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59 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Appareled 10
Verb – outfitted, clothed
Ruminated 14
Verb - thought over a problem
Plaintively 15
Adverb - in a sad manner
Pacifically 15
Adverb - in a peaceful/ calm way
Malevolence 23
Noun - ill-will, desire to hurt others
Constraint 23
Noun - an opposing force
Caustic 39
Adjective - sharp, sarcastic
Replete 42
Adjective - full and satisfied
Adroitly 46
Adverb – skillfully, displaying physical or mental skill
Exonerated 60
Verb - released from blame
Ferret 67
Verb - to sneak around to gather info
Brusquely 69
Adverb - roughly, abruptly, rudely
Capricious 74
Adjective - impulsive, likely to change one's mind
Decorous 79
Adjective - very well-behaved
Rancor 80
Noun - bitterness, dislike
Desultory 85 & 87
Adjective - Random, disorganized, unmethodical
Solicitude 91
Noun - concern, consideration
Acquiesced 97
Verb - To consent or comply passively or without protest. To give in
Condone 100
Verb – to forgive, overlook
Noun – a dislike, hatred
Spasmodically 117
Adverb – convulsively
Malicious 130
Adjective - wicked/ intentionally spiteful; wanting to hurt others
Overt 134
Adjective - open, not hidden
Conspired 140
Verb - having plotted
Remorseless 142
Adjective - showing no pity or compassion
Jubilant 143
Adjective - feeling joy over a success, achievement, or victory
Idiosyncrasy 144
a way of behaving or thinking that is unique to someone, especially an odd or unusual one
Recrimination 144
Noun - an accusation made back against someone who is already accusing you of somethng
Wry 152
Adjective – clever and witty
Profess 156
Verb – to proclaim, to announce
Tenacious 156
Adjective - sticking to a plan, opinion, or decision firmly
Surreptitiously 159
Adverb - done in a sneaky way
Pall 161
Noun – a covering or atmosphere that is dark and gloomy
Abated 164
Verb – reduced, became less and less
Affably 165
Adverb - in a friendly way
Cope 170
Verb – to handle a difficult problem or situation successfully
Demeanor 182
Noun – someone’s outward appearance
Meticulously 187
Adverb – carefully and precisely
Cumbrous 189
Adjective – bulky, unwieldy
Veneer 191
Noun – surface layer
Tacit 192
Adjective – unspoken, silent: implied by or inferred from actions or statements
Sagacity 210
Wiseness, profound knowledge
Wont 211
Adjective – in the habit of, accustomed to
Assailed 213
Verb – attacked vigorously with words or actions
Stolidly 224 & 252
Adverb – in an unemotional, calm way
Lassitude 231
Noun - a state of weariness, not caring
Innocuous 232
Adjective – harmless, innocent
Vindictive 251
Adjective – spiteful, looking for revenge
Opportune 254
Adjective – lucky, happening just at the right time
Cryptic 255
Adjective – full of hidden meaning
Abstract 258
Adjective – not concrete, theoretical
Sadistic 261
Adjective – Intentionally Cruel
Abhorrent 262
Adjective – arousing strong feelings of disapproval or disgust
Palpably 262
Adverb - easily noticeable, intense
Scrupulous 263
Adjective – showing care for what is morally right
Exigencies 263
Noun – an urgent situation that requires immediate attention
Inexorable 264
Adjective – impossible to stop
Callousness 265
Noun – hardhearted, showing no concern for the feelings of others
Gullible 269
very trusting and easily tricked or deceived