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227 Cards in this Set

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Autonomic receptors

1- Pelvic splanchnic nerves and CN 3,7,9 and 11 are innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system

2- Adrenal medulla is directly innervated by preganglionic sympathetic fibers

3- Sweat glands are apart of the sympathetic nervous system but are innervated by cholinergic fibers

Cholinergic neurons

Acetylcholine- Muscarinic and nicotinic receptors a

Adrenergic neurons

Dopamine- dopamine neurons

Nor epinephrine- alpha > beta receptors

Epinephrine- beta > alpha

High yield for parasympathetic nervous system

Miner of neurons - 2

Location of neurons- organs ( long pre, short post)

Receptors- Nn and muscarinic

Neurotransmitter- Acetylcholinf

High yield for sympathies nervous system

Number of neurons - 2

Location of ganglion - Paravertebral (short pre, long post)

Receptors 1- Nn, D, alpha and beta

Neurotransmitter - acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine

High yield for somatic nervous system

Number of neurons - 1

Location of ganglion - none

Receptor -Nm

Neurotransmitter - Acetylcholine

Which 2 cell types are part of the sympathetic pathway but are innervated by cholinergic fibers

Adrenal medulla

Sweat glands

How many synapses are involved in activation of the adrenal medulla


Directly innervated by the preganglionic sympathetic fibers

Which neurotransmitter and neurotransmitter receptors mediate sympathetic tone in the renal vasculature and renal smooth muscle

Dopamine and dopamine receptor

Which neurotransmitter and receptor mediate sympathetic tone in cardiac muscle, smooth muscle glandular cell and nerve terminals

Norepinephrine via alpha and beta receptors

Which neurotransmitter is present at the paravertebral ganglia and what type of receptor does it act on

Acetylcholine- nicotinic Nn

Where do preganglionic sympathetic neurons synapse

Paravertebral ganglia (sympathetic chain ganglion)

Which neurotransmitter receptors mediate sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system function at the peripheral ganglia

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor N type Nn

Describe the 2 neurons in the parasympathetic nervous system

The preganglionic neurons originated in the brain steam or sacral nerve root and had a long axon

The Postganglionic neuron is near destination and had a short axon

Which types of nerve arises from the spinal cord and directly innervated skeletal muscle

Somatic nerves

Which nerves are responsible for providing parasympathetic innervation to viscera in the abdomen and pelvic region

Pelvic splanchnic nerve

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

1- Ligand gated Na/K channels

2- Type subtypes 1- Nicotinic N type (Nn)- autonomic ganglion and adrenal medulla

2- Nicotinic M type (Nm)- found at neurotransmitter junction of skeletal muscle)

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor

1- G protein coupled receptor act through 2nd messenger

4- 5 subtypes

M1- Brain and enteric system

M2- Heart

M3- everywhere else


Antidote for anti cholinergic toxicity

Antidote for atropine overdose

Micturition control

1- Maturation center in the pons regulated involuntary bladder function via coordination of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

2- Activation of sympathetic nervous systems - Increase urinary retention

3- Activation of parasympathetic nervous system- Increase urinary voiding

Muscarinic antagonist (oxybutyrin)

1- M3 receptor

2- Relaxation of detrusor smooth muscle

3- Decrease detrusor over activity

4- Use- Urgency incontinence

Muscarinic agonist (Betanechol)

1- M3 receptors

2- Contraction of detrusor muscle

3- Increase bladder emptying

4- Use- Urinary retention

Muscarinic agonist (Betanechol)

1- M3 receptors

2- Contraction of detrusor muscle

3- Increase bladder emptying

4- Use- Urinary retention

Sympathomimetics (mirabegron)

1- B3 receptors

2- Relaxation of detrusor smooth muscle

3- Increase bladder capacity

4- Use urgency incontinence

Muscarinic agonist (Betanechol)

1- M3 receptors

2- Contraction of detrusor muscle

3- Increase bladder emptying

4- Use- Urinary retention

Sympathomimetics (mirabegron)

1- B3 receptors

2- Relaxation of detrusor smooth muscle

3- Increase bladder capacity

4- Use urgency incontinence

Alpha 1 blocker tamsulosin

1- alpha 1 receptors

2- Relaxation of smooth muscle (bladder neck and prostate)

