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46 Cards in this Set

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What are some things to consider when fitting hearing aids for a patient? (6)
-style and type of aid
-earmold type
-mon- or binaural fitting
-extra features
-frequency/gain characteristics
-cost to patient
What are the advantages to binaural hearing aids? (7)
-better localization (know where sound is coming from)
-elmination of head-shadow effect
-better hearing in noise
-loudness sumation
-wider dynamic range, due to summation
-more "balanced" feeling
-reduces concern for auditory deprivation
What is the Head-Shadow Effect?
head creates a "shadow" between the two ears. this affects the transmission of high frequency sounds from one side to the other
What is binaural summation?
when we listen with 2 ears, sounds from the ears "add" in the central auditory system and increase loudness perception
What is auditory deprivation?
a decrease in speech recognition in an ear over time due to lack of auditory stimulation
True or false: After fitting a hearing aid, you should send the patient on his/her way without any instruction.
False; go over use and care of aid
True or false: It is a good idea to have a significant other of the patient present during hearing aid orientation.
True; they can better understand how hearing aid works and may help patient with acceptance of hearing aid
What are some things to show the patient about the hearing aid before they go home?
-location of microphone
-any special switches on aid
-battery compartment and how to insert the battery (write down battery size)
-how to operate volume control, if there is one
-how to insert aid and take it off
-use of remote control or bluetooth (if applicable)
What is this: An amplification system that is typically used in classrooms to improve the SNR for students, due to poor classroom acoustics.
FM system
True or false: FM systems can be used by themselves or dovetailed to a personal hearing aid.
Why do we use FM systems?
-noise and reverberation
What 4 factors influence speech perception?
-hearing loss
What is the typical SNR for classrooms?
0-5 dB
True or false: Personal hearing aids are sufficient for deaf and hard of hearing children to use in the classroom.
False; they amplify both speech and background noise in the environment. This limits their effectiveness.
How many dB does sound decrease for every doubling of distance?
6 dB
The speech signal not only is attenuated as it travels, but it also becomes embedded in the _______________ and _______________. This creates a difficult listening scenario for the child in the classroom who wears a conventional hearing aid.
background noise and reverberation
What are the advantages of FM systems?
-constant favorable SNR
-mobility between speaker/listener
-compatibility with personal hearing aids
-can be packaged in a BTE unit
How is Constant Favorable SNR achieved?
conceptually, it is achieved because the input to the system (microphone) is placed close to the speaker (teacher or student's mouth). In hearing aids the input is located at a distance far removed from the speaker.
Research has demonstrated that FM systems provide an improvement in SNR of ___ to _____ dB over conventional hearing aids.
+10 to +15 dB
FM systems are capable of providing a SNR of ___ to ___ dB, provided they are used appropriately.
+15 to +20 dB
True or false: FM systems operate on the same principle as an FM radio.
In FM system operation, the teachers voice is broadcast from a _______________ on a radio frequency to a __________________ worn by the student, which is set like a radio or TV to the same channel as the transmitting device from the teacher.
-transmitting device
-receiving unit
What radio frequencies do the majority of FM systems used in educational systems operate on?
216-217 MHz (also called N-band)
By whom AND for what did the radio frequencies/N-bands used for FM systems get reserved for?
-by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
-for Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)
For FM systems, it is important to remember to tune the transmitter and the receiver to what?
the same frequency
True or false: Sometimes, newer "radio technologies" such as pagers and cell phones interfere with the FM systems.
What are some outside interference sources for FM systems?
-cell phones
-fax machines
What are some inside interference sources for FM systems?
-computer screens
-internet cable systems
What is the transmitting range for FM systems?
indoors within a normal room is at least 7 meters, and perhaps up to 15 meters
What might the transmission range for FM systems be affected by?
-metal barriers
-condition of batteries in FM and aids
-local interference
-radio transmission
Who wears the microphones/transmitters for FM systems?
the teacher; most use a clip-on lapel or headworn boom microphone attached via cord (the antenna) to the transmitter
What are the different types of microphones for FM systems?
-omnidirectional (equally sensitive to all information around microphone)
-super zoom
What public places might have automatic synchronization via a wall pilot for the FM system to the aid?
-seminar rooms
-theme parks
Who wears the receiver as part of an FM system?
the student; all have volume controls
-some have environmental microphones that allow the student to receive the FM signal from the teacher, and at the same time monitor their immediate acoustic environment
What are the 3 types of receivers for FM systems?
-personal (hooked to child's personal HA)
-self contained (used in place of HA. there are internal controls)
-BTE (these are FM and HAs in a BTE hearing aid case)
Currently, the majority of FM systems are fit using what type of receiver?
What are the 2 leading wireless FM companies?
-Phonak and Oticon
What are the coupling options for personal FM systems for those who do not use BTE receivers?
-earphones/buds (typically for mild or unilateral HL or normal hearing with central auditory problems)
-neckloop (HA must have t-coil, not good for severe and profound HL)
-direct audio input
What other technologies can be used with FM systems?
stereos and tvs
What is the power source for FM systems?
typically rechargable batteries
What are the types of batteries typically used with FM systems?
-nickel cadmium (memory problems)
-nickel-metal-hydroxide (NiMH) (better life, faster discharge rate, no memory problems)
-lithium (used in computers, too expensive)
What are some things to keep in mind for FM systems? (6)
-receiver must receive power from HI battery
-must have audio input to HI
-must have working HI
-receiver must be set to transmitting frequency (channel)
-transmitter must have proper antenna
-transmitter and microphone must be turned on and working
What are 4 manufacturers of FM systems?
-Phonak (Micro-Link)
-AVR Sonovation/ Logicom Xp
-Oticon (Amigo)
-Comtek/ Audio Enhancement (inexpensive)
Who is responsible for the care and maintenance of the FM systems used in educational settings?
the school
For BTE receivers used in FM systems, what cost issue is a controversy currently in educational settings?
who is responsible for the cost of the FM receiver, the parents or the school?
Who purchases the microphone/transmitter unit for educational settings?
the school