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87 Cards in this Set

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When Saturn is at its farthest distance from Earth, it is at
Kepler's third law in general applies
to all situations where two objects orbit each other solely under the influence of their mutual gravitational attraction.
Ptolemy's model for the solar system was
Earth-centered, with epicyclic planetary orbits.
If the mass of the Sun were doubled, the gravitational force on Jupiter due to the Sun would
be twice its present value.
The Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe had a young assistant who became famous himself some time later. His name was
Johhanes Kepler
Kepler as a young man became the assistant to
Tycho Brahe
Which of the following objects cannot transit (pass in front of) the Sun when viewed from Earth?
When Venus is at inferior conjunction,
it is at smallest distance from earth
When several objects with different masses are dropped by an astronaut on the (airless) Moon where there is no air friction, their resultant motions
are independent of the masses of the objects.
In the heliocentric model of the solar system, which one of the following phases of Venus should not be visible from Earth?
none, they are all visible.
Scientific Notation

1.23 x 10
1.230 x 10
1.230000 x 10
Diameter of Earth
1.28 x 10
Distance to the Sun
1.50 x 10
Metric Prefixes

kilo (k)
Mega (M)
Giga (G)
k- 10
M- 10
G- 10
Scientific Notation
1.23 x 10
1.23 x 10
1.23 x 10
Metric Prefixes

milli (m)
micro (u)
nano (n)
m- 10
u- 10
m- 10
The Earth's ____ creates the day-night cycle.
The Earth's ___ defines a year
What is diurnal motion?
cyclic motion with a 1-day period.
The point on the celestial sphere directly overhead
Celestial equator
A great cicle on the celestial shpere 90 degrees from the celestial poles
Celestial poles
Points about hich the celestial sphere appears to rotate.
Celestial sphere
A hypothetical sphere of a very large radius centered on teh observer, the apparent sphere of the night sky
The annual path of the Sun on the celestial sphere; the plane fo teh Earth's prbit around the Sun.
Either of the two days of the year when the Sun crosses the celestial equator and is therefore directly over the Earth's equator
Either of the two points along the ecliptic at which the Sun reaches its maximum distance north or south of the celstial equator.
The equivelent to latitude on Earth on the celestial sphere.
Right ascension
The equivelent of longitude on the celestial sphere, measured from 0hrs to 24hrs around the celestial sphere.
The moon phases depends on what?
how much of its sunlit hemisphere is facing the earth
When the moon is closest to the sun in the sky what hemisphere faces the Earth
dark side
When the dark hemisphere faces the Earth and is closest to the Sun in the sky this phase is called..
NEW moon
most tiny crescent
seven days after new moon is the phase with bright side on the left (east) side of teh waning moon.
waning crescent
what phase is When half of the illuminated hemisphere and half of the dark hemisphere.
first quater
after the quater moon, the next week begins teh phase called..
waxing gibbous moon. gibbous-means rounded.
When the moon arrives on teh opposite side of the Earth from teh sun, this phase is the..
full moon.
the weeks following full moon, the phase called..
waning gibbous.
after the waning gibbous comes what two phases?
third quater moon and waning crescent.
The moon completes a full cycle of phases in how many days?
29 and a half.
Which eclipse does the brilliant full moon often darken to a deep red?
lunar eclipse
which eclipse does broad daylight transform into an eerie twilight
solar eclipse
When does a lunar eclipse occur?
when the moon passes through the Earth's shadow. Can only happen when the sun, earth and moon are in a straight line at full moon.
When does a solar eclipse occur?
when the moon's shadow moves across the Earth's surface. as seen from earth, the moon moves in front of the sun so the moon is in the full phase.
Eclipses occur only when the moon crosses the ecliptic during what two phases
new or full phase
eclipses occur infrequently becuase of what.
the moon's orbit is tilted about 5 degrees from the ecliptic
The moon crosses the ecliptic at what is called...
the line of nodes
What are the three lunar eclipses?
What is a lunar penumbral eclipse?
When the moon passes through only the Earth's penumbra, is easy to miss.
What is penumbra?
the shadow is where the earth blocks only some of the sunlight.
What is umbra
the part of the shadow where all direct sunlight is blocked by the earth.
What is a partial eclipse?
when part of the lunar surface passes through the umbra, a bite seems to be taken out of the moon.
What is a total eclipse?
when the moon travels completely into the umbra, can last for 1 hour 47min.
occurs when the moon is closest to the earth.
What are the types of solar eclipses?
total solar eclipse
partial solar eclipse
annular eclipse
When does a total solar eclipse occur?
when the moon completely covers the sun.
when does a partial eclipse occur?
qwhen the penumbra sweeps across the earths surface, the sun is only partly covered by the moon. the sun looks crescent as seen from teh earth.
When does a annular eclipse occur?
When the solar eclipse occurs when teh moon is farthest from teh earth, the moon's umbra falls short of teh earth and the moon appears too small to covere the sun completely, thin ring around teh edge.
Can you prove the Earth is a Sphere?
Pythagorus could
Aristotle could
Name three proofs that the earth is a sphere?
southern travelers see new constellations
earths shadow is always circular
objects on horizon show top first.
What are platonic ideals?
the "heavnes are perfect and unchangelable
the perfect shape is the circle
the perfect motion is movement around a circle at uniform speed
What is cosmology?
the overall structure and development of the universe.
heliocentric, advocated by aristarchus
geocentric. advocated by aristotle. dominant view for 2000 years.
The retrograde motion in the heliocenric cosmology occurs because..
the faster moving earth overtakes and passes the other planet.
Who devised the first comprehensive heliocentric cosomology?
What is the deferent?
the large circle at which the earth rotates
What is the epicycle?
the smaller circle that the planet rotates on, on teh bigger one.
What is the eccentric?
the point between the equant..
what is the equant?
the earth on the other side..
when does copernucus present his heliocentric cosmology?
the year of his death. 1543
Tycho Brahe
made astronomical obervations that disproved ancient ideas about the heavens.
-conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
Tycho Brahe disvored ____ in what constellation
Tycho Brahe collects data for ___ years.
dailys measures of sun, moon, and planets
No stellar _____
copernicus ______
Johannes Kepler was ____ assistant
Tycho Brahe
Kepler's Law of Planetary Motion #1
The orbit of a planet around the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun located at one focus.
Keplers Law #2
A line joining a planet and teh Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time.
Kepler's law #3
The square of a planet's sidereal period is equal to the cube of the semi-major axis.
Galileo's discoveries strongly support a _____ cosmology.
What did Galileo see through his telescope?
mountains on the moon and spots on the sun.
-the apparent size of Venus was related to the planet's phase. Venus orbits the sun..not earth
-4 moons around Jupiter.
Geocentric model only has _____ phases of venus.
In the Geocentric Model who came up with the Eccentric?
In the Geocentric model who came up with the equant?
Is the North star Polaris, the brightest star in the night sky?
What causes the seasons?
the tilt of the earth's rotation axis with respect to the ecliptic causes the seasons. they are not caused by the changing distance from the earth to the sun that results from the shape of earth's orbit.
When is the Earth closest to the sun?
Jan. 3rd
How many zodiac constellations are there?
Does the moon have a dark side that we never see from Earth?
half of the moon is always dark. Whenever we see less than a full moon, we are seeing part of the moon's dark side. so, the dark side of the moon is not the same as the far side of the moon, which we never see from earth.
Is the moon ever visible during the datytime.