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48 Cards in this Set

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the ANS is a system of _ neurons.
the ANS is a system of a motor neurons.
the ANS innervates
1. _
2. _
3. _
the ANS innervates
1. smooth muscle in organs & blood vessels
2. cardiac muscle
3. glands
what is the function of the ANS?
the ANS regulates visceral functions (heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, urination)
the ANS is in which division of the peripheral nervous system?
the ANS is part of the general visceral motor division of the peripheral nervous system
what are the main differences btwn the somatic motor system and autonomic nervous system?
-ANS has chain of 2 motor neurons, while the SMS has one
-conduction is slower in ANS than SMS because ANS nerves have thinly myelinated or unmyelinated axons
difference btwn the sympathetic and parasympathetic division of ANS
sympathetic = fight or flight
parasympathetic = routine maintenance functions
why is the sympathetic nervous system important?
sympathetic system helps us respond to dangerous situations by increasing heart rate, breathing, blood & oxygen to skeletal muscles, dilated pupil & airways, motility of digestion and urinary tracts are inhibited
what is the thoracolumbar division AKA?
thoracolumbar division AKA
sympathetic nervous system because it affects regions like lungs, hear, stomach, pancreas, bladder, etc via the spine
what is the craniosacral division AKA?
craniosacral division AKA
parasympathetic because it issues signals via the brain and sacral region of the spine
why are sympathetic postganglionic fibers long?
sympathetic postganglionic fibers are long because the ganglia are typically close the CNS
why are parasypathetic postganglionic fibers short?
parasympathetic postganglionic fibers are short because ganglia are close to viscera
are sympathetic axons highly/lowly branched ?
sympathetic axons are HIGHLY branched
T/F parasympathetic axons are highly branched
FALSE. parasympathetic axons have few branches
what type of neurotransmitter do sympathetic axons typically release?
sympathetic axons typically release norepinephrine (adrenergic)
what type of neurotransmitters do parasympathetic axons release?
parasympathetic axons release acetylcholine (cholinergic)
cranial outflow from the parasympathetic system innervates what/
cranial outflow from the parasympathetic system innervates the organs of the head, neck, thorax, and most of the abdomen
sacral outflow from the parasympathetic system innervates what?
sacral outflow from the parasympathetic system innervates the distal half of the large intestine, reproductive organs and erectile tissue in external genitalia
the preganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic cranial ouflow run which nerves?
preganglionic fibers of cranial outflow run via
III Oculomotor nerve
VII Facial nerve
IX Glossopharyngeal nerve
X Vagus nerve
path of the vagus nerve (X)
hint: plexuses
-cardiac plexus
-pulmonary plexus
-esophageal plexus
-celiac plexus
-superior mesenteric plexus
from which vertebrae does sacral outflow emerge from?
sacral outflow emerges from S2-S4
which regions does the sacral outflow innervate?
sacral outflow innervates organs of the pelvis & lower abdomen
where are the preganglionic cell bodies located?
preganglionic cell bodies are located in the visceral motor region of the spinal gray matter
what are splanchnic nerves?
paired nerves that contribute to the innervation of viscera, carrying fibers of the autonomic nervous system to organs (visceral efferent fibers) & sensory fibers from the organs (visceral afferent fibers)
the autonomic fibers in splanchnic nerves are
a. sympathetic
b. parasympathetic
c. both
the autonomic fibers in splanchnic nerves are sympathetic except for pelvic splanchnic nerves that can carry parasympathetic
T/F the sympathetic division contains more ganglia than the parasympathetic division
TRUE. sympathetic has more ganglia than parasympathetic
from which vertebrae does the sympathetic division come?
sympathetic division issues from T1-L2
the sympathetic trunk ganglia are joined to the ventral rami by ..?
the sympathetic trunk ganglia are joined to the ventral rami by the white & gray rami communicans
in what ways does the collateral ganglia differ from the sympathetic trunk ganglia? 3
collateral ganglia differs from sympathetic in that
-unpaired, not segmentally arranged
-occur only in abdomen & pelvis
-lie anterior to the vertebral column
which of the following ganglia is unpaired?
a. sympathetic trunk ganglia
b. chain ganglia
c. collateral ganglia
d. paravertebral ganglia
collateral ganglia are unpaired.
chain, sympathetic and paravertebral ganglia are all the same thing.
what is the sympathetic pathway starting at the preganglion neurons?
