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88 Cards in this Set

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Ma Bo-

aphonia (LOSS OF VOICE), hematemysis; hemoptysis
Ma Huang Gen-
stops all types of sweating d/t deficiency: nightsweats; spontaneous sweats
Ma Huang*
opens pores: induces sweating; disseminates Lu Qi-calms wheezing d/t excess; promotes urination
Mai Men Dong**
moistens LU; augments ST Yin; generates BFs; moistens intestines; clears Heat quiets irritability
Mai Ya**
promotes digestion: STARCHES & FRUITS; inhibits lactation
Man Jing Zi-
disperses W-H: red, painful swollen EYES; clears Heat from Lr: migraines,dizz., W-C-D Bi-syndrome: joint pain, cramping, numbness
Mang Xiao**
softens harded accumulationa; purges out stg; clears Heat: constipation, sore throat, mastitis. 6-18g melted into decoction. do not cook #1 herb combined with Da Huang
Mei Gui Hua-
gently regulate LR Qi; invigorates Bld; harmonize LR, SP & ST; disperses sts; stops pain; regulates menstruation
Meng Chong-
strongly and vigorously removes bld sts special pair: Shui Zhi
Meng Shi-
strongly directs Qi down. stubborn phlegm; epilepsy, mania d/t P-H; convulsions
Mi Meng Hua-
benefits the eyes, recently used for hypertenstion
Mo Han Lian-
nourishes & tonifies LR & KI; cools bld, stops bleeding. alt name: han lian cao.
Mo Yao**
reduces swelling;; relives pain; removes obstructions to flow of bld. Bi-Syndrome, appendicitis special pair: Ru Xiang
Mu Dan Pi**
gently invigorates bld w/out injuring fluids: amen/dysmenorrhea; clears LR fire; drains pus/reduce swelling
Mu Gua*
one of the more effective herb for relaxing sinews. relaxes M & T: alleviates calf cramps. harmonizes SP/ST & txforms Dampness. reduces food Stg for indigestion
Mu Li**
subdues LR Yang; astringes/controls BFs; softens hardness/dissipates nodules: masses or Lumps d/t Phlegm Fire stg; heavily settles & calms the spirit
Mu Tong**
drains Heat from HT via SI: mouth ulcers, restlessness d/t flare up of HT Fire; promotes lactation/unblocks bld vessels: Bi-Syndrome d/t D-H; promotes urn.
Mu Xiang **
promotes qi mvmt; adjusts MJ; eliminates food stg; stops pain; adjusts stg intestine Qi; strenthens SP/prevents food stg. similar to Xiang Fu-only weaker.
Mu Zei-
clears superficial visual obstruction; excessive tearing, blurry eyes
Nan Gua Zi*
promotes lactation; kills parasties. PARALYZES MID SEC OF TAPEWORM
Nan Sha Shen**
moistens LU: stops dry or bleeding cough, moistens exterior; generates BFs; clears Heat
Niu Bang Zi*
sore, painful, red THROAT; vents skin rashes; clears heat toxins; facilitates BM.
Niu Huang-
clears heat; dredges phlegm: P-H blocking Heart; subdues LR Wind: infant convulsionsrestores consciousness; cools blood
Niu Xi*
tonifies LR & Ki; benefits joints; induces downward mvmt of Bld and Fire; clears D-H from LJ special pair: Chuan Niu Xi
Nu Zhen Zi**
tonifies LR & KI. blackens hair. clears heat from LR: brightens eyes
Ou Jie-
removes blood stg; remove bld sts
Pai Lan*
sticky sweet taste in mouth d/t accum of Phelgm in MJ. Summerheat; aromatically dispels MJ turbid filth to unbind ST
Pang Da Hai-
benefits throat; hoarse voice
Pao Jiang**
AFFINITY to LJ: stops bleeding, warms ch and organs and LJ for SP Yang Xu; stops pain by warming internal organs.
