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30 Cards in this Set

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What does our Galaxy look like?

Its a spiral shape with a dense core and swirling arms rotating!


Astronomial Unit. The distance between the Earth andnSun

How many KM in an AU?

150 Million Km

What is AU Used for measuring?

Small distances in astronomy that are still massive


The distance light will travel in 1 year

How many KM is in 1 LY?

9,500,000,000,000 km

What are lightyears used for measuring?

Large amounts of space and distance that requires a larger unit

Celestial Sphere

The sphere in which we can see the night sky

What does the celeste sphere contain?

Stars, planets, constellations, and any other viewable space we can see from earth’s atmosphere

How does the celestial sphere move, and what does it move around?

It rotates around the celestial poles, at the south and north poles of the earth. As it rotates, the stars move across out night sky

7 Wanderers in the Celestial Sphere

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn

The Zodiac

A band of the sky where the Moon, Sun, and Planets move through (18 degrees wide)

The Ecliptic

The path the sun takes through the celestial sphere


Lattitude, 0-90 degres above the horizon

Right acension

Longitude, hrs + mins


Astronomer who first described a geocentric model


That everything revolves around the earth


That everything revolves around the sun

What evidence suggests we DO live in a geocentric system?

Motion of the celestial sphere, everything moving around us

Issues with geocentrism?

Retrograde motion of the zodiac planets

What did Ptolemy come up with to explain retrograde motion?


Who first described a heliocentric system?

Islamic Astronomers



Astronomer who first found evidence of a heliocentric system

What observations from Galileo prove we are in a heliocentric system?

The moons of Jupiter

And the Phases of Venus

Tycho Brahe

Provided valuable and consistent data of the stars and planets

Johannes Kepler

Created Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion

Issac Newton

Created the Laws of Motion

Keplers first law

All objects have eliptical orbits

Keplers second law

Planets cover equal areas in equal amounts of time

Kepler’s Third Law

As distance from the star increases, period of revolution also increases