtd)^(2) - Ve^(2))/2a

What is the formula you use to determine Taxiway location?

D = Dtd + De

D is the distance from runway threshold to Taxiway exit centerline

Where Dtd is the distance from Runway Threshold to Taxiway exit centerline

De is the distance from touch down point to exit

What is airport capacity?

The processing capability of a service facility over some period of time. The maximum number of operations that service facility can accomodate over a defined period of time.

What is the definition of an Operation at airports?

Departure or Arrival

Is airfield Capacity broken up in terms of Departures per hour or Arrivals per hour?

Both of them

What are the Physical Properties that affect Capacity?

Airfield Configuration, Aircraft Performance, and Weather conditions

How do FAA Rules, Regulations, and Policies affect airport capacity?

1. Limitations on runway use (ex, only one operation at a time)

2. Aircraft "fleet mix"

3. Operational "mix"

4. Air traffic control procedures

5. Integration with other airports.

What does ROT stand for?

Runway Occupancy Time

What is the minimum distance an aircraft is required to be behind another aircraft on approach?

3 miles, but it can be larger based on the size of the leading and lagging aircraft

How long does the average delay have to be to be considered congestive delay?

9 minutes

What is the difference between Practical Capacity and Throughput Capacity?

Practical Capacity is the capacity that an airport can actual hold, while the throughput capacity is the capacity an airport can theoretically hold.

What is the formula for determining the total delay of an airport?

The average delay?

The total delay is found by using the formula D = 0.5(T)(Q*)

Avg. Delay = D/# aircraft delayed

What are the two regulatory policies that Obstacle Evaluation/ Airport Airspace Analysis is based off of?

FAR PART 77 - "safe, efficient use, and preservation of the navigable airspace" Aka imaginary surfaces

FAA ORDER 8260.3 = "United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures" (TERPS)

What does TERPS stand for?

Terminal Instrument Procedures

What is the difference between visual and instrument procedures at airports?

For "visual" procedures it is the pilots responsibility to avoid objects (limited airspace protection, unless specifically evaluated by FAA).

For "Instrument" Procedures the FAA requires an Obstacle Clearance Surface 40:1 slope for 10,200 feet beyond end of runway

If a 100 foot tall building is located 2500 feet beyond a runway and assuming a 40:1 obstacle clearance surface slope for 10,200 feet beyond the runway, can the building be built?

No the building cannot be built. In order for the building to safely out of the obstacle clearance surface the building would need to be built 4,000 feet off the end of a runway or the building would need to be shortened.

What does FAR PART 77 establish?

(a) The requirements to provide notice to the FAA of certain proposed construction, or the alteration of existing structures;

(b) The standards used to determine obstructions to air navigation, and navigational and communication facilities;

(c) The process for aeronautical studies of obstructions to air navigation or navigational facilities to determine the effect on the safe and efficient use of navigable air space, air navigation facilities or equipment; and

(d) The process to petition the FAA for discretionary review of determinations, revisions, and extensions of determinations

What is the main function of FAR PART 77?

More protection against planned development around runways or to evaluate safe utilization of airspace around proposed runway ends.

What are all the parts that the imaginary surface consists off?

1. Primary Surface

2. Inner Approach surface

3. Outer Approach Surface

4. Transitional Surface.

5. Horizontal Surface.

6. Conical Surface.

What is the length of the Approach Surface for a Precision Instrument Runway?

50,000 feet

What is the slope of a precision instrument runways Approach Surface?

50:1 for the first 10,000 feet and 40: 1 for an additional 40,000 feet

What is the notification area for airports and how is it determined?

The notification area is an area around an airport with a slope of either 50:1 or 100:1 that cannot be violated without the consent of the FAA. The radius of the area differs

What is the maximum tolerable average noise impact level?

65 decibels or about the decibel level of a conversation within 3 feet

What does FAA stand for?

Federal Aviation Administration

What does IROPS stand for?

