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31 Cards in this Set

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A traveling wave of ______________ Hz from sound will have displacement of the Basilar Membrane.
400 Hz
when stereocilium move lateral, what does that mean?
when stereocilium moves medial, what does that mean?
What serves as amplifies of the Organ of Corti?
Outer Hair cells
The efferent nerve fibers to the Organ of Corti come from where?
Superior Olivary Complex
What is a way to sense hearing in newborns?
Otoacuoustic emissions (20 db can be emitted)
What would be a cause of reduced otoacoustic emissions?
background noise
What are the efferent fibers running to Outer Hair cells?
Medial Olivocochlear Efferent (MO, MO, MO)
What are the efferent fibers running to the Inner Hair cells?
Lateral Olivocochlear Efferent (IO, IO, IO)
What protects the oval window from harmful sound waves?
Stapedius (innerv. by CN VII)
What is activated bilaterally in order to protect the inner ear from harmful sounds?
Tensor Tympani
Where do you find the Primary Auditory Complex?
Transverse Temporal Gyrus of Heschl (Area 41)
Middle ear infection can cause what kind of hearing loss?
Stapes bone outgrowth could cause what?
Conductive Hearing Loss
What is loss of ability for efficient conversion of airborne sound waves to pressure waves in the perilymph?
Conductive Hearing Loss
Test for Conductive hearing loss?
Test for Conductive and Sensorineural hearing loss?
What would a brainstem auditory evoked potential look like for someone with acoustic neuroma?
peaks will be smaller and delayed. (looks more rounded off and not sharp and jagged)
What is the frequency of sound waves ?
Pitch (Hz)
What is the most sensitive frequency used for spoken language?
1,000-3,000 Hz
What is the magnitude of the sound?
How do you calculate decibels?
20log P / Pi
Upward displacement of the Basilar Membrane causes what?
excitation b/c stereocilium move laterally
What causes K+ sensitive channels to open and hyperpolarization to occur?
Medial displacement of stereocilium---Inhibition.
What part of the basilar membrane refers to HIGH frequencies?
Basal part of Basilar Membrane
What part of the basilar membrane refers to LOW frequencies?
Apical part
What hair cell does NOT have phalangeal processes?
Inner hair cell
What is responsible for seperating Inner and Outer Hair cells from the endolymph in scala media?
Pillar Cells
What are Deiter cells?
Outer Phalangeal Cells that surround Outer Hair cells.
What is responsible for the high K+ concentration in the scala media?
Stria Vascularis
Which projects ipsilaterally and which projects contralaterally, LOC or MOC?
Lateral projects ipsi. MO projects CONTRA