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10 Cards in this Set

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Assessment of premature infants behavior (APIB)
Premature Infants
Behavior Checklist and scale

Assesses infants pattern of developing behavioral organization in reposnse to sensory stimuli

Eye movements and asymmetry of performance are measured
Function adn integration of the physiological, motor, state, attentional adn regulatory systems are determined
Neurological Assessment of Preterm and Full term New Born Infant (NAPFI)
Preterm and full term infants

A rating scale using a brief neurological exam
1. can be used with infants in incubator and with ventilator IF handling is tolerated
2. Habituation, movement and tone, reflexes, and neurobehavioral responses including level of arousal adn alertness, auditory adn visual orientation, irritability, consolability adn crying are assessed
Denver Developmental Screening Test II
1 month to 6 years old

standardized task assessment and observation screening tool for early identification of developmental delay in four areas
1. personal social
2. fine motor adaptive
3. language
4. gross motor skills

questionaire for home assesment for caregivers
Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID-III)
1 to 42 months

Standardized rating scales that assess multiple areas of development to attain a baseline for intervention and to monitor progress.

Evaluates 5 domains
1. cognition
2. language
3. motor
4. social emotional
5. adaptive behavior

2 parent questionaires
Results are used to plan interventions
First STEP Screening Test for Evaluation of Preschoolers
2 years 9 months to 6 years 2 months

A checklist and rating scale to identify at risk children

Assesses 5 domains
1. cogntition
2. language
3. social emotional
4. physical
5. adaptive functioning

Table top tasks and additional screening scales for social emotional, adaptive behavior and parent questionaire
Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP)
birth to 3 years with delays and/or for preschoolers 3+ without disabilities

Non-standardized scale.
Assesses 6 areas
1. cognitive
2. language
3. gross motor
4. fine motor
5. social emotional
6. self help

Administered in childs natural environment. Usually a warm up period, structured play, and snack time
Miller Assessment for Preschoolers (MAP)
2 years 9 months to 5 years 8 months

Standardized task performance SCREENING tool that assesses sensory and motor abilities consisting of a foundation adn coordination indexes, cognitive abilities including verbal and nonverbal indexes adn complex tasks
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability (PEDI)
6 months to 7 years

Standardized behavior checklist and rating scale that assesses capabilities and detects functional deficits, to determine developmental level, monitor child progress and/or compete complete a program EVALUATION

Includes obersrvation, interview and scoring of three domains
1. self care
2. mobility
3. social skills
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2)
Motor Assessment

4 years to 21 years

Stabdardized test assesses motor proficiency; fine/gross motor composites including consideration of speed, duration, and accuracy of performance

8 subtests
fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, bilateral coordination, balance, running speed and agility, upper limb coordination and strength
Erhardt Development Prehension Assessment EDPA

Short screening form
Children of all ages and cognitive levels with neurodevelopmental disorders

Observation checklist which assesses three domains
1. involuntary arm-hand patterns
2. voluntary movements of approach
3. prewriting skills