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15 Cards in this Set

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Inversion Ankle Sprain(Grade 1):
Grade 1: stretch of ATFL
DEF: a lateral ankle sprain; most common (accounts for 85% of all sprains)
MOI: plantarflexion; inversion with rotational forces; you turn your foot inwards
Tx: PRICEMM; crutches; bracing/taping; refer to MD; x-ray; appropriate rehab
S/S: pain & point tenderness; mild & localized swelling over ATFL; minimum loss of function; no abnormal motions when tested.
DIAG: Anterior drawer test; Talar Tilt
Inversion Ankle Sprain(Grade 2):
Grade 2: tear of ATFL & stretch of CFL
DEF: a lateral ankle sprain; most common (accounts for 85% of all sprains)
MOI: plantarflexion; inversion with rotational forces; you turn your foot inwards
Tx: PRICEMM; crutches; bracing/taping; refer to MD; x-ray; appropriate rehab
S/S: increased pain and point tenderness; swelling & ecchymosis; moderate loss of function; slighty to moderate instability
DIAG: Anterior drawer test; Talar Tilt
Inversion Ankle Sprain(Grade 3):
Grade 3: tear of both ATFL & CFL
DEF: a lateral ankle sprain; most common (accounts for 85% of all sprains)
MOI: plantarflexion; inversion with rotational forces; you turn your foot inwards
Tx: PRICEMM; crutches; bracing/taping; refer to MD; x-ray; appropriate rehab
S/S: severe pain & point tenderness; marked swelling & ecchymosis; major loss of function; gross instability
DIAG: Anterior drawer test; Talar Tilt
Eversion Ankle Sprain:
DEF: medial ankle sprain resulting in stretching or tearing of deltoid ligament
MOI: external rotation with abduction & dorsiflexion
S/S: pain; point tenderness; swelling; ecchymosis; instability
Tx: PRICEMM; crutches; immobilizers; refer to MD; R/O Syndesmosis; x-ray
* Not as common as inversion ankle sprain due to the length of the lateral malleolus (distal end of fibula) and strength of deltoid ligament on the medial side
DEF: "high ankle sprain", resulting from a stretch or tear of the tibiofibular ligaments causing a spreading of the distal tibiofibular joint
Prevention of Ankle Injuries:
1. Achilles tendon stretching
2. strength training
3. proprioceptive training
4. proper footwear
5. preventative ankle bracing or taping
Achilles Tendinitis:
DEF: inflammation of achilles tendon
MOI: Overuse an overstretching causing repeated microtrauma
S/S: pain; point tenderness; swelling; crepitus; decreased dorsiflexion
Tx: PRICEMM; NSAIDs; heel lift; stretching
Achilles Tendon Strain:
DEF: stretching or tearing of achilles tendon
MOI: ankle sprain; excessive dorsiflexion
S/S: same as achilles tendinitis
Tx: same as achilles tendinitis
Achilles Tendon Rupture:
DEF: Complete tear of achilles tendon
MOI: stop & go activity (push off); more common in those over 30
S/S: abrupt severe pain that subsides quickly; audible "pop" or "snap"; palpable
Tx: PRICEMM; refer to MD; surgery
Plantaris Rupture:
DEF: rupture of plantaris muscle (some call this "fools nerve" injury
MOI: excessive contraction or stretch with running or jumping; sudden change in direction
S/S: sudden pain behind the knee that disappears; may report a "pop"
Tx: treat symptomatically and rule out any other injuries
Compartment Syndrome:
DEF: compression within the anterior compartment (may be acute, chronic, or exercise induced)
MOI: direct trauma (contusion); fractures; strains; overuse
S/S: pain; swelling; ecchymosis; firm and tight skin over anterior shin; weakness of foot dorsiflexion and/or extension of big toe (foot drop); parathesia of web between 1st and 2nd toe over the foot's entire dorsal region; decreased dorsalis pedias pulse
Tx: medical emergency; ice w/out compression; no elevation; may require surgical intervention
Calf Strain:
DEF: "tennis leg", strain to the gastrocnemius
MOI: quick starts & stops
S/S: pain; point tenderness; ecchymosis; swelling; palpable defect depending on degree
Tx: PRICEMM; NSAIDs; heel lift; stretching (2 positions)
Shin Splints:
DEF: medical tibial stress syndrome
MOI: overuse; faulty posture; footwear; fallen arches; muscle fatigue; change in training regimen
S/S: pain; point tenderness; swelling; disability
Tx: PRICEMM; NSAIDs; taping; gradual return
PREV: check footwear; adjust training; be aware of surface
Stress Fractures:
DEF: incomplete break in the bone (normally the tibia)
MOI: overuse; repetitive overload stress to the bone
S/S: pin-point pain over affected area; point tenderness
Tx: PRICEMM; NSAIDs; refer to MD; bone scan or x-ray; gradual return to activity
DEF: broken leg to the tibia, fibula or both
MOI: direct force; indirect force (torsion); ankle sprain
S/S: pain; point tenderness; deformity; rapid swelling
Tx: splint; assess distal pulse and capillary refill; check for possible S/S of schock; refer to MD