3- Decrease urinary obstruction

4- Use- BPH

Muscarinic agonist (Betanechol)

1- M3 receptors

2- Contraction of detrusor muscle

3- Increase bladder emptying

4- Use- Urinary retention

Sympathomimetics (mirabegron)

1- B3 receptors

2- Relaxation of detrusor smooth muscle

3- Increase bladder capacity

4- Use urgency incontinence

Alpha 1 blocker tamsulosin

1- alpha 1 receptors

2- Relaxation of smooth muscle (bladder neck and prostate)

3- Decrease urinary obstruction

4- Use- BPH

Receptors on the bladder

Parasympathetic input- pelvic nerve (M3)

Sympathetic- hypogastric nerve (B3 and alpha1)

Somatic- pudendal nerve

Effect of V1 receptor agonist on vascular smooth muscle

Increase vascular smooth muscle contraction

Effect of H2 receptor activation in the gastrointestinal system

Increase gastric acid secretion

Effect of H1 receptors

1- Increase nasal and bronchial mucus production

2- Increase vascular permeability

3- Bronchoconstriction

4- Pruritus

5- Pain

Effect of D2 receptor

1- Modulate transmitter release especially in brain

2- Inhibit indirect pathway of striatum

Effect of D1 receptors

1- Relaxes renal vascular smooth muscle

2- Activate direct pathway of striatum

Effect of V2 receptors

1- Increase water permeability and reabsorption via up regulating aquaporin 2 in collecting tubules of kidney

2- Increase release of vWF

Effects of alph1 receptor

1- Increase vascular smooth muscle contraction

2- Increase pupillary dilator muscle contraction

3- Increase intestinal and bladder sphincter muscle contraction

Effect of alpha 2 receptor

1- Decrease sympathetic outflow

2- Decrease insulin release

3- Decrease lipolysis

4- Decrease aqueous humor production

5- Increase platelet aggregation

Effect of B1 receptors

1- Increase heart rate

2- Increase contractility

3- Increase renin release

4- Increase lipolysis

Effect of beta 2 receptor

1- Bronchodilation

2- Increase insulin release

3- Increase Glycogenolysis

4- Increase lipolysis

5- Increase aqueous humor production

6- Increase cellular potassium uptake

7- Decrease uterine contraction

Effect of B3 receptor

1- Increase lipolysis

2- Increase thermogenesis in skeletal muscle

3- Increase bladder relaxation

Effect of M1 receptor

1- Mediate higher cognitive function

2- Stimulate enteric nervous system

Effect of M2 receptor

1- Decrease heart rate and contractility of atria

Effect of M3 receptors

1- Increase exocrine gland secretion

2- Increase gut peristalsis

3- Increase bladder contraction

4- Increase pupillary sphincter muscle contraction

5- Increase insulin release

6- Bronchoconstriction

7- Ciliary muscle contraction

8- Endothelium mediated vasodilation

Which enzyme is directly activated by Gq linked receptor

Phospholipase C

Function of Gs and Gi

Gs - Stimulate activation of Adenylyl cyclase

GI- Inhibit Adenylyl cyclase

G protein classes for adrenergic receptor

Apha1- q

Alpha 2- I

Beta 1 - S

Beta 2- S

Beta 3- S

G protein receptor for cholinergic receptor

M 1- q

M 2- I

M 3- q

G protein classes for dopamine receptors

D1- s

D2- I

G protein class for Histamine receptor

H1- q

H2- s

G protein classes for vasopressin receptor

V1- q

V2- s

What 2 main effects does activation of protein kinase A have

It increase intracellular calcium in the heart to boost contractility and relaxes smooth muscle (via inhibition of myosin light chain kinase

What role does DAG (diacylglycerol) play in the cascade of reactions that occur after phospholipase activation

Activate proton kinase C

What 2 molecules results from the reaction of phospholipase C with the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2)

Inositol triphosphate (IP3)

Diacylglycerol (DAG)

What is the final effector enzyme influenced in pathway linked to Gs and Gi proteins

