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26 Cards in this Set

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Inner ear
2 parts:
1. cochlea (snail part, hearing component)
2. vestibular (3 semicircular canals, balance)
3 semicircular canals
filled with fluid and hair cells
perpendicular to each other
as move, fluid moves
involved with balance
eustachian tube
maintains equal air pressure
allows ear drum to vibrate
connects middle ear air cavity to throat
if tube is blocked, then pressure increases/if in plane and could cause to burst
if under water, can cause pain
outer ear
serves as funnel
sound waves and air directed towards the tynpanic membrane (ear drum)
collects sound waves (energy)
funnels sound waves
conduction via air of sound waves funneled into middle ear
tynpanic membrane
ear drum
Divisions of the ear
1. outer ear
2. middle ear
3. inner ear
filled in 2 sections with fluid
perilymph- fluid cause motion
goes to temporal lobe where it is interpreted
hearing mechanism
AKA acoustic nerve
person who measures hearing
study of hearing
descriptive measurement of hearing
graph on which a person's ability to hear different pitches at different volumes of sound is recorded
Middle ear
connected to back of throat
air filled cavity within temporal bone
Auditory Ossicles: 3 bones- free moving
1. malleus
2. incus
3. stapes
air hits ear drum which vibrates causing ossicles to move converting air waves to mechanical energy
Auditory Ossicles:
Air hits ear drum which vibrates ossicles to move converting air waves to mechanical energy
3 bones- free moving
1. malleus
2. incus
3. stapes
canal absent or clogged
ossicles inflamed and may fuse together
no transmission of sound
affects sound waves in outer ear in air and mechanical in inner ear
Otitis media
middle ear infection
ossicles become inflamed
hearing impaired because of collection of fluids
Meniere's disease
fluid in inner tube is under great pressure
due to vascular changes
Central auditory disorders
essential auditory disorders
problem in brain stem
hearing is fine
acoustic neruoma (like tumor)
growth developed
may be operable
Sensorineural disorders
nerve that leaves cochlea to brain/cochlea damages
most surgical/operable
problem at the cochlear
congenital, hereditary, time, prenatal
listening to loud music
ototoxic drugs
damage to hair cells
meiere's disease
presbycusis- old hearing
Non-organic loss
everything is organically correct except oerson is not hearing
mysterical conversion- psychotic
psychogenic/psychiatric reasons
no organic problem
not surgical
conductive disorders
problems in the otuer or middle ear only
otitis media
punctured ear drum
ear wax build up
sound arising in or around cochlea
ringing in ears
may be distrubing and lead to emotional problems
Hearing based on
baseline of 0
described as decibal losses
Hearing aids
used for conductive types of hearing loss
sound waves are amplified
Prelingually deaf
became deaf before speech was a skill
difficult to understand
valsafa technique
blow nose slowly with air to equalize pressure in ear