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15 Cards in this Set

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The science of observing the sky
Shadows are the the reflection of an object
Earth is Center in the universe
Galileo Galilei
He is a Italian astronomer who was the first one to use a telescope for science and he figured out with that teloscope, sun spots, jupiter's moons, evidence that earth goes around the sun,Moon has Craters
When an object turns in a circle
When and object moves around another object.
The solstice is when the sun is either at it's highest point or the lowest point of the sky
This occurs twice a year, it is when the whole world gets the same amount of sunlight and length of day this occurs on september 21 and march 21
What is earth's axis
23.5 degrees
how many earths would fit inside the sun
1 million
how many moons would fit inside earth
about 4
how far away is the earth away from the sun
about 150 million km away
how far away is the earth from the moon
384,000 km away
Leap Year
Since there is an extra1 quarter of a day every earth year, every 4 earth years we add in extra day since 4 quarters make a whole day, so if you have a birthday on Febuary 29, you only have your birthday once every 4 years
BIggest Star
Pelarus, because it is at the top of the north pole and it barely moves at all, it tells us that our tilt does not change.