-preganglion neurons
-ventral root
-spinal nerve
-white ramus communicans
-associated sympathetic trunk ganglion
-gray ramus communicans
-to effector (skin, blood vessels, whatevs)
sympathetic pathways innervate what body perifpheries?
sympathetic pathway innervates
-sweat glands
-arrector pili muscles
-peripheral blood vessels
what are the white rami? are they myelinated/unmyelinated?
contain the preganglionic fibers traveling to the sympathetic trunk ganglia. MYELINATED
what are the gray rami? myleinated/unmyselinated?
contain only postganglionic fibers traveling to peripheral structures. UNMYELINATED
what is the sympathetic pathway to the head?
sympathetic pathway to head
-preganglionic fibers originate in spine at T1-T4
-fibers ascend in sympathetic trunk & synapse in superior cervical ganglion
-postganglionic fibers associate with larger arteries & innervate glands, smooth muscle, & vessels throughout head
what is the sympathetic pathway to the thoracic organs?
symp pathwaywa to thoracic organs
-preganglionic fibers originate at T1-T6
-some pathways synapse in nearest sympathetic trunk ganglion & postganglionic fibers run directly to organ
the sympathetic pathway affects the heart in all these ways except
a. decrease heart rate
b. dilate blood vessels to heart wall
c. dilate bronchioles
d. inhibit muscle & gland in esophagus & digestive system
sympathetic fibers to the heart
INCREASE heart rate
dilate blood vessels to heart walls
dilate bronchioles
inhibit muscles & glands in the esophagus & digestive system
sympathetic pathway to abdominal organs?
symp path to abdominal organs
-preganglionic fibers originate at T5-L2
-pass through adjacent sympathetic trunk ganglia
-then to thoracic splanchnic nerves
-synapse in prevertebral (collateral) ganglia on abdominal aorta
-celiac & superior mesenteric ganglia
sympathetic pathway to pelvic organs?
symp path to pelvic organs
-preganglionic fibers originate at T10-L2
1. fibers descent in sympathetic trunk to lumbar & sacral ganglia
-some postganglionic fibers run in lumbar & sacral splanchnic nerves to plexuses
2. other preganglionic fiber pass directly to autonomic plexues & synapse in collateral ganglia
-inferior mesenteric ganglia or inferior hypogastric ganglia
what is the largest sympathetic ganglia?
the adrenal medulla = largest sympathetic ganglia
what is the role of the adrenal meduall in sympathetic nervous system?
adrenal medula's role:
-secrete large quantities of norepinephrine & epinephrine (adrenaline) to produce widespread excitatory response
-stimulated to secrete by preganglionic sympathetic fibers
which part of the brain exerts the most direct influence on the ANS?
the reticular formation exerts the most direct influence
which centers does the medulla oblongata regulate?
medulla oblongata affects the cardiac center, vasomotor center & digestive activities
what part of the brain exerts the sympathetic fear response?
the periaqueductal gray matter in the midbrain exerts the sympathetic fear response
what role does the hypothalamus play in the ANS?
the hypothalamus is the main integration center for the ANS
what's the amygdala?
amygdala is the main limbic region for emotions
what part of the brain influences the parasympathetic system? ex?
the cerebral cortex influences the parasympathetic system. ex: meditation is associated with the cerebral cortex
what is raynaud's disease?
disorder of the ANS; characterized by contriction of blood vessels; provoked by exposure to cold or by emotional stress
what is hypertension?
high blood pressure; can result from overactive sympathetic vasocontriction