Protein kinase A

What reaction does Adenylyl cyclase catalyze

Conversion of ATP to cAMP

Where in the synapse does a drug inhibiting acetylcholinesterase act

Postsynaptic membrane

Direct cholinominmetic agonist





Indirect cholinomimetic agonist

Donepezil, Rivastigmine, galantamine






1- Carbon copy of acetylcholine

2- Open angle glaucoma (constricting pupil and relieve intraocular pressure)


1- Stimulate Muscarinic receptors in the airway when inhaled

2- Challenge test for the diagnosis of asthma


1- Constriction of ciliary muscle of the eye (open angle glaucoma)

2- Contraction of Pupillary sphincter of the eye( closed angle glaucoma)

3- Resistant to AchE, cross blood brain barrier (tertiary amine)

4- Potent stimulator of sweat tears and saliva (xerostomia)

Donepezil rivastigmine galantamine

1- Increase Ach crosses blood brain barrier

2- Alzheimer’s disease


1- Increase Ach Do not cross blood brain barrier

2- 1- Postoperative and neurogenic ileum

2- Urinary retention

3- Myasthenia graves

4- Reversal of neuromuscular blockade ( post operatives)


1- Increase Ach

2- Historically use to diagnose myasthenia gravis


1- Increase Ach Crosses blood brain barrier

2- Antidote for anticholinergic toxicity and atropine overdose


1- Increase Ach Crosses blood brain barrier

2- Antidote for anticholinergic toxicity and atropine overdose


1- Increase Ach and muscle strength (Do not cross blood brain barrier)

2- Myasthenia gravis

3- Ised with glycopyrolate hyocyamine and propatheline to decrease side effect

Which direct cholinomimetic drug are resistant degradation by acetylcholinesterase




Which cholinomimetic drugs can be used in the treatment of glaucoma



What structural property of anticholinesterases determine whether they can act on the central nervous system

Tertiary amines can cross BBB

Quanternary amins can not cross BBB

What 3 medical conditions can be exacerbated by cholinomimetic agents I susceptible patients



Peptic ulcer disease

What properties of pyridostigmine make it particularly useful in the treatment of myasthenia gravis compared with other anticholinesterases

Long acting

Do not cross blood brain barrier

Act in peripheral Acetyl cholinergic synapses

What enzyme is inhibited by indirect cholinergic agonist


What serologic test has replace the use of endrophonium in the diagnosis of myasthenia gravisb

Anti acetylcholine receptor antibody test

Anticholinesterase poisoning

Organophosphate irreversibly inhibit AChE

Anticholinesterase poisoning

Organophosphate irreversibly inhibit AChE

Anticholinesterase poisoning on Muscarinic receptors

1- Diarrhea








Sweating (9)

2- Treat with atropine crosses BBB and relive CNS symptoms

Anticholinesterase poisoning on nicotinic receptors

1- Neuromuscular junction blockade (similar to succinylcholine)

2- Treat with prolidoxime do not cross blood brain barrier (regenerated AChE via dephosphorylation is given early)

