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228 Cards in this Set

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developmental psychologist are interested in identifying the sequence ________ and ________ changes that human beings undergo as they grow older beginning with conception in continuing throughout life.
physical and psychological
the various approaches to the study and understanding of human development all reflect to some degree a search for answers to at least 4 critical questions. is development continuous or __________? universal are _______ dependent? Are we active or _____ participants? Is it about ___ or _____?
discontinuous, context, passive, hereditary or environment.
most traits are influenced by ________ genes; height, weight, intelligence and personality are ________traits.
Multiple, Polygenic
characteristics that are result of single pair of genes that contain either a single _______gene or consists of 2 __________ genes. physical traits that require only a single dominate gene include brown eyes dark hair and farsightedness. traits resulting from a pair of recessive genes include green hazel and blue eyes blond hair and nearsightedness
dominant, recessive
Heritability estimate is the the extent to which a _________varies within a group of people as the result of differences in _________
phenotype, genotype
Genotype refers to a persons _______ ________
genetic inheritance
Phenotype refers to her ________characteristics
Prenatal development occurs in three stages. Name them & their time frames.
1) germinal 1st two weeks 2) embryonic stage-3rd week thru 8th week. 3) fetal stage - 9th week til birth.
about one in _____infants is born with a substantial defect.
__________ gene disorders include sickle cell anemia , Tay-sachs disease, cystic fibrosis, some forms of diabetes and phenolketonuria (PKU).
chromosomal abnormalities are either to sex linked or autosomal. Sex linked- includes: T______, K________ and F____. autosomal includes: ______-______.
Sex linked- includes: Turner's, Klinefelter's and Fragile X. autosomal -down syndrome (aka trisomy-21).
the different organs are most susceptible to the effects of ________at different times but overall exposure during the ________stage is most likely to cause major structural abnormalities.
teratogens embryonic
fetal stage -what organs or systems at risk?
CNS, eyes, genitalia
alcohol fetal alcohol syndrome
facial deformities, retarded phsy growth, heart defects, MR, hyperactivity.
narcotics neonatal abstinence syndrome
tremors, restlessness, rapid respiration, seizures, low birth wt, reduced head circumference, SIDS.
cocaine exposure during pregnancy can lead to ___________ ________, stillbirth , SIDS, seizures low birth weight, tremors, irritability, exaggerated _____ ________sleeping/feeding difficulties developmental delays.
spontaneous abortion , startle response
Nicotine exposure during pregnancy can lead to
placental abnormalities, low birth weight, SIDS, respiratory diseases, emotional dist. intellectual deficits
lead exposure during pregnancy can lead to
low birth weight, mental retardation
rubella exposure during first trimester risk for
heart defects ,blindness, deafness, mental retardation
HIV and AIDS risk that the infected mother will transmit to the infant is what %? What fraction of infants with AIDS are surviving age 8 and beyond
35 -60 %. 1/3
malnutrition associated with what?
miscarriage, stillbirths , low birth weight, mental retardation protein deficiency is especially detrimental for what?
stress during pregnancy leads to a higher risk for
miscarriage, painful labor, premature delivery, low birthweight, hyperactivity, irritability, irregular feeding, sleeping and bowel habits
exposure to herpes simplex to during birth leads to high risk for 3 things, name them.
Death, brain damage or blindness
gestation: full term is: __________________. Premature is _________. Postmature is _________.
