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44 Cards in this Set

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solar system
Sun and all obj. that orbit it, planets, moons and infinite other thins like asteroids and comets
A great island of stars in space containing a few hundred million-1 trillion stars.
Big Bang
The beginning of expansion. 14 billion years ago. Universe has continued expanding since.
Star life
1. gravity compresses the material in a could to the point where the center becomes dense enough and hot enough to generate energy. 2. (Nuclear fision) lightweight atomic nuclei smash together and stick to make heavier nuclei.
3. When energy runs out star throws the material into space
origins of other elements
STARS, through nuclear fision
One light-year
about ten trillion kilometers or about 6 million miles. This explains: THE FARTHER WE LOOK IN THE DISTANCE THE FARTHER WE LOOK IN TIME
observable universe
14 billion light years because that is when the universe was created.
ex: find how big the sun is: 1/10 billion
1. Divide actual radius by 10 billion
2. do unit conversion
Number of stars in the universe comparison
counting grains of sand
One Astronomical Unit (AU)
150 million kilometers (earths path around the sun)
ecliptic plane
The earth's orbital path. 23.5 degree tilt. The tilt
Trends of the universe
1. virtually every galaxy outside the local group is moving away from us
2. more distant galaxies appear to be moving faster
A point of infinitely small volume and infinitely large density. M=universe
converting different amounts in the same unit
a region of the sky with well defined borders
celestial sphere
an illusion observed by the ancient greeks that the starts lie on a circular
north celestial pole
point directly over earth's north pole
south celestial pole
point directly over earths south pole
celestial equator
projection of earth's equator into space, makes a complete circle around the celestial sphere.
is the path the sun follows as it appears to circle around the celestial sphere once each year. Crosses the celestial equator at 23.5 degrees
local sky
sky scene from where you happen to be standing
the point directly overhead
imaginary half circle starting at the equator and due south.
A tactic to locate a star. Sometimes states as azinmuth...horizontal angle from direction from horizon (Ex: SE) altitude is position above horizon (60 deg)
angular size
the angle an object in the sky appears to span in your field of view. ex: moon is about .5 deg.
angular distance
the angle that apperas to separate two objects in the sky. (distance between 2 pointer stars in big dipper bowl about 5 deg.)
sixty arcminutes in one degree
60 arc seconds in an arcminute
circumpolar stars
stars relatively near the north celestial pole. Never rise nor set. Make daily counterclockwise circles around north celestial pole.
summer solstice
around nune 21, northern hemisphere is tipped most directly toward the sun
winter solsitce
december, northern hemisphere is tipped most directly away from the sun
spring equinox
march, when north. hemi. goes from being tipped slightly away from the usn to being tipped slightly towrads
fall equinox
northern hemisphere first starts to be tipped away from sun
moon's pattersn
apperears to move eastward from night to night through the constellations of the zodiac. around the earth in 27 1/3 days.
Lunar eclipse
occurs when the earth casts a shadow on the moon. order: Sun, earth, moon. Moon must be full
the tow points in each orbit at which the moon crosses the surface
solar eclipse
moon lies directly between the sun and eath so that the moon's shadow falls on earth. order Sun, Moon, Earth. moon must be new
shadow of moon/earth when light is completely blocked
sunlight is only partially blocked
total lunar eclipse
moon passes through earth's umbra
partial lunar eclipse
alignment is somewhat less perfect, only part of full moon passes through the umbra
penumbral lunar eclipse
moon passes only thorugh earth's penumbral
total solar eclipse
when moon is relatively close to earth in its orbit, moon's umbra touches a small area of earth's surface
partial solar eclipse
only part of the sun is blocked from view