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50 Cards in this Set

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Light year

a unit of distance equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year.


a system of millions or billions of stars.

Elliptical Galaxy

a type of galaxy having an approximately ellipsoidal shape
Spiral Galaxy

Type of Galaxy that has 2 or more arms stretching out.

Irregular Galaxy

a galaxy that does not have a distinct regular shape


a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.


the natural satellite of the earth


small, airless rocky worlds that revolve around the sun


is an icy small body that when passing close to the Sun, heats up and begins to outgas


is a piece of stony or metallic debris which travels in outer space.


When the earth rotates on its axis


When the earth orbits the sun


Different times a year with different weather


When the earth is twisted on an angle

Summer solstice

Usually around June when the days are shorter/longer

Winter solstice

Usually around December when the days are longer/shorter

Autumnal Equinox

Usually around Fall seasons when day and night are equal

Vernal Equinox

Usually around Spring seasons when the days and nights are equal

Indirect light

When the rays from the sun don't directly hit earth

Direct light

When the Rays from sun hits he sun straightly

Lunar Movement

the movement of an object around the moon

Moon Phases

the shape of the illuminated portion of the Moon

New moon

When the moon is completely dark

Waxing Crescent

moon is less than one-half illuminated by the sun

First quarter

The moon is one-half illuminated by the sun.

Waxing gibbous

The moon is more than one-half illuminated by the sun

Full moon

The moon is totally visible in the sky

Waning Gibbous

The moon is more than one-half illuminated by the sun

3rd/Last quarter

The moon is one-half illuminated by the sun.

Waning crescent

The moon is less than one-half illuminated by the sun


a small body of matter from outer space


a meteor that survives its passage through the earth's atmosphere


the star around which the earth orbits.


the luminous envelope of a star from which its light and heat radiate.


Th gaseous flaring fire around the sun


Dark spots on the sun and cooler than other spots


A prominence is a large, bright, gaseous feature

Solar flares

Occur when magnetic energy is built up in the atmosphere


Auroras are a spectacular sign that our planet is electrically connected to the Sun

Solar wind

The solar wind is a stream of energized, charged particle

Distance-Time Graph

Represents the speed of an object and its direction


action or process of brig somewhat moved


a place where someone or something is located or has been put.


a course along which someone or something moves.

Refrence point

a basis or standard for evaluation


the rate at which someone or something is able to move or operate

Steep slope on a Graph

The measure of steep the line goes in a graph

Flatter slope on a graph

one line is slower than the other or breaking off

Zero slope on a graph

When there is no increase in distance or just sits there

Formula for average speed

Formula: Speed=distance divided by time