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41 Cards in this Set

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What is the relationship between how well sound travels and the stiffness of it’s medium?
The stiffer the medium, the fast the sound travels. Although it takes more force to get it started.

Steel – 5800 m/s
Water – 1500 m/s
What is the Speed of sound in both m/s and f/s?
343 m/s
1125 ft/s
In what direction does sound propagate?
Definition: Propagation
To transfer
Definition: Sound Propagation
The process of air molecules compressing and rarefaction.
Definition: Condensation/Compression
When air molecules become closer to each other either before or after rarefaction
Definition: Rarefaction
The elasticity pulling air molecules back together after they experience compression.
Definition: Static Pressure
Constant Pressure
Definition: Varation Pressure
Fluctuating Pressure
Definition: Elasticity
A resting force. It is the ability of the object to assume to original position once the force has been removed
Definition: High Frequency
Many cycles per second
Associated w/ bright, treble sounds
What makes sound possible?
The vibration of molecules.
Definition: Inertia
The tendency for an object at rest to stay resting
The tendency for an object in motion to stay in motion
Vibrating molecules cause an outward chain reaction.
How does sound travel through the air?
Vibrating molecules cause an outward chain reaction.
EX: Similar to Newtons Cradle
What is a sound medium?
Any object/material that sound waves can travel though.
Ex: Air, Water, Steel
Definition: Frequency
The number of cycles per second (Hertz)
Definition: Cycle
An alternate compression and rarefaction
Definition: Period
The time it takes for once cycle (or one complete pattern repetition).
Definition: Wavelength
the distance covered by one cycle
Definition: Phase
Phase: the point of the cycle reached at a particular time.
Ex: 90, 180, 270, 360
Definition: Low frequency
Few cycles per second
Associated w/ warm, bass sounds
Definition: Hertz
Cycles per second
What is the relationship between Hertz and Frequency?
The higher the hertz the higher the frequency
The lower the hertz the lower the frequency
What is the equation to find Period if you know the Frequency?
i.e: 1/2000 Hz
What is the equation to find Frequency if you know the Period?
i.e: 1/.001 seconds
How many degrees to a phase?
360 Degrees
Why is phase important to hearing?
Phase relationships determine how sounds occurring simultaneously will be added.
Ex: something 180 degree out of phase is canceled out
Definition: Amplitude
The magnitude of the pressure variations—intensity
Definition: Decibel
The unit of measure for intensity
Are decibels linear or exponential
What are the three types of Decibels?
What do they stand for?
SPL- Sound Pressure Level (w/o modification)
HL - Hearing Level (the norm where you hear the sound)
SL- Sensation Level
IL- Intensity Level
Definition: Aperiodic Complex Tones
There is no repetition of a pattern
Definition: Periodic Complex Tones
Patterns of pressure variations that repeat over time
-All pure tones are periodic
Definition: Phase Spectrum
The distribution of the phase (temporal alignment) of the pure tone components that make up sound
Definition: Magnitude Spectrum
The distributions of magnitudes of pure-tone components that make up sound.
Definition: Fourier Analysis
Breaking down the complex sound into its pure tone components
What is the difference between pure tones and complex sounds?
Complex Sound: multiple frequencies at various intensities
Definition: Spectral Splatter
Clicks/glitches from abruptly turning off the sound
Definition: Spectro
-A graph to show the “short-term” spectrum of sound changes
-a 3D plot showing intensity as a function of time and frequency
What is the unit of measurement for SPL?
Dynes/cm2 or Pascals
What is the unit of measurement for IL?
Wats/m2 or water/cm2