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28 Cards in this Set

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What is the age of the universe?

13.7 billion years

What is the age of the Earth?

4.6 billion years= 4,600,000 =four thousand six hundred million

What is a galaxy?

Cluster of billions of stars

The following list: Universe, Galaxy, Solar system, Earth is in increasing or decreasing size order?


What is the name and shape of our galaxy?

Milky way - Spiral shape

What is the approximate position of the sun within the solar system?


To be part of the solar system an object must….

revolve around the Sun

Where is the sun and solar system located in the galaxy?

on a spiral arm 3/4th teh way from the center

How many stars are in the solar system?
Hint- trick question perhaps?
1 the SUN.. silly

What is a light Year?

The distance that light can travel in one year

almost 6 trillion miles

What is the speed of light?

640 million miles per hour

or 186,000 miles per second

What unit do astronomers use to measure the distances to stars?

a light year

Two pieces of evidence for the big bang are....

Cosmic background radiation

doppler effect (red shift)

Cosmic Background Radiation is detected in the form of


Radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum (p.14) in ESRT is categorized based on


The color with the longest wavelength is


If an object is moving away from earth, its light will show a shift toward which end of the visible spectrum?

red shift

red shift

Light from all galaxies show a shift of spectral lines toward the red end of the visible spectrum and provides evidence that the universe is….


Hubble's Law states that as galaxies are farther away they are...

Moving Faster away from us

Astronomers can measure the speed of galaxies toward or away from Earth by measuring

The wavelength shift in an elements spectrum (doppler effect)

The diagram  on top shows the spectral lines for an element. The spectrum of the same element observed in the light from a distant star is shown below it.  The shift in the spectral lines 
indicates that the star is moving…..

The diagram on top shows the spectral lines for an element. The spectrum of the same element observed in the light from a distant star is shown below it. The shift in the spectral lines
indicates that the star is moving…..


Stars form from immense clouds of gas and dust called a _____________.


Stars create their energy from

Nuclear fusion

What force is responsible for turning a nebula into a star?


Nuclear fusion is when

Two lighter atoms such as hydrogen are combined into a heavier elements such as helium

the majority of stars spend their “lives” as what type?
Hint- look at pg 15 in ESRT

main sequence

Only massive stars will explode in a _________ and become a ________ ___________


.black hole

Stars similar in mass to the Sun will end up as a....

White Dwarf