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138 Cards in this Set

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Duodenum length:
1 meter in length
Location of duodenum:
right of midline, extends caudally and dorsally right abdomen, passes root of mesentery and right kidney, related to the transverse colon by duodenocolic fold, caudal to right kidney turns medially to left abdomen, to duodenojejunal flexure
Major duodenal papilla:
opening from the bile duct, pancreatic duct
Minor duodenal papilla:
opening to the accessory pancreatic duct. More distally the duodenum is.
Location of jejunum:
left dorsal abdomen
Distinguishing feature of ileum:
anti-mesenteric band, a continuation of the dorsal cecal band, can be referred to as ileocecal fold
Composition of ileocecal orifice:
3 muscular layers: inner circular layer, middle longitudinal layer continguous with longitudinal layer of ileum, outer layer continguous with circular layer of cecum
Duodenal blood supply:
gastroduodenal artery, a branch of the celiac artery
Jejunal arterial supply:
multiple jejunal arteries, branch from the cranial mesenteric artery
Arrangement of jejunal arteries:
comprise arcades within the mesojejunum, each arcade consists of a major jejunal artery, an arcuate vessel that forms a loop with the next jejunal vessel, and several vasa recta that pass from the arcuate vessel to the intestinal wall
Ileal blood supply:
ileal artery, a branch of the ileocecal artery, which is a branch of the cranial mesenteric artery
Location of digestion and absorption of nutrients:
predominately proximal half of small intestine
Location of absorption of water:
predominately distal third of the small intestine
How does small intestinal mucosal anatomy differs from other regions?
presence of villi, which are finger-like projections of epithelium
How crypts related to villi?
Villi are surrounded by crypts. After several cellular divisions, columnar cells in the crypts migrate to the villus
What stimulates release of digestive enzymes?
Hydrogen ions, protein, and fat in the duodenum stimulate the pancreas and liver to secrete digestive enzymes, secretin, and bile acids
released from S cells and results in secretion of water and HCO3 into the lumen
Role of HCO3 secretion:
neutralizes hydrogen ions preventing duodenal mucosal injury, provides functional pH for enzymes, and increases solubility of bile and fatty acids
What do protein and fat stimulate the release of?
cholecystokinin (CCK) from I cells
Function of CCK?
stimulates the pancreas to release amylase for carbohydrate digestion, lipase for fat digestion, and several enzymes for protein digestion
What are the enzymes for protein digestion secreted from the pancreas:
trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, and elastase
What cells comprise the mucosal epithelium?
predominately enterocytes, goblet cells, enteroendocrine cells, paneth cells, and undifferentiated columnar cells
Arrangement of enterocytes:
microvilli, forming a brush border
Function of brush border enterocytes:
further digest nutrients, after initial breakdown by pancreatic enzymes, and absorb digestive products
Enzymes used by microvilli enterocytes for digestion:
disaccharidases to digest carbohydrates and peptidases to digest proteins
How does water and ion movement occurs?
transcellular and paracellular mechanisms
Sodium movement:
from lumen to cell down electrochemical gradient and from cell to circulation against its electrochemical gradient, using Na/K-ATPase pumps
Benefit of Na electrochemical gradient:
sufficient to move chloride, glucose, AA, and B vitamins into the cell against electrochemical gradients
Primary mechanism for water movement:
Benefits of paracellular water movement:
pulls low molecular weight substances, such as Ca, Mg, AA, and glucose with it
What is transcellular water movement linked to?
osmotic gradient produced by pumping of Na out of cell, gradient pulls water into the cell, increasing intracellular hydrostatic pressure, which forces water across the membrane into the capillary bed
Pancreatic amylase products:
oligo- and disaccharides
How are oligo- and disaccharides digested?
to monosaccharides by brush border oligosaccharidases and disaccharidases
Examples of monosaccharides:
fructose, glucose, and galactose
How are glucose and glactose moved from the lumen to the cell?
by Na- dependent cotransporters
How is fructose moved from lumen to cell?
cellular diffusion and does not require Na
How are monosaccharides moved from cell to capillary bed?
occurs through passive transport down a concentration gradient
Pancreatic peptidases products:
small neutral peptides
How are small neutral peptides digested?
broken down to dipeptides, tripeptides, or AA by brush border oligopeptidases, Intracellular enterocyte oligopeptidases reduce peptides to AA
How are AA transported to the capillary?
down a concentration gradient
Pancreatic lipase products:
fatty acids and monoglycerides from long and medium chain triglycerides
How do fatty acids, monoglycerides, fat-soluble vitamins, and cholesterol move from lumen to cell?
combine with bile acids to form a water soluble micelle. Micelles carry these substances to brush border for release and absorption, from the lumen to the cell, down a concentration gradient
How do fatty acids and monoglycerides move out of the cell?
formed to chylomicrons in cell, which are released to lymphatics
How is iron absorbed?