CNS effect of anticholinesterase poisoning



Respiratory depression


Muscarinic antagonist

1- Atropine, Homatropine and Tropicamide

2- Benztropine, Trihexyphenidyl

3- Glycopyrolate

4- Hyscyamine, Dicyclomine

5- Iprotropium, Triotropium

6- Oxybutyrin, solifenacin toleodine

7- Scopolamine

Atropine homatropine and tropicamide Muscarinic antagonist

1- Eye

2- Mydriasis and cycloplegia

Atropine homatropine and tropicamide Muscarinic antagonist

1- Eye

2- Mydriasis and cycloplegia

Benztropine, Trihexyphenidyl

1- CNS

2- Parkinson’s disease and acute dystopia

Atropine homatropine and tropicamide Muscarinic antagonist

1- Eye

2- Mydriasis and cycloplegia

Benztropine, Trihexyphenidyl

1- CNS

2- Parkinson’s disease and acute dystopia


1- GI and respiratory

2- Parenteral - postoperative use to reduce airway secretion

Oral- drooling and peptic ulcer

Atropine homatropine and tropicamide Muscarinic antagonist

1- Eye

2- Mydriasis and cycloplegia

Benztropine, Trihexyphenidyl

1- CNS

2- Parkinson’s disease and acute dystopia


1- GI and respiratory

2- Parenteral - postoperative use to reduce airway secretion

Oral- drooling and peptic ulcer

Hyoscyamine, Dicyclomine

1- GI

2- Antispasmodic for IBD

Atropine homatropine and tropicamide Muscarinic antagonist

1- Eye

2- Mydriasis and cycloplegia

Benztropine, Trihexyphenidyl

1- CNS

2- Parkinson’s disease and acute dystopia


1- GI and respiratory

2- Parenteral - postoperative use to reduce airway secretion

Oral- drooling and peptic ulcer

Hyoscyamine, Dicyclomine

1- GI

2- Antispasmodic for IBD

Ipratropium triotropium

1- Respiratory

2- COPD, Asthma

Atropine homatropine and tropicamide Muscarinic antagonist

1- Eye

2- Mydriasis and cycloplegia

Benztropine, Trihexyphenidyl

1- CNS

2- Parkinson’s disease and acute dystopia


1- GI and respiratory

2- Parenteral - postoperative use to reduce airway secretion

Oral- drooling and peptic ulcer

Hyoscyamine, Dicyclomine

1- GI

2- Antispasmodic for IBD

Ipratropium triotropium

1- Respiratory

2- COPD, Asthma

Oxybutynin, solifenacin and toleodine

1- Genitourinary

2- Urgency incontinence, Decrease bladder spasm

Atropine homatropine and tropicamide Muscarinic antagonist

1- Eye

2- Mydriasis and cycloplegia

Benztropine, Trihexyphenidyl

1- CNS

2- Parkinson’s disease and acute dystopia


1- GI and respiratory

2- Parenteral - postoperative use to reduce airway secretion

Oral- drooling and peptic ulcer

Hyoscyamine, Dicyclomine

1- GI

2- Antispasmodic for IBD

Ipratropium triotropium

1- Respiratory

2- COPD, Asthma

Oxybutynin, solifenacin and toleodine

1- Genitourinary

2- Urgency incontinence, Decrease bladder spasm


1- CNS

2- Motion sickness


1- Muscarinic antagonist

2- Use to treat bradycardia and ophthalmic application

3- Reverse of DUMBBELSS

4- Use to treat acute open angle glaucoma in elderly , urinary retention in men with prostate hyperplasia and hyperthermia in infants


1- Muscarinic antagonist

2- Use to treat bradycardia and ophthalmic application

3- Reverse of DUMBBELSS

4- Use to cause acute open angle glaucoma in elderly , urinary retention in men with prostate hyperplasia and hyperthermia in infants

Adverse effect s of atropine

1- Increase body temperature

2- Increase Heart rate

3- Dry

4- Dry flushed skin

5- Cyclopigia

6- Disorientated

7- Constipated

Hot as a hare

Fast as a fiddle

Dry as bone

Red as beet

Blind as bat

Mad as a hatter

Full as a flask

Datura Jimson Weed

Gardener pupils

Mydriasis due to Plant alkaloid

Why does atropine cause hyperthermia

Decrease sweating

What symptoms associated with organosohosphate poisoning with atropine fail to reverse

Weakens due to neuromuscular blockade

Beta blockers selective antagonist vs non selective antagonist vs non selective

Selective antagonist- A-M

Non- selective antagonist- N-Z

Non selective alpha 1 and beta 1 - modified suffix carvedilol labetalol

Beta blocker angina pectoris

Decrease heart rate and contractility

Decrease oxygen consumption

Beta blocker on glaucoma

Decrease aqueous humor production


Beta blocker on heart failure

Decrease mortality

Bisprolol carvedilol metaprolol

Beta blocker on hypertension

1- Decrease cardiac output

2- Decrease renin secretion

Beta blocker on hypertension

1- Decrease cardiac output

2- Decrease renin secretion

Beta blocker on hyperthyroidism/ thyroid storm

1- Symptom control (decrease heart rate and tremors)