Irregular Operations

What areas are affected most by noise from airports?

Residential Communities, Hospitals, and Schools

What are the factors that contribute to airport noise?

1. "Loudness" of a particular aircraft: (in db)

2. The flight path & altitude of aircraft at a particular point

3. The number of daily aircraft operations.

The combination of these factors yield different types of noise level measurements.

Define "Loudness" of a particular aircraft: (in dB)

In sound, decibels measure a scale from the threshold of human hearing, 0 dB, upward towards the threshold of pain,

about 120-140 dB. As examples: the sound level in the average residential home is about 40 dB, average conversation is about 60 dB,

typical home music listening levels are about 85 dB, a loud rock band about 110 dB, and a jet engine close up is 150 dB.

What is Airport Pavement Designed to do?

Provide a smooth and safe all-weather riding surface that can support the weights of aircraft on top of a natural ground base.

Is pavement necessary on all runways?

No, pavement is not necessary on all runways, some smaller aircraft are able to land on runways of a natural grade. The problem arises though when the natural grade cannot withstand the impact of the aircraft.

What are some of the properties of a flexible pavement on a runway?

An example of a flexible pavement on a runway is asphalt pavement.

It is appropriate for lighter aircraft loading, less expensive then rigid pavement, and has an approximate life of 20 years.

What are the different layers involved in pavement design?

Surface level, Base, Sub-bases, and subgrade

What are some properties of Rigid Pavement?

An example of Rigid Pavement is Concrete (Portland Cement) Surface.

Rigid pavement is appropriate for heavier aircraft loading, and has approximately a 40 year lifespan, but it is more expensive than asphalt (flexible) pavement which is why many smaller airports still use asphalt runways.

What are some considerations you have to take into account when designing pavements?

1. Subgrade, subgrade, subgrade!

2. Aircraft types and # of operations

3. Temperatures & frost propensity

What does CBR stand for and what does it measure?

CBR stands for California Bearing Ratio and it measures the ratio of force required to compress soil compared to compressing standard crushed limestone

Are you able to determine pavement thickness based off of CBR values?

Yes you are able to determine most pavement thicknesses off of CBR values, although if a CBR value is to high it can be difficult to determine the thickness of the pavement.

What does the acronym TBFM stand for?

Time Based Flow Management

What does MGW Stand For?

Maximum Gross Weight of aircraft

What does MTOW stand for?

Maximum Take Off weight

What is JoS

Judgmental Oversteering

What does MGW stand for?

Main Gear Width

What is the thing that is usually considered to be from the center of the runway to the hold line of the taxiway?

Runway Safety Area

What does the acronym CMG stand for?

Cockpit to Main Gear Distance

What is CoC

Cockpit over centerline steering

What does TDG stand for?

Taxiway Design Group which is found using the MGW (Main Gear Width) and CMG (Cockpit to Main Gear Distance)

What are Taxiway Edge Safety Margins equivalent to on runways?


What is the difference between a taxiway and a taxilane?


What is Time Based Flow Management?

Staggering and changing the speed of planes to account for capacity issues, shutdown of runways, and other miscellaneous issues at airports.

What is the formula for determining Taxiway Location?

D = De + Dtd

Distance from runway threshold = distance from touchdown point to exit + distance from threshold to touchdown point (typically 1,000 to 1,500 feet)

What is the formula to determine the distance from touchdown point to the taxiway high speed exit (De)?


where Vtd is touchdown speed

Ve is exit speed of aircraft

a = deceleration of the aircraft on the runway (approx. 2 ft./sec2)

Define Capacity (Dr. Youngs note version of capacity)

The processing capability of a service facility over some period of time.

The maximum number of operations that a service facility can accommodate over a defined period of time

What are the units you can use to switch knots to ft/s and miles to ft/s?

miles/hr *(5280 ft/ 3600 s) = ft/s

knots * (6076 ft/ 3600 s) = ft/s

Make sure to account for this in your taxiway design calculations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How is the wingtip clearance needed determined for a taxiway?