Pi Pa Ye-
resolve Phlegm, descends Qi to stop cough; descends ST Qi: stops vomiting
Pu Gong Ying**
dissipates nodules: mastitis, breast and intentinal absess; promotes urination
Pu Huang**
treats pain d/t Bld Stg both internal and external (trauma); invigorates bld/dispels sts: chest/AB pain-esp post partum. promotes urination: blood lin syndrome
Qian Cao**
invigorates bld: AMENORRHEA d/t channel blockage 'out with the old in with the new'. cools bld: for many types of bleeding d/t heat in bld
Qian Hu*
descend Qi of LU; disperse W-H & Fire down; dissolves phlegm
Qian Niu Zi-
Qian Shi*
stops diarrhea; T+ Ki Qi: controls essence; expels Damp-yeast infections; stops discharge
Qiang Huo*
GUIDING:TAI YANG (and Du Mai); occipital HA/body aches; travels to head and limbs: Qi level: unblocks C&C: W-C-D Bi syndrome related herb: Du Huo
Qin Jiao*
CLEARS DEFICIENCY HEAT, eliminates D-H: damp heat jaundice, hepA, moistens intestines for dry constipation promotes BM
Qin Pi-
dysentary: pus, blding d/t Heat and Toxin in LI. disperses W-D for Hot Bi-Syndrome
Qing Dai**
reckless mvmt of bld: skin eruptions, cough-vomit-nose blood; reduces swellings: mumps, sore throat; drains LR and Lu Heat: convulsions, red eyes, cough yellow sputum
Qing Feng Teng-
Bi-Syndrome w/ skin numbness d/t W-D attack. edema d/t accum of Damp and harmful fluid. carbuncle d/t heat toxin. "channel problem with pain"
Qing Hao**
clears all types of deficient yin level heat w/out injuring qi/bld/BFs: deficiency, summerheat, heat in bld; treats malaria
Qing Pi -
fiercely moves LR Qi: masses or lumps d/t stg; frees LR Qi; treats food stg.
Qing Xiang Zi-
strongly clears Lr Fire; benefits the eyes; eliminates superficial visual obstruction; hypertension d/t Lr Yang rising
Qu Mai-
breaks up bld stg: amennorrhea/irregular menses; clears D-H, unblocks painful urn.
Quan Xie**
TOXIC! tracks down Wind; unblocks collaterals; stops pain. clears&dissolves fire toxins & stg.; dissipates nodules. extinguishes LR Wind: stops tremors Special Pair: Wu Gong
Ren Shen**
powerfully tonifies Primal Qi of the 5 Zang; tonifies Taiyin; generates BFs-stops thirst; benefits Ht Qi to calms Ht/Shen
Rou Cong Rong*
moistens LI/promote BM; T+Ki Yang, enriches essence & bld; "Yang tonic herb that is not drying
Rou Dou Kou-
chronic diarrhea. warms SP/ST
Rou Gui**
GUIDING HERB: SHAOYIN warms/tonifies HT & KI yang; disperses cold, invigorates bld; warm/activates channels: Bi-Syndrome d/t C-D. Leads fire bakd to Mingmen source
Ru Xiang**
appendicitis; W-D Bi syndrome, rigidity/spasms; promotes tissue regeneration for healing of sores; also for red/pain swelling of gums, mouth, throat special pair: Mo Yao
San Leng**
forcefully break up bld sts; alleviates pain: amenorrhea. moves qi; dissolves masses and accum. disperses food stg special pair: E Zhu
San Qi**
any kind of bleeding (int/ext) esp. with trauam. removes bld sts/relieves pain: cardiac pain/masses/dysmenorrhea d/t bld stg
Sang Bai Pi*
BEST HERB TO CLEAR HEAT IN THE LUNG AND DRAIN URING. DISCHARGES LU HEAT VIA URN. drains Heat from the LU: stops cough calms wheezing; promotes urn for edema.
Sang Ji Sheng**
tonifies LR and KI, unblocks and adjusts blood vessels: nourishes Yin and Bld, benefits skin, Expels Wind Damp, calms fetus.