2- Proponolol

Beta blocker on hypertension

1- Decrease cardiac output

2- Decrease renin secretion

Beta blocker on hyperthyroidism/ thyroid storm

1- Symptom control (decrease heart rate and tremors)

2- Proponolol

Beta blocker on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

1- Decrease heart rate- increase filling time - relive obstruction

Beta blocker on myocardial infarction

1- Decrease oxygen demand

2- Decrease mortality

Beta blocker on SVT

1- Decrease AV conduction velocity

2- Metaprolol esmolol

Beta blocker and variceal bleed

1- Decrease hepatic venous pressure gradient and petal hypertension

2- Proponolol, carvedilol, nadolol

Beta blocker and variceal bleed

1- Decrease hepatic venous pressure gradient and petal hypertension

2- Proponolol, carvedilol, nadolol

Adverse effects of beta blockers

1- Asthma and COPD exacerbation

2- Cardiovascular (bradycardia, AV block and HF)

3- CNS (seizures, sleep disturbance)

4- Dyslipidemia (metaprolol)

5- Erectile dysfunction

What unique Beta receptor activity does Nebbiolol have

Blocked B1 receptors

Stimulate B3 receptors

2 beta blockers are partial agonist



Direct sympathomimetics agonist

1- Albuterol, salmeterol, terbutaline

2- Dobutamin

3- Dopamine

4- Epinephrine

5- Fenoldopam

6- Isoproterenol

7- Midodrine

8- Mirobegran

9- Norepinephrine

10- Phenylephidrine

Direct sympathomimetics agonist

1- Albuterol, salmeterol, terbutaline

2- Dobutamin

3- Dopamine

4- Epinephrine

5- Fenoldopam

6- Isoproterenol

7- Midodrine

8- Mirobegran

9- Norepinephrine

10- Phenylephidrine

Albuterol salmeterol terbutaline

1- B2> B1

2- Albuterol for acute asthma

Salmeterol for long term asthma

Terbutaline for acute bronchospasm and tocolysis

Direct sympathomimetics agonist

1- Albuterol, salmeterol, terbutaline

2- Dobutamin

3- Dopamine

4- Epinephrine

5- Fenoldopam

6- Isoproterenol

7- Midodrine

8- Mirobegran

9- Norepinephrine

10- Phenylephidrine

Albuterol salmeterol terbutaline

1- B2> B1

2- Increase HR

3- Albuterol for acute asthma

Salmeterol for long term asthma

Terbutaline for acute bronchospasm and tocolysis


1- B1 > B2

2- Decrease BP increase HR and CO

3- HR, cardiogenic shock, cardiac stress test


1- D1 = D2> B > alpha

2- Increase BP, HR and CO

3- HF, Shock and unstable bradycardia


1- D1 = D2> B > alpha

2- Increase BP, HR and CO

3- HF, Shock and unstable bradycardia


1- B> aplha

2- Increase BP, HR and CO

3- Anaphylaxis, asthma and open angle glaucoma


1- D1 = D2> B > alpha

2- Increase BP, HR and CO

3- HF, Shock and unstable bradycardia


1- B> aplha

2- Increase BP, HR and CO

3- Anaphylaxis, asthma and open angle glaucoma


1- D1

2- Decrease BP increase HR and CO

3- Postoperative hypertension and hypertensive crisis

4- Risk of hypotension and tachycardia


1- D1 = D2> B > alpha

2- Increase BP, HR and CO

3- HF, Shock and unstable bradycardia


1- B> aplha

2- Increase BP, HR and CO

3- Anaphylaxis, asthma and open angle glaucoma


1- D1

2- Decrease BP increase HR and CO

3- Postoperative hypertension and hypertensive crisis

4- Risk of hypotension and tachycardia


1- B1=B2

2- Decrease BP and increase HR and CO

3- Electrophysiological evaluation of tachyarrhythmia

4- Risk of worsen ischemia


1- D1 = D2> B > alpha

2- Increase BP, HR and CO

3- HF, Shock and unstable bradycardia


1- B> aplha

2- Increase BP, HR and CO

3- Anaphylaxis, asthma and open angle glaucoma


1- D1

2- Decrease BP increase HR and CO

3- Postoperative hypertension and hypertensive crisis

4- Risk of hypotension and tachycardia


1- B1=B2

