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19 Cards in this Set

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What causes the "bands" on Jupiter?

Weather mechanics; hot gasses rising and cold gases falling.

Why is the sky blue?

Because light from the sun is being scattered by Earth's atmosphere.

scattering = 1 ÷ λ⁴

shorter wavelength = more scattering

How much does pressure decrease in Earth's atmosphere per scale height?

Pressure decreases exponentially with height.

P = P₀∗e^(h/h₀)


P = Pressure

P₀ = Pressure at sea level

h = height

h₀ = scale height

1 scale height = 10 km

Perfect Gas Law?

P = nkT


P = Pressure

n = particles/m³

k = Boltzmann's constant

T = Temperature (K)

Why are smaller planets' atmospheres not mostly H₂ / He?

H₂ / He are smaller molecules and move faster. Combined with lower gravity, they reach escape velocity and "leak" out. Bigger molecules (N, O₂) stay.

How did Earth replace it's primary atmosphere?

Volcanoes (H₂O, CO₂, N₂) & comets containing volatiles burned up in the atmosphere (made of clay).

How long did it take the primary atmosphere to leak out?

≈ 10⁸ years

What gases make up Earth's atmosphere?

78% Nitrogen

21% Oxygen

1% Argon

400/10⁶ CO₂

H₂O vapor

What % of Venus' atmosphere is carbon?


also some Nitrogen & Argon

What is the dominant gas in Mars' atmosphere?


__% of Jupiter's atmosphere is ___________. Where did it come from?



came from solar nebula

What are the layers of the atmosphere (from the ground up)?

Troposphere, (Tropopause), Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere

What sets temperature in the troposphere?

Ground temperature (convection with the surface of the Earth)

What sets temperature in the stratosphere?

Contains O₃ (ozone) and is heated by solar UV

What sets temperature in the mesosphere?

No ozone, heated by stratosphere

Sex cells divide by _______, others by ____________.



What is allopatric speciation?

It occurs when a new species evolves when a group becomes isolated

What are genes?

Specific segments of chromosomes constituting the basic unit of hereditary, alternative form is an allele

Which planets in our solar system are not habitable?

a) Europa

b) Titan

c) Enceladus

d) Mars

e) None of the above

e) None of the above