37- 42 weeks, before 37 weeks-premature, after 42 weeks post
Majority of preemies now survive if at least how many pounds?
small for gestational age SGA maybe more serious than?
significant prenatal and perinatal stress babies do have more ________ and _________ difficulties.
physical and cognitive
positive outcomes for high risk babies more likely if 1.fewer ________following birth 2. easy ________3. stable support from ______________. of these factors for boys dispositional characteristics seems more important. more critical for girls is family factors.
stressors temperament, a parent or caregiver
newborns see at 20ft. normal adults ________. evens out at______
200 to 400ft. six months
fetus can hear sounds in the ________.By three months infants can distinguish between ____________ voices and prefer ________ _________. uterus.
different voices prefer mothers voice
newborns are responsive to different tastes and odors can differentiate between_________ and not ________.They turn their faces away from strong and ________ ________.
the sweet and not sweet, unpleasant odors
infants are sensitive to _____ at birth, the sensitivity increases during first ___days
pain, five
Babinski toes fan out and upward when
soles of feet are tickled
Babkin closes eyes, opens mouth , and turns ahead to the side when
pressure is applied to both palms
rooting turns ahead in direction of touch applied to
Moro flings arms and legs outward and then toward the body in response to ?
loud noises or sudden loss of physical support
Palmar Grasp grasps objects lightly when placed where?
in palm
makes coordinated walking movements when held upright feet touching flat surface
at birth the brain is what % of its adult weight. by age 2 it reaches what %?
25%, 80%
one to three months able to raise ____from ground and turn ____ from side to side by the third month can play with hands and fingers
chin, head
four to six months old - 4 months ____-____, five months sits on lap, reaches and ______, six months _________ and stands with help, 1st teeth 5-9 months
roll-over, grasps, sits alone.
seven to nine months old increasingly good coordination begins _________ and creeping.
nine to twelve months -nine months stands holding _____, 10 mo. ______ with help. 12 mo. Pulls self to _____ by furniture.
Furniture , walks with the help, stand
fifteen months old - climbs ______, 13 mo. Stands _________, takes 1st ________ alone, walks with ____-_____.
stairs, alone, steps alone, wide gait.
eighteen months old - walks and _____with the wide stance. seventeen months of starts walking sideways and._________.
Runs, backwards
two years old- walks with ____ gait, _____in fairly controlled way starts to jump. climb ____ with help 50 percent of children use ____during the day by 24 months
steady gait, runs, stairs, toilet.
three years old-climbs stairs by ______________, dresses and undresses with ___________________, can _________ with pencil, eats with a ______, throws and ______ ball, rides _________ usually completely ________-trained.
Alternating feet, simple clothing, scribble, spoon, kicks, tricycle, potty.
Four years old- climbs and _____ well, dresses self using _______ and ___________, walks down stairs alone, prints ______, exhibits preference for left or right hand.
Climbs and jumps, buttons and zippers, name.
five years old -proficient at _________ and ________. rides __________, prints ____ and ___________.
throwing and catching , bicycle , prints the alphabet and numbers
gender differences in motor development begin in _______ childhood . girls are more physically mature than same age boys. in contrast boys are superior in _________ skills that required strength and gross motor abilities. In early adolescence the disparity between boys and girls _____ substantially.
Middle, physical, increases.
early maturation for boys is _______, by contrast late maturing boys are more _______ and have less _____________. Early maturation for girls has _________consequences
beneficial, childish, confidence. negative
approximately what percent of children have chronic health problems. What are the top 3 illness
30%, respiratory allergies, recurrent ear infections and asthma
Piaget stages (4 total) 1. sensor-____ birth to ___ years development of _____ permanence and deferred imitation (ability to imitate _____________________________.
Sensorimotor, birth to 2 years, object, imitate something no longer there.
Piaget stages (4 total) 2. Pre-_________, 2 to __ years. Emergence of semiotic function (representational thought) enable child to use ____, gesture, or ____ to stand for something.
operational, Symbols, words
Preoperational stage includes Egocentrism, Animism, Irreversibility , centration. Define each.
focus on self, give human attributes to objects, focus on most noticeable feature of object, don't know actions can be reversed, unable to conserve or recognize that changing one dimension of an object does not change its other dimension
Piaget's constructivism means that people actively construct higher levels of __________from elements contributed through biological ________ and _____________.
knowledge, maturation and the environment.
adaption involves to complimentary processes: assimilation which is ________and accommodation which is____________
incorporation of new knowledge into existing schemes, accommodation is modification of schema to incorporate new knowledge
Equilibration a drive for cognitive _______ or equilibrium
Piaget's stages (4 total) 3. concrete operational stage 7 to ___ years, capable of ________ operations use of logical rules for transforming and _________information, capable of conservation, reversibility and decentration. horizontal decalage is the gradual acquisition of _________ _________.