2- Decrease BP and increase HR and CO

3- Electrophysiological evaluation of tachyarrhythmia

4- Risk of worsen cardiac ischemia


1- Alpha 1

2- Increase BP and decrease HR and CO

3- Autonomic insufficiency and postural hypotension

4- Risk of exacerbating supine hypertension

Nor epinephrine

1- alpha1> alpha 2 >beta 1

2- Increase Bp and HR and CO

3- Hypotension and septic shock

Nor epinephrine

1- alpha1> alpha 2 >beta 1

2- Increase Bp and HR and CO

3- Hypotension and septic shock


1- Alpha 1>alpha 2

2- Increase BP and HR and CO

3- Hypotension, ocular procedures, rhinitis and ischemic priapism

Nor epinephrine

1- alpha1> alpha 2 >beta 1

2- Increase Bp and HR and CO

3- Hypotension and septic shock


1- Alpha 1>alpha 2

2- Increase BP and HR and CO

3- Hypotension, ocular procedures, rhinitis and ischemic priapism

Indirect sympathomimetics agonist





1- Indirect general agonist

Reuptake inhibitor

Release stored catecholamine

3- ADHA, obesity and narcolepsy


1- Indirect general agonist

Reuptake inhibitor

Release stored catecholamine

3- ADHA, obesity and narcolepsy


1- Indirect general agonist

Reuptake inhibitor

2- Vasoconstriction and local anesthesia

3- Not give with Beta blockers because of unopposed alpha 1 action causes hypertension and coronary vasospasm


1- Indirect general agonist

Release stored catecholamines

2- Hypotension , urinary incontinence and mason decongestant (pseudoephedrine)

What is the sympathomimetics effect of dopamine at high dose

Vasoconstriction (alpha effect)

What dose of dopamine would cause increase cardiac contraction and heart rate

Low dose (beta effect predominate)

What 3 sympathomimetics decrease BP




What are the effects of norepinephrine on blood pressure pulse pressure wand heart rate

Increase blood pressure

Increase pulse pressure

Decrease HR by reflex bradycardia

Which of the following has the greatest impact on cardiac output

Norepinephrine epinephrine or Isoproterenol

Isoproterenol > Epinephrine > Norepinephrine

Alpha 2 agonist sympatholytics

1-Clonidine , guanfacine

2- Alpha methyl dopa

3- Tazanidine

Alpha 2 agonist sympatholytics

1-Clonidine , guanfacine

2- Alpha methyl dopa

3- Tazanidine

Clonidine guanfacine

1- ADHA, Tourette syndrome, symptoms of opioid withdrawal and hypertensive urgency

2- 1- Bradycardia

2- CNS depression

3- Respiratory depression

4- Miosis

5- Hypotension

6- Rebound hypertension is abrupt cessation

Alpha methydopa

1- Hypertension in pregnancy

2- 1- Direct Coombs positive hemolysis

2- Drug induced lupus

3- Hyperprolactemia

Alpha methydopa

1- Hypertension in pregnancy

2- 1- Direct Coombs positive hemolysis

2- Drug induced lupus

3- Hyperprolactemia


1- Relive spasticity

2- 1- Hypotension

2- Weakness

3- Xerostomia

No selective alpha blocker



No selective alpha blocker



Selective alpha blocker





No selective alpha blocker



Selective alpha blocker





Alpha 2 selective blocker


No selective alpha blocker



Selective alpha blocker





Alpha 2 selective blocker



1- Irreversible

2- Pheochromocytoma (use preoperatively) to prevent catecholamine (hypertensive) crises

3- Orthostatic hypotension, Reflex tachycardia

No selective alpha blocker



Selective alpha blocker





Alpha 2 selective blocker



1- Irreversible

2- Pheochromocytoma (use preoperatively) to prevent catecholamine (hypertensive) crises

3- Orthostatic hypotension, Reflex tachycardia


1- Reversible

2- Given to patients on MAO inhibited who eat tyramine containing food and severs cocaine induced hypertension (2nd line)