If systemic stores are low, Fe enters the cell from the lumen, remains unbound, and is transported out of the cell by transferrin receptors. If systemic stores are adequate, enterocytes are high in an iron-binding protein called apoferritin. After entering the cell from the lumen, iron is bound to apoferritin to form ferritin. Ferritin remains stored in the cell and is lost when the brush border enterocyte exfoliates at the end of its life span
Where does Ca absorption occur?
predominately in the duodenum
How does Ca move from lumen to enterocyte?
down a concentration gradient using a transporter and complexed to a Ca- specific binding protein
What regulates Ca-specific binding protein?
Vitamin D bioactive form, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
How is Ca transported from the cell to the capillary bed?
against its electrochemical gradient using Ca-ATPase pumps
What do crypt cells secrete?
chime, secretory IgA, and noxious or infectious agents, mucus
Layers of smooth muscle of the small intestine:
outer longitudinal layer, inner circular layer
Function of outer longitudinal muscle layer:
responsible for synchronous shortening and widening of segemnts
Function of inner circular layers:
responsible for rhythmic segmentation, lengthening and narrowing the lumen
What controls longitudinal shortening?
interstitial cells of cajal (ICC)
What are ICC?
pacemaker cells
Where are ICC located?
either associated with the muscle or are within myenteric plexuses
Types of myoelectric activity of the smooth muscle:
slow wave or an action potential
What are slow waves?
phasic oscillations of the smooth muscle resting potential, responsible for the rhythmicity of muscular contractions
What are smooth muscle action potentials?
created when threshold of muscle cells is lowered and the phasic slow wave depolarizes
Phases of migrating motor complex:
Phase 1 only slow waves without any action potentials, phase 2 has slow waves with occasional or intermittent action potentials, phase 3 has an action potential for every slow wave
Benefits of MMC?
reduces bacterial colonization in the small intestine and phase 2 is responsible for moving most of a digested meal through the small intestine
Neural control of motility:
Sympathetic input (cranial and caudal mesenteric plexuses), parasympathetic input (vagus nerve), enteric nervous system
What is the enteric nervous system composed of?
ganglia in the myenteric plexus and the submucosal plexus
What do myenteric neurons innervate?
longitudinal muscular layers and the outer circular layer
What do submucosal plexus neurons innervate?
inner circular musculature
How does ileal motility control differ from other portions of the small intestine?
ileum also has migrating action potential complex (MAPC), serotonin & presence of intraluminal fatty acids increase peristalsis
What can small intestinal injury result from?
small intestinal distention or ischemia or both
MOA of distention injury:
Gas distention or intraluminal ingesta can compress mural veins, compression increases capillary pressure results in filtration of fluid from the vessel into the interstitium, causing tissue edema, fluid moves from the tissues into the intestinal lumen, arterial compression leads to complete ischemia of the tissues, mucosal injury results in loss of the epithelial barrier, endotoxin exposure
What injury can result after decompression of distended intestine?
Serosal edema and serosal infiltration by RBC and WBC
migration of crypt cells to cover the villus tip in early healing
Examples of non-strangulating disease:
ileal impaction, ileal muscular hypertrophy, ascarid impaction, proximal enteritis, neoplasia, gastroduodenal obstruction, and inflammatory diseases
Risk factors for ileal impactions:
coastal Bermuda grass hay, especially in southwest US, seasonal predilection may be present, with many cases occurring in the fall, tapeworm (anaplocephala perfoliata) infestation
Reasons for post-operative failure with parascaris equorum infestation:
undetected intestinal damage, release of toxins or antigenic proteins from dead worms, pre-existing debilitation, pre-exisiting pneumonia, and failure to remove a significant portion of worms at surgery
Ascarid control:
use of anthelmintics effective against parascaris, deworming no sooner than 60 days of age, retreating at interval sufficient to prevent pasture contamination, allowing passage of a modest amount of worms to decrease selection pressure for anthelmintic resistance
Results of inflammation associated with proximal enteritis:
disruption of mucosal barrier, endotoxemia, liver injury results when duodenal contents are refluxed into the common bile duct, resulting in ascending infection and absorption of endotoxemia
Treatment goals of proximal enteritis:
frequent gastric decompression, maintain fluid and electrolyte balances, and restore normal intestinal function, prevention or attenuation of endotoxemia
Inflammatory intestinal diseases:
proliferative enteropathy caused by lawsonia intercellularis, eosinophilic gastroenteritis, idiopathic focal eosinophilic enteritis, and intestinal pythiosis.