7-11, mental, manipulating, conservation abilities.
Piaget's stages (4 total) 4. formal operational stage 11+ yrs. able to think abstractly, ________, and hypothetically, renewed egocentrism during ________. What % of adult population reaches this stage?
Relativisticly, adolescence, 50%.
information processing theories- compared functioning to that of a ________. they focused on very specific process these such as _________, _______, inference, the use of rules. task specific.
computer. perception ,memory
The Vygotskyian Approach acknowledged the impact of biology and cognitive development but placed greater emphasis on _______ factors. Key concept was “the zone of proximal development”. Which is what?
Cultural, concepts that refers to the distance between a child's current developmental level and the level of development that is just beyond his current level, which can be achieved if caregivers provide appropriate aids.
Bronfenbrenner's Ecological systems theory- cognitive development involves interactions between the _________ and his/her ________. Name the 4 levels of environment.
the individual and the context. the context has four levels, 1-micro-home, school, work, 2-meso-family-famly, family-school personnel, 3-exo-neighborhood, church, mass media, gov't, parents, work;, and 4-macro-ideologies, customs, values of culture and subculture.
Piaget's theory is a theory of ________ development.
Memory is more _____ in children. Adults can repeated___ or more unrelated numbers. By age __ children being to regularly use memory strategies, such as ________, elaboration and organization.
Limited, 6, 9/10, rehearsal.
Metacognition is the ability to think about _______.
Metamemory is the ability to reflect on _______ as a process.
Inability to recall experiences prior to age 3 is called ________ amnesia.
Gifted children have better meta_______ skills.
Language development: two approaches or theories 1.Nativist Approach which believes that language Acquisition is result of ________ mechanisms 2.________
Approach which believes that language. Dev. Is result of combination of _____ and _____ Factors.
Adults seem to use _______ ie they speak a more slowly, use shorter and simpler sentences, exaggerate and repeat important words and ask questions.
the five dimensions of language Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics. Describe each.
Phonology-while language sounds like, Morphology-the rules for word formation. Syntax-the rules of grammar that specify how words are to be combined . Semantics- the rules for selecting the words and phrases that express the intended meaning. Pragmatics-how languages to be used in different social context turn taking, nonverbal, use of slang.
speaking involves transforming ___________into _________ while listening entails transforming__________ into _________.
deep structure into surface structure , surface structure into its deep structure
8 stages of language acquisition 1. Crying (name the 4 types. 2.6wks ________and babbling 3.9mo. ________ and expressive jargon 4. holophrastic speech mama, dada-1-2yrs 5. 2yrs. telegraphic speech (2 word sentences.) 6. vocabulary growth-36mo. biggest increase. 7 grammatically correct sentences 2-5 yrs. 8. metalinguistic awareness. 6 yrs.
hunger, anger, pain, fussy
gender differences in language males talk for ______ periods of time, _____more, females more likely to ____ _______, and attach tag _____ to statements.
Longer, interrupt, ask questions, tag questions
True or False: Because of the difference in the impact of the two factors over the lifespan, it is possible to make more accurate generalizations about 2 year olds than 72 year olds. As people age, their behaviors become less the consequences of genetically determined patterns, and more the result of a whole range of environmental influences.
What are some causes of birth defects?
Genetic Factors, Exposure to Teratogens, Poor Maternal Health, Complications during the birth process
True or False; Most birth defects attributable to Genetics are the result of either a pair of recessive genes or a Chromosomal abnormality?
Exposure to Teratogens at which stage of prenatal development is most likely to cause major structural abnormalities?
Embryonic Stage
What are some common Teratogens?
