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54 Cards in this Set

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MDD stands for what and how long do the S/S last?
Major depressive disorder - five specific S/S lasting for a minimum of 2 weeks, occur at least every day for most of the day
Describe MDD with atypical features
S/S include chagnes in appetite or weight gain, excessive daytime sleepiness
Describe MDD with postpartum onset
episode begins within 4 weeks of childbirth
Describe MDD with seasonal characteristics
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which occurs during winter and may be treated with light therapy
Describe MDD with chronic features
a depressive episode that lasts over 2 years
Describe the three phases of MDD
(1) acute - severe symptoms of depression; (2) maintenance - increased ability to function; (3) continuation - remission of S/S
Who are depressive disorders more common in?
2x as common in females between the ages of 15 and 40 than in males
Depression is very common in the elderly and is sometimes confused with dementia. What S/S of depression might be confused with dementia?
memory loss, confusion, behavioral problems such as social isolation or agitation
Serotonin deficiency is a risk factor for what?
lack of energy
Psychomotor retardation
slowed physical movement, slumped posture
Psychomotor agitation
restlessness, pacing, finger tapping
St. John's Wart is used to relieve what?
S/S of mild depression
What are adverse effects of St. John's Wart?
photosensitivity, skin rash, rapid heart rate, GI distress, abdominal pain
What can occur if St. John's Wart is taken with SSRIs?
serotonin syndrome
What is light therapy used for?
it is the first-line Tx for SAD, inhibits nocturnal secretion of melatonin
Describe light therapy?
exposure of the face to 10,000-lux light box for 30 minutes a day, once or in 2 divided doses
What is TMS?
transcranial magnetic stimulation - a new therapy using electromagnetic stimulation of the brain; it may be helpful for depression that is resistant to other forms of Tx
What is VNS
Vagus nerve stimulation - an implanted device that stimulates the vagus nerve, it can be used for clients who have depression that is resistant to at least 4 antidepressant medications
(Ignore this card)
When do bipolar disorders usually emerge?
in late adolescence/early adulthood
Children are not usually diagnosed with bipolar disorders until when?
after the age of 7
Describe the phases of bipolar disorder
(1) acute - acute mania; (2) maintenance - increased ability to function; (3) continuation - remission of S/S
Hypomania is a less severe episode of mania that lasts how long?
at least 4 days
What is a mixed episode of bipolar disorder?
a manic episode and an episode of major depression experienced at the same time - marked impairment in functioning and may require admission to an acute care mental health facility to prevent self-harm or other-directed violence
What is rapid cycling of bipolar disorder?
four or more episodes of acute mania within 1 year
Bipolar I disorder
The client has at least one episode of mania alternating with major depression
Bipolar II disorder
The client has one or more hypomanic episodes alternating with major depressive episodes
The client has at least 2 years of repeated hypomanic episodes alternating with minor depressive episodes
What may lead to a relapse episode of mania in bipolar disorder?
use of substances (ETOH, drugs, caffeine)
How much sleep does a client with mania require?
a minimum of 4-6 hours
(Ignore this card)
Paranoid schizophrenia
characterised by suspicion toward others
Disorganized schizophrenia
characterized by withdrawal from society and very inappropriate behaivors (poor hygiene, muttering constantly); frequently seen among the homeless; S/S include loose associations, bizarre mannerisms, incoherent speech, hallucinations and delusions (much less organized that those in clients with paranoid type)
Schizoaffective disorder
the client's disorder meets both the criteria for schizophrenia and of the affective disorders (depression, mania, or a mixed disorder)
Brief psychotic disorder
the client has psychotic S/S that last between 1 day to 1 month in duration
Schizophreniform disorder
the client has S/S like those of schizophrenia, but the duration is from 1-6 months and social/occupational dysfunction may not be present
Shard psychotic disorder
AKA 'Folie a Deux'
Secondary (induced) psychosis
S/S of psychosis are brought on by a medical disorder or by use of chemical substances
Positive S/S of schizophrenia
These S/S are normal processes, but at abnormal levels - hallucinations, delusions, alterations in speech, bizarre behavior, such as walking backward constantly
Negative S/S of schizophrenia
These S/S refer to a lack of normala processes - flat affect, alogia, avolition, anhedonia, anergia
ideas of reference
misconstrues trivial events and attaches personal significance to them, such as believing that others are talking about him
thought broadcasting
believes that her thought are heard by others
thought insertiion
believes that others' thoughts are being inserted into his mind
Thought withdrawal
Believes that her thoughts have been removed from her mind by an outside agency
Word salad
words jumbled together with little meaning or significance to listener
Clang association
meaningless rhyming of words, often forceful
Flight of ideas
Associative looseness
What are personal boundary difficulties and what are two types?
disenfranchisement with one's own body, identity, and perceptions. Includes depersonalization and derealizataion
nonspecific feeling that a person has lost her identity; self is different or unreal
perception that environment has changed
Wavy flexibility
excessive maintenance of positoin
doing the opposite of what is requested