Examples of strangulating obstruction:
volvulus, epiploric foramen entrapment, pedunculated lipoma, intussusception, mesenteric rents, inguinal herniation, gastro-splenic ligament entrapment, vitalline anomalies, umbilical herniation, and digphragmatic herniation
rotation of jejunum or jejunum and ileum around the mesentery into distinct spirals
Volvulus nodulus:
occurs when the jejunum and ileum undergo a 360 rotation and form a mesenteric pouch which traps prestenotic jejunum, pulling the ileum into the pouch, to form a loop that knots the entrapment
Borders of epiploic foramen:
dorsal and craniodorsal caudate process of the right liver, cranioventral border is the portal vein, and the gastropancreatic fold is the ventral border
Factors associated with the development of EFE:
increased periods of stabling (i.e. in fall and winter), cribbing behavior, history of colic in the previous year, and an increased height of the individual horse
Anatomy of most EFE:
occur from small intestine located on the left traversing to the right abdomen through the foramen
Locations of intussusception:
jejunojejunal, jejunoileal, ileoileal, and ileocecal
intussuscipien :
outer, exposed portion of the intussusception
intussesceptum :
inner, unexposed, entrapped portion
Surgical correction of ileoileal and ileocecal intussusceptions:
reduction, reduction with myotomy, incomplete bypass
Describe typhlotomy technique to remove non-reducible intussusception:
distal jejunum transected with stapling devise close to ileocecal junction, stab incision made into cecum, intussuscption pulled through cecal incision, incision made into wall of intussescipien and intussusceptum exteriorized through incision until transected end of jejunum is distal to final transection site, final transection of ileum made within lumen of cecum using a stapling devise
Complications of typhlotomy technique to remove intussusception:
hemorrhage if mesenteric vessels tear when pulling the damaged bowel through the cecum
Types of inguinal hernias:
indirect or direct, congenital or acquired
Indirect hernia:
bowel within vaginal tunic after passing through the vaginal ring
Direct hernia:
vaginal tunic ruptured, bowel is in direct contact with the subcutaneous space of the scrotum
What congenital hernias require surgical intervention?
Those that rupture, or do not resolve spontaneously
Approach to congenital hernia repair:
inguinal incision, bowel returned to abdomen, closed castration performed, with a transfixation ligature through the vaginal tunic
Approach to direct hernia repair:
edges of the tunic are identified, bowel is reduced, castration is performed and the tunic closed
Acquired hernia correction:
manual massage standing, in dorsal recumbancy, or by laparoscopic guidance, should have hernioplasty performed to prevent reherniation, hernias that are not amenable to correction by these methods can be approached through an inguinal incision with or without a ventral midline approach
How is hernioplasty performed?
laparoscopically in the recumbent or standing horse and ring closure or coverage can be by graft, mesh, or mesh plug
Benefits of unilateral castration after acquired inguinal hernia:
more complete closure of the tunic and eliminate risk of recurrence
How is small intestine incarcerated through a rent in the gastrosplenic ligament?
passes from caudal to cranial such that the entrapped loop is situated lateral to the stomach and cranial lateral to the spleen
Examples of Vitelline anomalies:
mesodivericular bands or meckel diverticula
Mesodiverticular band:
develop when the vitelline artery and its mesentery do not atrophy during embryonic development
Meckel diverticula:
remnants of the omphalomesenteric (vitelline) duct, which was a communication between the yolk sac and the early embryonic gut
Parietal hernia:
occurs when only the antimesenteric portion of the wall of the ileum is incarcerated
What does successful small intestinal surgery require?
identification & correction of the primary insult, decompression of small intestine, resection of non-viable intestine, preservation of anatomic and physiologic continuity, rapid completion of surgery, early return of intestinal function, and appropriate post-operative support
Intra-operative criteria for judging viability:
serosal color, improvement in color after correction, mesenteric arterial pulse, intestinal motility either spontaneous or evoked
Freeman’s viability grades:
Grade I: Improves within 15 minutes after correction of the lesion and is similar to healthy adjacent bowel, but slightly darker pink, with mild edema and rare ecchymoses. Motility spontaneous or induced by snapping a finger against the intestinal wall; Grade II: Improves within 15 minutes after correction of the lesion and has marked edema, with extensive ecchymoses, coalescing into diffuse patches of red against a background of dark pink, and no circumferential constrictions at points of strangulation. Motility weak or induced by snapping a finger against the intestinal wall; Grade III: Similar to Grade II, with some circumferential constriction in the wall and/or black patches or stripes against a red background; Grade IV: Improves slightly or not at all within 15 minutes after correction of the lesion and predominantly dark red, blue or purple, with bowel wall thickness ranging from thin to thick, a flaccid wall, little or no motility and with or without black striations, a necrotic odor or constrictions at points of strangulation; Grade V: Diffusely grey, black, or green amotile bowel with or without a necrotic odor.