Using the ADG figures and tables

What are end-around taxiways?

Taxiways that go under and around the end of the runway in order to prevent congestion.

There is one in Atlanta

What is Wake Turbelence?

The wake a large aircraft produces as it takes off which can affect the takeoff and sight of a smaller sized aircraft leaving through the same location.

How far does a runway have to be separated from another runway for both runways to operate under all weather conditions?

* will probably be on test

4300 feet Far Separation

<700 feet No separation

700-2500 feet Close Separation

2500-4300 feet Intermediate Separation

What does VFR and IFR stand for?

VFR is good weather conditions

IFR is bad weather conditions, low visibility

What is an Aircraft "fleet mix"?

Not sure yet

What is an operational "mix"?

not exactly sure pal

What times do we normally assume for the ROT of a departure?

1 minute precisely my dear sir

What approach speeds do we assume for small large and heavy aircraft?

small = 60 knots

large = 90 knots

heavy = 120 knots

What is a Queuing Diagram?

A way to represent graphically the delay and the amount of airplanes that are in the queue waiting to take off at any given time. It can also be used for analysis of delay using the highest Q* value.

What is ASV?

Annual Service Volume

When is an aircraft first considered delayed?

When it arrives 15 minutes late or more

Define IROPS

Irregular Operations

The last slide of the capacity analysis will most certainly be on the exam my good sir, you'd best shape up


What does FAR PART 77 entail?

Safe efficient use of Navigable Airspace

aka imaginary surfaces

What is FAA order 82603 better known as and what does it stand for?

TERPS aka Terminal Instrument Procedures

What does the acronym ILS stand for?

Instrument Landing System

What does WOOSE stand for?

We oppose Ohio State University Airport Expansion

What does the FAA require for "instrument" procedures?

An obstacle clearance surface 40:1 slope for 10,200 feet beyond the end of the runway.

With a 40:1 slope extending 10,200 feet beyond a runway, would you be able to put a building 200 feet tall 7,000 feet from the end of the runway?

Yes you would, if the building was closer then 6,000 feet you would need to shorten the height of the building in compliance with the FAA

What does the acronym NOTAM stand for and what is it used for?

It stands for Notice to Airmen, NOTAM is a notice filed with an aviation authority to alert aircraft pilots of potential hazards along a flight route or at a location that could affect the safety of the flight.

What does MOS stand for?

What does OCS stand for?

Military Occupational Specialties

Officer Candidate School (for Navy)

What does the acronym INM stand for and what does it entail?

*Will be on exam

Integrated Noise Model

The INM is used to come up with noise contours

What is the importance of "Day Night Equivalent Noise Level"?

don't know for sure

What is the formula used to calculate LDN or DNL? (Day Night Equivalent Noise Level)

DNL = 10log(ljasdljflsjdflkjasldf) hopefully he gives it to us

The strongest soils in the world are about _____ % the strength of limestone in compression.


What frost code is Ohio?

F-3 frost code

What are some ways for airports to mitigate noise in neighborhoods?

You could insulate houses or you could set curfews when the airplanes are departing at their peak

What is AAC

What is ASV

Airport Approach Category

Annual Service Volume

Make sure to look at Homework, review imaginary surfaces, other materials


What determines Taxiway Width, Taxiway Edge Safety Margin, and Taxiway Shoulder Width?

Look it up

What determines TSA, Taxiway & Taxilane OFA, Taxiway to Taxiway/Taxilane centerline distances?

look it up

What is back-taxiing, end around taxiway, judgmental oversteering?

look it up

Know lead/lag breakdown

know approach speed "avgs" (you should know)


What are the biggest causes of delay?

Late arriving aircraft

National Aviation System


Extreme Weather


In that order

Be able to draw complete FAR Part 77 diagram


Know Contour levels, what they mean for mitigation

shapes of contours based on standard traffic patterns


Review Pavement Diagrams