Alcohol, Narcotics, Cocaine, Nicotine, and Lead
Alcohol consumption by a woman during pregnancy can produce ___________ in the infant?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
True or False; The risk for FAS is highest and the symptoms most severe when the mother drinks heavily every day or , in the early stages of pregnancy engages in binge drinking/
Babies born to Narcotics Addicts are addicted themselves and exhibit ____________
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Characterized by tremors, restlessness, rapid respiration, seizures, and can lead to death
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
True or False; Cigarette smoking is associated with placental abnormalities that can cause fetal deaths and stillbirth, are at higher risk for a low birthweight, SIDS,respiratory diseases, and may have emotional disturbances and intellectual deficits?
What are some maternal conditions that could affect the fetus?
Rubella, HIV/Aids, Malnutrition, Stress
What is Anoxia?
Oxygen shortage
Can cause Anoxia to the fetus during the birth process
A) A twisted umbilical cord B) The sedatives given to the mother
What are some potential consequences of Anoxia?
Name 6 major reflexes of the newborn.
Babinski, Babkin, Rooting, Moro, Palmar Grasp, Stepping
What part of the brain is responsible for height level cognitive functions, language, spatial skills, and complex motor activities?
Cerebral Cortex
According to Nativist approach, what is critical period for language
It is sometime between infancy and puberty
Phonemes are the smallest unit of ________ in a language.
Morphemes are the smallest combination of sounds that have ______.
What does "surface structure" refer to in language development?
Refers to the organization of words, phrases, and sentences
What does "deep structure" refer to in language development.
Refers to the underlying meaning of sentences
Early studies comparing language acquisition in boys and girls found?
Girls speak earlier, articulate better, and have fewer speech defects
How does psychoanalytic theory describe attachment of an infant to it's mother?
The consequence of oral gratification
How does learning theory describe attachment of an infant to it's mother?
Regards it more generally as the result of reinforcement
Which theory has received more support-Psychoanalytic or learning?
Learning theory
Harlows research with rhesus monkeys concluded That a baby's attachment to its mother is due in part to _______ ______, or the pleasant tactile sensation that is provided by a soft, cuddly parent
contact comfort
Ethological Theory
Proposes that humans and other organisms have a biological tendency to form attachments because the help guarantee an infants survival
True or False: Bowlby applied the notion of critical period to human attachment and proposed that exposure of an infant to it's mother during this period results in a bond with them
Stranger Anxiety
6-8 months old children become very anxious and fearful in the presence of strangers. It continues to age 2 and then diminishes.
Separation Anxiety
Refers to severe distress that occurs when a child is separated from his or her primary caretaker-Begins 7-8 months of age and peaks in intensity at 14-18 months and then gradually declines
Name 4 patterns of Attachment
1. Secure 2- Insecure (Anxious/Avoidant) 3- Insecure (Anxious/Ambivalent) 4-Disorganized/Disoriented
Securely attached infant is _______upset by his/her mothers absence
Insecure (Anxious/Ambivalent)Attachment Baby becomes very _______ when left alone with a stranger but are ambivalent when their mother returns and may become angry and resist her attempts at physical contact.
Insecure (Anxious/Avoidant) Attachment baby shows little ________when his or her mother leaves the room and avoids or ignores her when she returns
Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment These children exhibit of their caretakers confused facial expressions, and a variety of other disorganized attachment behaviors
Does early attachment affect subsequent development?
Yes. At age 4 or 5 children who are securely attached as infants are usually more curious, more popular with peers, and less dependent on adults, and as adults they have a high self esteem, and a strong sense of personal identity
Anaclitic Depression
A syndrome involving developmental delays, unresponsiveness, and withdrawal
According to Bowlby a child's reaction to prolonged separation from a primary caretaker involves three stages;Name them.
The protest stage, The Despair stage, and The Detachment stage
Bowlby's Prolonged separation: Protest Stage
The child refuses to accept the separation and responds by crying screaming, kicking
Bowlby's prolonged separation: Despair Stage
Follows the protest Stage-In which the child seems to give up all hope and becomes quiet, inactive, and withdrawn
Bowlby's prolonged separation: Detachment Stage
If the separation continues, the detachment stage occurs. The child begins to accept attention from others, seems less unhappy, and may react with disinterest when visited by the caretaker
Prolonged separation from a caregiver is least likely to have a negative effect on the infant when the infant is?
Less than 3 years of age
Early institutionalization may lead to a condition known as?
Anacliiec Depression
(A)________refers to a person's basic disposition. It is a characteristic that seems to be strongly affected by heredity and is to some degree apparent at birth.
Rothbart propose (as it relates to temperament) Individual differences in temperament reflect differences in _________/________ and ________/_______
reactivity (excitability) and self control (inhibition)
Buss and Plomin consider variations in temperament as due to what?
Differences in emotionality, activity, and sociability
True or False: Evidence for a genetic etiology of this characteristic (temperament) s provided by studies showing that identical twins are more similar in terms of temperament than fraternal twins.
According to Thomas and Chess, How are infants and children characterized regarding temperament?
Easy, difficult, slow to warm up children
Does temperament in infancy correlate somewhat with later personality and adjustment.
What are Freud's Psycho sexual Stages?
Oral (Birth to 1 yr) Anal (1-3 yrs) Phallic (3-6 yrs) Latency (6-12 yrs) Genital (12+ yrs)
Oral Stage
The mouth is the focus of sensation and stimulation during this stage. Weaning is the primary source of conflict. Fixation results in dependence passivity, gullibility, sarcasm, and orally focused habits (smoking, nail biting, overeating, etc)
Anal Stage
Main issue during this stage is the control of bodily waste and conflicts stemming from issues related to toilet training. Fixationn produces anal retentiveness (Stinginess, selfishness, obsessive compulsive behavior) or anal expulsiveness (cruelty, destructiveness, messiness)
Phallic Stage
The primarytasks is the resolution of the Oedipal conflict which is marked by a desire for the opposite sex parent and a view of the same sex parent as the rival. A successful outcome results from identification with the same sex parent and development of the superego. Fixation can produce a phallic character which involves the sexual exploitation of others.
Latency Stage (6-12 yrs)
During this stage libidinal energy is diffuse rather than focused on any one area of the body and the emphasis is on developing social skills rather than achieving sexual gratification.
Genital Stage (12 +)
Libido is again centered in the genitals and successful outcome in this stage occurs when sexual desire is blended with affection to produce mature sexual relationships.
How does Erikson's theory of Psychosocial Development differ from Freud's?
A)Erikson stresses the role of social (verses sexual) factors and his stages of development each involve a different psychosocial crises B) Erikson places greater emphasis on the ego than on the id C) Erikson views personality development as a process that continues throughout the lifespan and involves an increasing "widening circle" of contacts with significant individuals, social institutions, and cultural practices
What are Erikson's eight stages of development?
A) Basic Trust vs Mistrust (infancy) B) Autonomy Vs. Shame/Doubt (toddlerhood) C) Initiative Vs. Guilt (Early Childhood) D)Industry vs. Inferiority (School Age) E)Identity vs Role Confusion (Adolescence) F)Intimacy vs Isolation (Young Adulthood) G)Generativity Vs Stagnation (middle adulthood) H)Integrity vs. Despair (maturation/old age)
Trust vs. Mistrust (Infancy)
A positive relationship with one's primary caretaker during infancy results in a sense of trust and optimism
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (Toddlerhood)
A sense of self (autonomy) develops out of positive interactions with one's parents or other caretakers
Initiative vs. Guilt (Early childhood)
Family members are the primary 'significant' others during early childhood. Favorable relationships result in an ability to set goals and devise and carry out plans without infringing upon the rights of others.
Industry vs. Inferiority (School Age)
The most important influences at this stage are people in the neighborhood and school. To avoid feeling of inferiority the school age child must master certain social and academic skills.
Identity vs. Role confusion (Adolescence)
Peers are the dominant social influence in adolescence. A positive outcome is reflected in a sense of personal identity and a direction for the future
Intimacy vs Isolation (Young Adulthood)
The main task during early adulthood is the establishment of intimate bonds of love and friendship. If such bonds are not achieved, self absorption and isolation will result
Generativity vs. Stagnation (Middle Adulthood)
The people one lives and works with are most important during this stage. A generative persons exhibits commitment to the well being of future generations
Integrity vs Despair (Maturation/Old Age)
In this final stage, social influence broadens to include all of 'humankind'. A sense of integrity requires coming to terms with one's limitations and mortality
What are the four periods of the lifespan according to levinson.
1-Infancy through Adolescence 2-Early Adulthood 3-Middle Adulthood 4-Late Adulthood
Who has presented one of the most widely cited frameworks for understanding the impact of parenting on personality development.
Ms. Baumrind (1991)
What two dimensions of parenting does her (Baumrind) approach combine to derive four parenting styles?
Warmth and Control
Authoritarian Parents
high degree of control/ little warmth. Their children are often irritable, aggressive, and dependent and have a limited sense of responsibility, low levels of self esteem, and academic achievement
Authoritative Parents
They combine rational control with warmth, responsiveness, and encouragement of independence. Children of these parents are assertive, self confident, socially responsible, achievement oriented, and often achieve high grades in school.
Indulgent Permissive Parents
Warm/ little control, Their children tend to be impulsive, self centered, easily frustrated, and low in achievement and independence
Indulgent Uninvolved Parents
little warmth/little control, Children have low self esteem, and are often impulsive moody and aggressive.
True or False: Parents rely on different disciplinary techniques to reduce aggression and other undesirable behaviors in their children?
Power assertion and Induction are examples of what?
Disciplinary Techniques
Power Assertion
A directive style that relies on physical punishment, threats, and deprivation
True or False The use of punishment to control aggression can actually increase aggressiveness in children. :
It is characterized by the use of reasoning, praise, explanation, and the communication of clear standards of behavior. Induction is associated with a number of benefits including reduced aggression and increased pro social behaviors
What are Kubler Ross' five stages of Death
A)Denial and Isolation (No, this isn't happening to me B) Anger (Why me?) C)Bargaining (Yes me, but not until my grandchild is born) D) Depression (Yes me) E) Acceptance (My time is close, and that is alright)
According to Atchley adjustment to retirement involves four stages. Name them.
A)The pre retirement phase-Involves making plans for the future B)The honeymoon phase-Right after retirement. Retirees enjoy new found freedom. C)Disenchantment- As novelty wears off-What retirees face. D) Re orientation phase- Retired adults put together a satisfactory and realistic lifestyle
True or False: A negative outcome is more likely for people who retire early because of poor health or have substantial financial problems after retirement?
Gender role development involves acquiring (A)_______
A gender identity and adopting gender role behaviors
Social Learning Theory
Proposes that it is the result of a combination of observational learning and differential reinforcement
An explanation for gender typing which is provided by Kohlberg is called (A)_______
Cognitive Developmental Theory
Under Kohlberg's explanation of Cognitive Developmental Theory children acquire a gender identity at what age?
2 or 3
When children realize that gender identity is stable over time what is this termed?
Gender stability
Gender Constancy
By age 6 or 7 children understand that gender is constant over situations and know that people cannot change gender by superficially altering their external appearance or behavior.
True or False: Beginning in Middle age, there may be some degree of gender-role reversal with men becoming more passive, expressive, sensitive, and dependent, and women becoming more active, outgoing, independent, and competitive.
Ethnic/Racial Identity
Refers to that part of the self concept that is related to one's membership in a particular ethnic or racial group along with one's feelings and beliefs concerning group membership.
Acculturation has four forms. Name them.
A)Assimilation B)Integration C)Separation D)Marginality Assimilation
Is characterized by identification with and involvement in both cultures
Involves identifying exclusively with one's own culture
Marked by a lack of identification with either culture
True or False: Of these options, [assimilation, integration, separation, marginality] integration leads to better psychological adjustment and higher self esteem
Marcia distinguished four states of identity issues in adolescence. Name them.
Identity Diffusion, Identity Foreclosure, Identity Moratorium, Identity Achievement
Identity Diffusion
Adolescents exhibiting diffusion have not yet experienced an identity crises, explored alternatives, or committed to an identity.
Identity Foreclosure
Adolescents are manifesting foreclosure when they have not experienced a crises, but have adopted an identity (Occupation, ideology etc) that has been imposed by others (Often the same sex parents)
Identity Moratorium
Occurs when an adolescent experiences an identity crises and actively explores alternative identities. It is during this period that teens exhibit a high degree of confusion, discontent, and rebelliousness.
Identity Achievement
Adolescents who have resolved the identity crisis by evaluating alternatives and committing to an identity are "identity achieved". The choice of an identity is often not permanent, and further change may occur.
Who proclaimed that adolescence is a time of storm and stress involving emotional maladjustment?
assimilation involves identifying _______ with the _______ culture.
solely w/ dominant culture.
Define the Id
The seat of primitive drives and instinctual needs.
What are the properties of the Id?
IMPULSES (impulsive behavior), SELF-GRATIFICATION, Primary process thinking, Unconscious, Discharges tension
Define the Ego.
Mediates drives (id) and external reality. Moderates drives vs internalized prohibitions, Adaptive capacity in relation to external reality.
What are the properties of the Ego?
REALITY TESTING, OBJECT RELATIONS, Judgment, Modulating and controlling impulses, Modulating affect, Regulate self-esteem, Mastering developmental challenges
Define the Superego.
Seat of Conscience, Ego Ideal, Guilt (if too strong = always guilty)
What are the properties of the Superego?
Uses internal and external rewards or punishments to control and regulate id impulses.
What are the three levels of the mind?
1-Unconscious 2.Preconscious 3-Conscious
What does the "Unconscious" hold?
Thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories of which we are unaware.
What does the "Preconscious" hold?
Thoughts and feelings, which can be brought into consciousness easily.
What does the "Conscious" hold?
Mental activities of which we are fully aware.
How many psychosexual stages did Freud describe and what are they?
5 Stages 1. Oral 2. Anal 3. Phallic/Oedipal 4. Latency 5. Puberty-Genital
Explain Margaret Mahler's "Attachment" phase in object relations theory.
0-3 mths = normal autism & alert inactivity 2-6 mths = normal symbiosis & no differentiation between self & other; mutual caring
Explain Margaret Mahler's "Separation/Individuation" phase in object relations theory.
6-12 mths = differentiation & alert when awake; stranger anxiety (8 mths) 7-18 mths = practicing & disengagement w/ frequent returns to mother. Narcissism; anticipates mom will reengage
Explain Margaret Mahler's "Rapprochement (Integration)" phase in object relations theory
18-24 mths = alternating disengagement & demand for attention. Splitting. Language development; intent to solve dilemmas
Explain Margaret Mahler's "Object Constancy" phase in object relations theory
24-38 mths = Consolidation of individuality & object constancy. -substitute of reliable internal image during absence; inception of unified self-image
What are the levels of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?
1. Pre-Conventional 2. Conventional (follow stereotypic norms of morality) 3. Post-Conventional (not reached by most adults)
Briefly described the Pre-Conventional level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.
Elementary School- before 9yrs 1. Obedience/Punishment 2. Conform to rules to receive rewards.
Briefly described the Conventional level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.
Early Adolescence -Good boy/girl orientation -- Obeys laws/obligations/duties & Rules are rules; avoid guilt
Briefly described the Post-Conventional level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.
Adult Concern w/ individual rights & morality, Guided by individual principles based on broad, universal, ethical principles.
