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75 Cards in this Set

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Problem-solving model by Compton and Galaway
3 phases- contact, contract, action
Stages of change
precontempation, contemplation, planning/prep, action, maintenance
Early interventions
open ended questions, affirming, reflective listening, summarizing (OARS)
4 Factor PIE (Person in Environment)
Factor I- Problems in social role functioning
Factor II- problems in environment
Factor III- mental health problems
Factor IV- phyiscal health problems
Suicidal ideation- what to do?
enter into no suicide contract
More than suicidal ideation- what to do?
hospitalize client
IQ tests
WAIS and WISC (Weschler for adults and kids)
Draw a person test
Information on self image
predominant personality traits or behavior
self report personality test for adults
Rorschach test
thematic apperception test
self-report personality inventory, acute clinical states, used with adults as clinical assessment
Million Adolescent Clinical Inventory- emotional adjustment, ersonality attributes
Bender Gestalt II
visual motor integration, screaming of neuropsychological impariment for kids. Identfy learning disabilities, predict academic achievement
NOT for personaltiy or making psychiatric dx
can mimic mania
can mimic depression
present at birth
Mental retardation
IQ of 70 or less
Boderline- 71-84
mild- 50-70
Moderate 35-50
severe- 20-35
profound- below 20
Rett's Disorder
normal prenatal and perinatal development up to 5 months after birth followed by deceleration in head growth
Childhood Disinigrative disorder
loss of previously aquired skills
Rumination disorder
repeated reguritation and rechewing of food
Tics many times a day ex//echolalia
inability to focus, remember, disoreientaiton, language disturbance
Rapid onset
caused by medical condition or substance abuse
breif and fluctuates during course of day
disturbance of memory and cognition associated with alzheimers
caused by medical conditon
becomes worse over time
Substance Dependence
increased tolerance, presence of withdrawal symptoms, persistent desire or efforts to quit or cut down
Substance Abuse
continued use despite social/intepersonal problems
Common meds: antabuse, revia and texan
2 symptoms for at least 6 months (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, flat affect, poveryt of speech, inability to initate goal-directed activity)
schizoprhenic symptoms for 1-6 months
mixture of symptoms suggested of Mood disorder and schizophrenia (major depressive, manic or mixed episode plus delusions or hallucinations for at least 2 weeks)
Delusional disorder
presence of 1+ delusions for at least 1 month
Brief psychotic disorder
sudden onset of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior that lasts for at least 1 day but less than 1 month
Common antipsychotics
neuroleptics (therozine, mellaril, stelazine, prolixin, haldol, loxitane, clorazil, risperdal and zyprexa)
Foli a deux
shared delusion
Major depressive episode
5+ sypmtoms for at least 2 weeks
Manic episode
abnormally elated, expansive or irritable mood for at least 1 week with 3+ symptoms
Hypomanic episode
elevated, expansive, irratable mood not accomabnied by psychotic symptoms that last at least 4 days with 3+ symptoms. Less severe than mania
mixed episode
criteria for depressive and manic eposide present every day for at least 1 week
bipolar I
one or more manic or mixed ipisodes
bipolar II
one or more major depressive episodes combined with at least 1 hypomanic episode
Bipolar and cyclothymia med
lithium salts (lithium or depakote)
cyclothymic do
hypomanic symptoms and depresive sypomts that do not meet criteira for major depressive episode for at least 2 years
Major depressive disorder
one or more MDE's without manic, mixed or hypomanic episoide hisotyr
also known as recurrent drepssive disorder, clinical depression and unipolar depressive disorder
deprssed mood for at least 2 years
exogenous depression
caused by psychosocial tressors
endogenous depression
caused by biochemical imbalance
describption of inability to experience pleasure
itnesnse feelings of depression, disocntent and indifference to the world
depression meds
maoi's and ssris including prozac, paxil, zoloft, celexa, franil, eleavil, marplan, nardil, eldephyl
panic attack
intense fear/discomfot with 4+ symptoms which develop abruptly and reach peak within 10 minutes
anxiety about being in places or situaitons from which escape might be difficult or emabarressing. Not coded. Coded with specific disorder it occurs with ex// panic d/o with agoraphobia
panic disorder without agoraphobia
recurrent panic attacks followed by persistent concern about having addiotnal attacks
panic disorder with agoraphobia
criteria of panic disorder in additon to agoraphobia
medicaiton for anxiety disorder
librium, xanx, halcion, celexa, paxil, tofrnail, clonopin, restoril, valium
multiple physicla complaints before age 30 that occur over several years, symptoms include 4 pain, 2 gastrointestinal, 1 sexual and 1 psudoneurological. Not intentionally produced or feigned
Factitious disorder
intential production or feigning of symptoms motivated by desire to assume sick role
munchausen syndrome
someone with a factitious disorder prdouces physical symptoms
not a diagnosis, used to obtain disability benefits
conversion disorder
symptoms affect voluntary motor or sensory fucnitons that suggest neurological or medical conditon. not intentionally procued or feigned
Dissociative amnesia
inability to recall important personal informaiton of a traumatic nature
Dissociative fugue
sudden unexepcted travel from home accomapned by inability to recall past and confusion about personal identity
Dissociate Identity Disorder
used to be multpile personality disorder
recurrent sexual urges, fantasies or behaviors that involve unusual objects, activiies or situaitons
Personality Disorder Cluster A
odd and eccentric- paranoid, schizotypal, schizoid
Personality Disorder Cluster B
boderline, antisocial, histrionic, narcissitic
Personality Disorder Cluster C
anxious and fearful- avoident, dependent and obsessive
Schizotypal personality disorder
soical and interpersonal deficits marked by discomfort with close relationships
detachment from social relationships with a restricted range of expression of emotions
instability of interepersonal relationships, self-image and affects and amrked impulsivity
Best treatment for conduct disorder
Social learning family intervention which is a type of parent management training.
abnormal events during sleep
disturbances in sleep, amount, time and quality
Hypersonmia Disorder
excessive sleepiness for at least 1 month
Insomnia disorder
difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep for at least 1 month
Adjustment disorder
symptoms in response to identifable stressor within 3 months of stressor