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33 Cards in this Set

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Thinking Hats: White, Blue, Green, Gold, Black, Red, Grey
Motivation &Personality - Hierarchy of Needs: Physiological, Safety, Social Needs, Ego, Self-fulfillment
Hygienic-MotivationTheory- Hygienic Factors: (Dissatisfiers, Job Environment); Motivators: (Satisfiers, Job Content)
McGregor Theories
Theory X-People dislike work and will avoid if possible; Theory Y-Work is as natural as play or rest and people like to work.
Max Weber
Fredrick W. Taylor
Time study & Fair day’s work
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
Micromotion study & One best way
Henry Gantt
Planning charts & Non-financial motivation
Harrington Emerson
Selection & training
H. Mintzberg study
Acceptance Theory of Authority; zone of indifference; informal "grapevine" communication; managers must gain acceptance for their authority; Functions of the Executive; 1 formulate & define purpose, 2 provide system of communications, 3 promote securing of essential efforts of required members of organization
projects classified as "Demand pull or technical push"
Elton Mayo
Western Electric Hawthorne Plant Studies; Hawthorne Effect or bias occurs when people know they being studied; Hawthorne Studies significant they demonstrated important influence of human factors on worker productivity; Workers involved in friendly, relaxed work group whose supervisors listen to them produce more, even if working conditions are less than optimal; Workers' satisfaction w/the interpersonal relationships they have w/their peers influences their productivity; Workers feel peer pressure to conform to group; Tender loving care of workers increases productivity
5 manager's functions: plan, organize, command, coordinate, and control; 14 principles: unity of command; esprit de corps; division of work, authority & responsibility, discipline, unity of direction, subordination of individual interests to general interests, renumeration of personnel, centralization, scalar chain, order, equity, stability of tenure of personnel, initiative
RESOLVING CONFLICT - domination-victory of 1 side over the other; compromise-each side gives up a little in order that activity interrupted by conflict may go on; integration-solution has been found in which both desires have found a place, neither side has had to sacrifice anything
College achiever has less potencial for creativity than many nonachievers
Pelz and Andrews
1st peak-age 25-35 work more divergent or innovative type-GREAT discoveries; later peak-age 45-50 work more convergent or integrative in character; 35-40 middle-age crisis
Price, Thompson and Dalton
Obsolescence is not inevitable- High performers remained high performer, low performers remained low performers and those in the middle were unpredictable
3 out of 4 engineers believe formal instruction in modern technology development is necessary for keeping up-to-date but short courses, as opposed to advanced degree work, are sufficient
Indicators of obsolescence in managers: avoid hard work but want benefits thereof; are resistant to change; make no attempt to update; avoid goal setting; only hire those perceived to have less ability than themselves; technical obsolescence
Guilford, Roe & Pelz & Andrews
Characteristics of Creative People- high degree of autonomy, self-sufficiency & self-direction; inner drive for knowledge that must be continually satisfied; Knowledge &acquaintance w/broad range of different subject matter; great curiosity about how or why things work; usually very good observer w/good memory for everything except practical day-to-day matters; high ego strength & emotional stability
Psychocybernetics - subconscious is servomechanism that strives to achieve goals set by conscious mind
Gordon, Prince
psychological advantage : People continually seek to serve their own self-interests & these change as they grow older (aging)
motivation is a Spiral to Success - competence, achievement & recognition
2 types of people: 1-Purely self-interested:a-Climbers pursue power, prestige &money, b-conservers pursue convinience secuity & maintain status quo; 2-Mixed-motives persons:a-Zealots pursue very narrow goals &seek influence organizational policies to further these goals, b-advocates pursue broader set of goals & seek influence organizational policies to get this
Peterson & Plowman
desirable attributes or characteristics in a leader: Physical qualities, personality attributes, character attributes & intellectual qualities
Tannenbaum & Schmidt
one dimension of leadership goes from authoritarian-oriented to democratic-oriented behavior
blake & mouton
managerial grid
Gemmill & Thamhain
5 basic forms of influence: formal authority, reward power, penalty power, expertise & Referent power
2 different view points by managers: Rational & Nonrational
2 different approaches: 1-machine age:reductionism every problem can be reduce,decompose or disassembled to simple parts & 2-system age: concept of expansionism where objects events etc are part of larger wholes