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20 Cards in this Set

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Failing to Attend to Info: Failure of Selection in Space
There is a lot of info simultaneously present in front of you and you are simply not capable of noticing it all at once
Failing to Attend to Info: Faluire of Selection in Time
When new info arrives in rapid stream, spending time processing it will cause you to miss some other incoming info
A system of selective attention
Prevents us from becoming overloaded with irrelevant information
Change Blindness
The failure to detect changes in the physical aspects of a scene.
Change Deafness
The failure to detect changes between voices in an auditory scene.
Attention is driven by what type of processing?
Top-Down - it is highly adaptive as it is an effective way of extracting critical info from a flood of input. However, due to the wealth of competing stimuli, bottom down processing some times distracts you from your goal.
Focused Attention
Concentration on one source of input
Divided Attention
More than one source is attended to.
Attentional Blink
A short period which incoming info is not registered.
Repetition Blindness
The failure to detect the later appearance of a stimulus when the stimuli are presented in rapid succession.
Endogenous Attention
Is top-down. Voluntary
Originates from within.
Can be overriden by salient and powerful stimuli which can capture attention and direct you away from the task at hand.
Exogenous Attention
Bottom-down process.
Attention is captured
Stimuli outside oneself
ex: sound of breaking glass or bright coloured shirts
Object- Based Attention
When attention is directed towards an object, all parts of that object are simultaneously selected for processing.
A restriction on the amount of info that can be processed at once
Early Selection
You can remember the attended ear in a shadowing task but only the gender of the speaker in the other ear
Late Selection
You can recognise semantic information in the other ear.
Basically, focus on everything and select only a small thing to go into your attention.
Cocktail Party Effect
Hearing your friend call your name at a loud party is an example of how unattended but high-priority info can still be detected.
Disjunctive Search Trials
The target differs from the other characters of symbols (the distractors) by a single feature (such as shape)
Conjunctive Search Trials
In these trials, the target is defined by a conjunction of features (i.e colour and shape)
Spatial Neglect
Parietal Lobe Damage...opposite side of visual field to damaged area is not attended to.