Sang Piao Xiao**
T+ KI; assista yang; secures essence; contains uring. All 'yang tonifying qualities'
Sang Shen*
moistens intestines: constipation d/t bld/yin xu; cools & gently nourishes Bld: GENTLE HARMONIOUS HERB; nourish Yin, produce BFs: dizz, premature grey; decreased vision
Sang Ye**
sore, painful, red THROAT; clears heat from/moistens Lu: dry cough-yellow sputum; clears heat from liver: red, dry, painful EYES; cools blood/stops bleeding
Sang Zhi*
W-D Bi with spasms-esp for warm type in UPPER LIMBS. facilitates joint mvmt/nourishes yin & yang fluids. edema-esp with joint pain
Sha Ren*
promotes Qi circulation; strengthens SP. stops diarrhea; calms fetus; medium warmth of the three (Bai Dou Kou, Sha Ren, Cao Dou Kou)
Sha Yuan Zi*
Nourishes LR Yin/improves vision; T+ KI Yang; secures essence
Shan Ci Gu**
dissipates nodules: scrofula, breast & abdominal abesesses; snakebite, dog bite, insect bite, cirrhosis
Shan Dou Gen-
sore/swollen throat d/t accumulation of damp+ toxin
Shan Yao**
tonifies Sp & ST; tonifies Lu Qi-augments Lu Yin; tonifies Ki-promotes grasping of Qi from Lu; binds Essence
Shan Zha**
promotes digestion: MEATS & GREASY FOODS; promotes Qi circulation; invigorates bld; dissipates clumping (post partum clumps; AB pain)
Shan Zhu Yu**
stabilizes Ki. astringes BFs. secures essence; T+/augments KI & LR; stops excessive sweating; supports that which has collapsed
She Chuang Zi**
stops itching-itchy genitals d/t D-H; kills parasites; tonify Ki Yang;
She Gan**
reduces swollen/painful throat d/t heat/fire toxin
She Xaing-
relieves swelling & pain; speeds up labor. #1 HERB FOR RESUSCITATION FOR SHI CONDITIONS
Shen Jin Cao*
relaxes tendons/invigorates collaterals: helps qi/bld flow all over. dispels W-D: restristion of felxion/extension in joints
Shen Qu**
promotes digestion: GRAINS & STARCHES; harmonizes ST
Sheng Di Huang**
nourishes yin/generates BFs: for Yin exhaustion, deficient bld, insufficient fluids; clears heat/cools bld: W-H pathogen in Yin and/or Xue level
Sheng Jiang**
induces sweating; warms MJ-alleviates vomiting; harmonize Yin/Wei (+Da Zao); warms Lu-txfroms phlegm-stops cough; antidote for seafood poisoning
Sheng Ma*
raises Sp Yang Qi: prolapse; disperses W-H: HA, vents skin rashes; clears heat/toxins from Yangming d/t Warm pathogen
Shi Chang Pu**
FUZZY HEAD & loss of soncsiousness d/t D-P or Turbidity blocking HT; txform Damp: strengthen MJ; invigorates Bld/reduces swelling: W-C-D Bi-Syndrome; trauma soures.
Shi Gao**
clears heat/drains fire from Qi level: 4 Bigs (+Zhi Mu); cough wheezing d/t excess Lu heat; HA toothache, swollen gums d/t Yangming St Fire; vents exterior and releases M layer to ease restlessness & thirst
Shi Hu-
nourish ST fluids; enrich Yin and Essence of the KI
Shi Jue Min*
clears LR Heat. brightens eyes; subdues Lr Yang rising. (settles wind, nourishes lr wind, clears heat, anchors yang) pre cook
Shi Jun Si-
childhood malnutrition; eliminates food retention; kills parasties
Shi Wei-
cools LU; faciliates BL; stops blding; drains D-H: Xue Lin, Shi (stone) Lin, Ri (Heat) Lin
Shu Di Huang**
T+/generates essence/ augments marrow: premature aging, diminished mental acuity; memory loss; T+& nourishes Bld: for bld xu: sallow face, dizz., palpitations: & nourishes Yin: LR&KI Xu: weak LB and knees, tidal fever, night sweats
Shui Niu (Xi) Jiao-
high fever coma, delirium, skin reuptions, tremors. cools yin and xue level heat and clears heat from HT Channel
Shui Zhi-
strongly breaks up & removes bld sts; disperses Stg. fixed masses amenorrhea, traumatic injury special pair: Meng Chong
Si Gua Luo*
breast abscess; W-D Bi-syndrome; expels phlegm d/t Lu Heat; helps fascia layer: breaks up fibrus material (because it is fibrous material)
Song Jie-
dispels Wind & dries Dampness for pain in joints w/ C-D
Su He Xiang-
eliminates turbidity-opens and clears away stg filth; relieves pain
Suan Zao Ren**
astringes sweat: night/spontaneous sweats d/t weak constitution; nourishes HT Yin, augments LR Bld, quiets spirit: irritability, insomnia, palp. w/ anxiety d/t Bld Xu (inability to nourish Ht) or Yin Xu (w/ Fire flaring UP); "expansive/contractive": tonifies the Nutritive bld to quiet spirit & resolve, while also inhibiting Nutritive Yin in order to stop sweating
Suo Yang*

warms Ki Yang; nourishes KI and LR Yin; STRENGTHENS SINEWS TO TREAT ATROPHY D/O; moistens intestines