3- Orthostatic hypertension and reflex tachycardia

No selective alpha blocker



Selective alpha blocker





Alpha 2 selective blocker



1- Irreversible

2- Pheochromocytoma (use preoperatively) to prevent catecholamine (hypertensive) crises

3- Orthostatic hypotension, Reflex tachycardia


1- Reversible

2- Given to patients on MAO inhibited who eat tyramine containing food and severs cocaine induced hypertension (2nd line)

3- Orthostatic hypertension and reflex tachycardia

Prazosine, terozosin, doxazosin and tamsulosin

1- Urinary symptoms of BPH, PTSD( prazosin) and hypertension(except tamsulosin)

2- 1st dose Orthostatic hypotension, dizziness and headache

Non selective alpha blocker



Selective alpha blocker





Alpha 2 selective blocker



1- Irreversible

2- Pheochromocytoma (use preoperatively) to prevent catecholamine (hypertensive) crises

3- Orthostatic hypotension, Reflex tachycardia


1- Reversible

2- Given to patients on MAO inhibited who eat tyramine containing food and severs cocaine induced hypertension (2nd line)

3- Orthostatic hypertension and reflex tachycardia

Prazosine, terozosin, doxazosin and tamsulosin

1- Urinary symptoms of BPH, PTSD( prazosin) and hypertension(except tamsulosin)

2- 1st dose Orthostatic hypotension, dizziness and headache


1- Depression

2- Sedation, Increase serum cholesterol and increase appetite

What happen to heart rate after administration of phenylephrine following a alpha blocker


Phosphodiesterase inhibitor

Inhibit PDE which catalyzes the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP

Phosphodiesterase inhibitor

Inhibit PDE which catalyzes the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP

Non specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor (theophylline)

1- Decrease cAMP hydrolysis - Increase cAMP- Increase bronchial smooth muscle relaxation- Bronchodilation

2- COPD/Asthma

3- Adverse effect 1- Cardiotoxicity (Tachycardia and arrhythmia)

2- Neurotoxicity (headache)

3- Abdominal pain

4- Mild diuretic

Phosphodiesterase inhibitor

Inhibit PDE which catalyzes the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP

Non specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor (theophylline)

1- Decrease cAMP hydrolysis - Increase cAMP- Increase bronchial smooth muscle relaxation- Bronchodilation

2- COPD/Asthma

3- Adverse effect 1- Cardiotoxicity (Tachycardia and arrhythmia)

2- Neurotoxicity (headache)

3- Abdominal pain

4- Mild diuretic

PDE 5 inhibitor (sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil, avanafil)

1- Decrease cGMP hydrolysis- Increase cGMP- Increase smooth muscle relaxation by enhancing no activity - Pulmonary vasodilation and increase blood flow to carpus cavernous fills the penis

2- Use 1- Erectile dysfunction

2- BPH (tadafil)

3- Pulmonary hypertension

3- Adverse effects 1- Facial flushing

2- Headache

3- Hypotension

4- Cyanopia(sildenafil) - blue tent vision due to inhibition of PDE6 in retina

5- Dyspepsia

Phosphodiesterase inhibitor

Inhibit PDE which catalyzes the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP

Non specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor (theophylline)

1- Decrease cAMP hydrolysis - Increase cAMP- Increase bronchial smooth muscle relaxation- Bronchodilation

2- COPD/Asthma

3- Adverse effect 1- Cardiotoxicity (Tachycardia and arrhythmia)

2- Neurotoxicity (headache)

3- Abdominal pain

4- Mild diuretic

PDE 5 inhibitor (sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil, avanafil)

1- Decrease cGMP hydrolysis- Increase cGMP- Increase smooth muscle relaxation by enhancing no activity - Pulmonary vasodilation and increase blood flow to carpus cavernous fills the penis

2- Use 1- Erectile dysfunction

2- BPH (tadafil)

3- Pulmonary hypertension

3- Adverse effects 1- Facial flushing

2- Headache

3- Hypotension

4- Cyanopia(sildenafil) - blue tent vision due to inhibition of PDE6 in retina

5- Dyspepsia

Phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor Roflumilast

1- Increase cAMP in neutrophils, granulocytes and bronchial epithelium

2- Severe COPD

3- Adverse effects- 1- Abdominal pain

2- weight loss

3- mental disorder (depression)