Describe decompression of the bowel through a proposed resected portion:
mesenteric vessel ligated 2-3 times or ligated and transected with a LDS , leaving a tail of suture, mesentery cut a set distance from bowel, ligating vessels in mesentery as reached, bowel exteriorized and emptied away from the surgical field, proximal and distal aspects of freed bowel can be anastomosed, ends of mesenteric suture gathered and tied
Options for anastomosis involving the jejunum:
hand sewn end to end jejunojejunostomy, stapled side to side jejunojejunostomy, or stapled functional end to end jejunojejunostomy
Describe hand sewn EE JJO:
large stoma should be created by cutting intestine at 50 to 60 degree angle or by creating S shaped curve, single suture placed first through mesenteric ends and antimesenteric ends to align the ends properly, closed in single or double layer closure
Benefits of cushings pattern:
less exposure of suture material
Disadvantage of cushing pattern:
more likely to purse string the bowel
Disadvantages of double layer closure:
excessive seromuscular inversion, stomal constriction, and post-operative obstruction
Advantages of stapled JJO:
speed, reduced tissue handling, improved tissue blood flow, and reduced contamination risk
Disadvantage of stapled anastomoses:
Benefit of EE anastomoses:
maintain normal anatomic positioning and physiologic continuity
Disadvantages of SS anastomoses:
increase the number of raw edges, suture lines, and staple lines, which may increase focal inflammation
Describe SS JJO:
proximal and distal jejunum blind end stumps are created with either a TA90 or cut and closed manually with Parker-Kerr technique, 2 ends aligned side by side along the antimesenteric border, stay sutures placed in each segment, stab incision made into each portion of jejunum, GIA or ILA introduced into stab incision, fired to create a stoma and place 2 lines of staples on either side of the stoma, stab incisions are oversewn in inverted pattern
Describe function EE JJO:
exposed ends of the transected jejunal stumps are not closed, but aligned with each open end next to each other, GIA or ILA fired between the 2 segments from the open end, then the open portion is closed
Types of Jejunocecal or ileocecal anastomosis:
side to side or end to side
Benefits of SS JCO:
creates a larger stoma
Complications of ES JCO:
bowel kinking, adhesion formation, impaction, intusseception of the anastomosis, and torsion
Describe ES JCO:
stoma created between dorsal and medial cecal bands, transected end of intestine directed toward the cecal base, region of stoma creation on cecum elevated with babcock forceps, mesenteric and antimesenteric ends of attached to cecum with single sutures, lembert or cushings pattern used on 1 side to appose seromuscular layer of intestine to seromuscular layer of cecum, incision made in cecum, exposed edges of cecum and intestine apposed with simple continuous full thickness suture pattern on both sides of stoma, final side apposed with lembert or cushings inverted pattern, free intestinal mesentery sewn to cecum, following to ileocecal fold, ileal stump, and previously gathered mesentery
Descrbe SS JCO:
free end of jejunum or ileum is oversewn in Parker-Kerr technique or transected with TA90, placement of intestinal end is between dorsal and medial cecal bands, directed toward the base, hand sewn or can be created with stapling devises
Advantages of JIO over JCO:
preservation of anatomic and physiologic conditions, especially function of the ileocecal valve
Disadvantages of JIO:
obstruction of the anastomosis
Surgical approach to the duodenum in the adult horse:
cranial ventral midline to J shaped incision, with the table tilted to elevate the front end of the horse
Post-operative small intestinal diet:
small amounts of a high fiber diet
Benefits of high fiber diet:
stimulates propulsive motility and enhanced healing of anastomosis by flow of intestinal content through the region
Indications for repeat celiotomy:
post-operative colic
Common findings on repeat celiotomy:
Ileus, obstruction of the anastomosis, and intestinal ischemia
Disadvantages of repeat celiotomy:
increased risk of incisional infection and cost
Post-operative small intestinal surgical complications:
anastomotic obstruction, pain, endotoxemia, ileus, adhesions, and short bowel syndrome
Causes of mechanical obstruction of the anastomosis:
impaction of feed material, hematoma formation, constriction, and shortening of the mesentery
Result of prolonged anastomotic obstruction:
peritonitis and adhesion formation
What increases risks of anastomotic obstruction?
JCO and failure to decompress small intestine
Why is anastomotic obstruction risk greater with JCO?
when the small intestinal segment is directed toward the cecal apex, bypass of the function of the ileocecal valve, and the sharp transition between intestinal segments with differing functions, and devitalized ileal stump creating a focus for adhesions
Factors that may contribute to post-operative ileus:
increased PCV and heart rate, length of intestinal segment affected and or resected, duration of surgery, duration of anesthesia, segment affected, and increasing age
Factors that may contribute to the formation of adhesions:
ileus, ischemia, foreign material, serosal abrasion, excessive handling, and large suture material
Most common location of intussesception: