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37 Cards in this Set

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ptolemaic model
each planet moves on a small circle whose center moved around the earth on a larger circle
known for his sun centered model and published a book about it
he was an eccentric genius who observed a nova "new star" and concluded that the sun orbits earth while all other planets orbit the sun.
discovered planets orbits was an ellipse and 3 laws of planetary motion
keplers 1st law of planetary motion
the orbit of each planet about the sun is an ellipse with the sun at one focus.
keplers 2nd law of planetary motion
the line that connects the planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal time.
keplers 3rd law of planetary motion
more distant planets orbit the sun at slower average speeds obeying the precise mathematical relationship
copernican model
sun at center
no epicycles
circular orbits
tycho brahes model
combined ptolemaic and copernican models
tracked the position of the stars
it is a measure of how weird the planets are moving.
sir Isaac newton
taught himself everything
used mathematics to explain motion
invented calculus
first to point a teloscope in the sky
wrote first physics textbook
newton's laws of universal gravitation
we feel weight because gravity is pulling us down.
is not something that remains true but a large body of evidence must be able to back it up.
radiative energy
energy carried by light
law of conservation of energy
energy cannot appear or disappear. objects can gain or lose energy only by exchanging energy with other objects.
conserving energy with other planets
thermal energy
measures the total kinetic energy of all the randomly moving particles.
Kelvin does not have negative temperatures and it starts at the coldest at absolute zero which is 0 Kelvin
gravitational potential energy
depends on its mass and how far it can fall as a result of gravity. an object has more gravitational potential energy when it is higher and less when it's lower.
bound orbits
objects go around and around another object and gravity creates a bond that holds the objects together.
unbound orbits
paths that bring an object close to another object just once. for example a comet.
speed of light
300,000 kilometers per second
pieces light comes in that has a precise wavelength,frequency, and energy.
infrared light
light with wave lengths somewhat longer than red light.
radio waves
longest wave length light.
not sound but light waves
emission line spectrum
when a thin and low density gas is involved it does not produce a continuous spectrum but it consists of bright emission lines against a black background.
continuous spectrum
spectrum of an ordinary light bulb that spans a broad range of wavelengths.
absorption line spectrum
with the gas between the light bulb and us we see most of the continuous light but the cloud of gas absorbs specific wavelengths and so the spectrum also shows dark absorption lines.
emitted light
anything with a temperature above absolute zero.
objects that are coming towards us has shorter wavelengths
if an object is moving away from us it has longer wavelengths.
adaptive optics
which eliminates much of the blurring caused by our atmosphere by cancelling out the atmospheric distortions.
allows two or more individual telescopes to achieve an angular resolution of a much larger telescope.
moons circling Jupiter
lo, europa, ganymede, callisto
Hubble space telescope
observes ultraviolet or infrared wavelengths that don't reach the ground.
perfected telescope that was used in astronomy
found support for copernican model
used observations vs pure thought
Venus had full set of phases
moon has mountains and sun spots that was not a perfect sphere
discovered 4 new planets circling Jupiter
galileo got house arrest for testing Aristotles belief
close part of the sun
farthest part of the sun