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32 Cards in this Set

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dark nebula
dense cloud of gas and dust where dust absorbs visible light and obscures starts behind it
cloud collapse can be triggered by:
-nearby supernova
-cloud passing through spiral arm of galaxy
-cloud collision
surrounded by dense gas and dust clouds from which they form
-best observed in infrared because IR is less absorbed by dust than visible light is
H fusion begins in core when...
central temp of protostars reaches 10^7K
Evolutionary track
path of star in H-R diagram as L and T change
track of protostar approaches main sequence when...
starts have high luminosity and low temperature
reflection nebulae
bluish haze seen around hot, young stars
- due to interstellar dust which reflects blue light more effectively than red light
-blue haze is reflected star light
-stars behind dust appear redder
main sequence limits
lower- below .8 M central temp is too low for fusion
upper- above about 100 M radiation pressure blows starts apart
brown dwarf
failed star
evolution of 1M Star
main sequence, red giant, helium flash, horizontal branch, second red giant, planetary nebula, white dwarf
main sequence evolution
nuclear fusion in core converts H to He
Star leaves main sequence when H is used up in core
-Sun spends 10^10 years on main sequence (more massive stars burn through H faster)
Red Giant phase
H fusion ends in core but continues in shell around core
Gravity causes core to contract and heat
Energy output from shell increases- outer region of star expands and cools- expansion is caused by increased pressure
star is now a red giant
red giant properties
big, bright, cool
R= 100 R of sun
L= 1000 L of sun
T= 3500 K
helium flash
when central temp= 10^8K, He fusion begins in core
Triple a process: 3He --> C + energy
horizontal branch
He fuses to C in core
Core expands and cools
envelope contracts and becomes bluer
luminosity is higher than sun
second red giant phase
no He left in core
core is now carbon
no nuclear fusion occurs in core
core contracts: envelope expands
star becomes red supergiant
planetary nebula phase
red supergiant envelope pulsates unstably
envelope is ejected
core is exposed
structure of planetary nebula
expanding spherical gas shell around small, hot star
appears as bright ring in sky
- can be nonspherical due to star orbiting a binary companion or disk around star produces hour glass shape
white dwarf phase
hot dense core becomes white dwarf= collapsed star about size of earth
NO nuclear burning (fusion)
structure of white dwarf
density: 10^9 kg/m^8= 10^6 x density of water
electrons are packed as closely as possible
does NOT contract further
T and L decrease in time
chandra limit
maximum possible mass for a white dwarf is 1.4 M
gravity overcome electron pressure at higher masses
a more massive burned out star must collapse to smaller size and higher density
work won 1983 nobel
open star cluster
found in disk of galaxy
example: pleiades
stars are young, recently formed
most starts are near main sequence
most massive stars are just leaving main sequence
age= 2 x 10^7 years
globular star cluster
found in bulge/halo of galaxy
contain only old stars, ages > 10^10 year
almost no stars are present on upper main sequence b/c have moved on to next phases
main sequence turnoff
location in H-R diagram of stars just becoming red giants
the younger the cluster the higher the mass of the turnoff stars
the location of the turnoff determines the age of the cluster
evolution of high mass stars
nuclear fusion produces elements up to iron
growing iron core does NOT undergo fusion
core is only size of earth
when core mass exceeds 1.4M it becomes unstable
supernova death of a massive star
gravity overcomes outward electron pressure in iron core causing rapid collapse
electrons and protons combine to form neutrons
neutrinos are produced
pulse of neutrinos is emitted
neutron pressure stops collapse when core is 20 km across pressure balances gravity again in core
supernova blast
energy released by core collapse causes shock wave to travel out
rest of star explodes outward
elements heavier than iron are produced in blast
key points of supernova
elements heavier than H and He are produced in massive stars
supernova explosions return those elements to interstellar gas
stars, planets, and life form from gas ejected by supernova
supernova 1987A
-closest supernova observed in past 400 years
-observed in Large Magellanic Cloud in February 1987, distance= 160000 ly
Observations:blue supergiant exploded, L increased by a few 100x, neutrino pulse seen in 2 underground detectors confirmed stellar core collapse
neutron stars
ultra collapsed stellar core, produced by SN
Mass > 1.4M
radius= 10km (6 miles)
Size of bloomington
made of tightly packed neutrons
young neutron stars are found in SN remnants (Crab Nebula)
observation of neutron stars
pulsing source of radio, visible, or xrays
discovered in 1967 by Jocelyn Bell using radio telescope
pulse periods: .0014sec up to 700 flashes/sec
first explanation: alien signals
pulsar model
magnetized, rapidly rotating neutron star
magnetic and rotation axes not aligned
radiation beamed along magnetic axis
see flash when beams sweeps past us "lighthouse effect"