Phosphodiesterase inhibitor

Inhibit PDE which catalyzes the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP

Non specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor (theophylline)

1- Decrease cAMP hydrolysis - Increase cAMP- Increase bronchial smooth muscle relaxation- Bronchodilation

2- COPD/Asthma

3- Adverse effect 1- Cardiotoxicity (Tachycardia and arrhythmia)

2- Neurotoxicity (headache)

3- Abdominal pain

4- Mild diuretic

PDE 5 inhibitor (sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil, avanafil)

1- Decrease cGMP hydrolysis- Increase cGMP- Increase smooth muscle relaxation by enhancing no activity - Pulmonary vasodilation and increase blood flow to carpus cavernous fills the penis

2- Use 1- Erectile dysfunction

2- BPH (tadafil)

3- Pulmonary hypertension

3- Adverse effects 1- Facial flushing

2- Headache

3- Hypotension

4- Cyanopia(sildenafil) - blue tent vision due to inhibition of PDE6 in retina

5- Dyspepsia

Phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor Roflumilast

1- Increase cAMP in neutrophils, granulocytes and bronchial epithelium

2- Severe COPD

3- Adverse effects- 1- Abdominal pain

2- weight loss

3- mental disorder (depression)

PDE-3 inhibitor Milrinone

1- In cardiomyocytes

Increase cAMP- increase Ca influx- increase ionotropy and chronotropy

In vascular smooth muscle

Increase cAMP- MLCK inhibition- vasodilation- Decrease preload and afterload

2- Acute decompensated HR with carcinogenic shock

3- Adverse effect 1- Tachycardia

2- ventricular arrhythmia

3- Hypotension

Phosphodiesterase inhibitor

Inhibit PDE which catalyzes the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP

Non specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor (theophylline)

1- Decrease cAMP hydrolysis - Increase cAMP- Increase bronchial smooth muscle relaxation- Bronchodilation

2- COPD/Asthma

3- Adverse effect 1- Cardiotoxicity (Tachycardia and arrhythmia)

2- Neurotoxicity (headache)

3- Abdominal pain

4- Mild diuretic

PDE 5 inhibitor (sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil, avanafil)

1- Decrease cGMP hydrolysis- Increase cGMP- Increase smooth muscle relaxation by enhancing no activity - Pulmonary vasodilation and increase blood flow to carpus cavernous fills the penis

2- Use 1- Erectile dysfunction

2- BPH (tadafil)

3- Pulmonary hypertension

3- Adverse effects 1- Facial flushing

2- Headache

3- Hypotension

4- Cyanopia(sildenafil) - blue tent vision due to inhibition of PDE6 in retina

5- Dyspepsia

Phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor Roflumilast

1- Increase cAMP in neutrophils, granulocytes and bronchial epithelium

2- Severe COPD

3- Adverse effects- 1- Abdominal pain

2- weight loss

3- mental disorder (depression)

PDE-3 inhibitor Milrinone

1- In cardiomyocytes

Increase cAMP- increase Ca influx- increase ionotropy and chronotropy

In vascular smooth muscle

Increase cAMP- MLCK inhibition- vasodilation- Decrease preload and afterload

2- Acute decompensated HR with carcinogenic shock

3- Adverse effect 1- Tachycardia

2- ventricular arrhythmia

3- Hypotension

Platelets inhibitor cilostozol (PDE-3 inhibitor) dipyridamole

1- Increase cAMP- inhibition of platelet aggregation

2- Use 1- cardiac stress test (dipyridamole only due to coronary vasodilation)

2- Intermittent clarification

3- Prevention of coronary stent restenosis

4- Stroke and TIA prevention (with aspirin)

3- Adverse effect 1- Facial flushing

2- Headache

3- Hypotension

4- Abdominal pain

5- Nausea

Dipyridomole othe MOA

Inhibit adenosine reuptake by platelets- increase extracellular adenosine- vasodilation

Hypotension with PD5 inhibitor due to what other medication