List the needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs from lower to higher level.
Physiological, Safety, Love & Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization
Which of Maslow's needs dominate in the Neonate phase?
Which of Maslow's needs dominate during Childhood?
Safety & Love/Belonging
Which of Maslow's needs dominate in Adolescents?
Which of Maslow's needs dominate in Adulthood?
What are physiological needs?
Those that maintain the physical organism. Biological needs- food, water, oxygen, body temp, medical care. W/O these they will die
What are Safety needs?
Feel safe from harm, danger, threat of death. Regularity, predictability. Origin of cognitive needs (understand, make sense of the world).
What are Love & Belonging needs?
Assurance one is loved, worthy, and acceptable. Demand unconditional acceptance.
What are Ego/Esteem needs?
Need a stable, firmly based self-respect & respect from others. W/O this behavior is dominated by trying to gain respect & fame.
What are Self-Actualization need?
To be oneself consistently. An ongoing process. Only 1% of the population operates here.
close to what percent of marriages can be expected to end in divorce
divorce effects :diminished capacity to parent means that the parent, generally the mother, obtains custody is socially ______, lonely, less warm and ______, uncommunicative, impatient more restrictive and _________.
isolated, loving, demanding
non custodial fathers overly ________ and _________.
permissive, indulgent
divorce effects are most profound during the _______ ____ after divorce. Some beh. Problems children exhibit include: aggressiveness noncompliance acting out to disruptions in pure relationships academic difficulties.
First year.
preschoolers at the time of the divorce initially exhibit more _____ than older children however, long term consequences may be worse for _____children who are (6-8) years old at the time of divorce.
Problems, older
lack of conflict is more important for child's adjustment than the ____ of contact with the non- custodial parent
75 percent of divorced mothers and 80 percent of divorced fathers ______ usually within three to five years.
middle school at age been ____have difficulty accepting a stepfather but having a stepfather may actually have a positive impact on pre-adolescent _____.
girls, boys
effect of maternal employment _____ outweigh the _____ especially if both parents have a positive attitude toward it.
Benefits, cost
in terms of division of labor maternal employment is associated with a ____increase in the father's involvement in household tasks and child care.
the nature of the parent child relationship is more important than a parent's ________-________.
sexual orientation.
parenting skills do not differ in any consistent way between gay and lesbian or _____ parents.
children who've been abused often have delays in _____ development and poor school ________, fewer _______ and more problems in relationships with teachers and other adults, exhibit aggression and other behavior problems.
Cognitive, achievement, friends
Abusive parents have a low tolerance for ________ infant behaviors, misinterpret their children's behaviors in ______ways, expressed dissatisfaction with their children, exhibit higher levels of anger and conflicts have limited ______skills, rely on harsh physical punishment and coercion to control their children.
Normal, negative, parenting.
characteristics of the child that are associated with high risk for abuse include prematurity,low ________, difficult ________, poor _____ and younger age (<3).
birthwt, temperament, health
teachers expectations about student achievement can have this effect ___-____ _________.
self-filling prophecy effect
Montessori method is a ritual developed for mentally retarded children. this approach is based on the assumption that learning stems from sense _______.
being placed in a lower track has a self fulfilling prophecy effect on a student _____and also on their motivation and ___-_____.
achievement, self-esteem.
computer assisted instruction seems to be beneficial for ___-ability and _____-_____ students and does not seem to reduce social interactions.
Low, special needs
what fraction of a child's waking life is spent in front of the TV? TV viewing increases ______ behaviors and tolerance for ______. It can also have a great impact on prosocial behavior.
1/3, aggression, aggression.
children who watch a great deal of TV read ____ and do more _____ in school.
Less, poorly
at age seven children understand that TV characters are ______.
teachers respond to girls and boys differently. boys are more likely to be _____, criticized, praised and helped. girls more often received criticism for lack of _____or inadequate intellectual performance and praise for their effort, cooperation and dependent behaviors.
Corrected, ability