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16 Cards in this Set

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Name the ED home screens.

ED Track Board, ED Manager, and ED Map

I want to enter an LMP date of two weeks ago for my patient’s

OB/Gyn Status. Name two ways I can enter this date.

Type “t-14” or type “w-2”. You can also type it in the month/day/year

format or select the date on a calendar.

When should you use completion matching?

Use completion matching in any and all fields that have a Selection

button. Fields with that button always contain a list with choices, and the

most efficient way to find the information on those lists is by typing a few

letters and pressing ENTER.

Name one way to see the patient’s Status from the ED Manager.

Any of the following: 1) The background colors are linked to a status;

click the Legend button to see which colors match which statuses. 2)

Right-click on the patient and highlight the status type. The current status

will have a check mark next to it. 3) Rest the mouse over the patient. The

ToolTip may display the patient’s current status.

Name two ways you can assign yourself to a patient’s treatment team.

Any two of the following: 1) From any of the tracking tools, right-click on

the patient and choose Assign me. 2) From the ED Manager, drag-anddrop

your name from the Current Staff pane onto the patient’s row (or

drag-and-drop the patient’s name onto your name in the Current Staff

pane). 3) From any of the tracking tools, highlight the patient, click the

Tx Team button, and fill out the form presented.

When I right-click on a patient to assign myself to her treatment team,

there is no Assign Me option. Why not?

I am not signed in to the ED.

True or False: A user can use the drag-and-drop feature to assign

him/herself to a patient’s treatment team on any of the home screens.

False. Drag-and-drop only works on the ED Manager.

How can you quickly remove yourself from a patient’s treatment team?

From any of the tracking tools, right-click on the patient and choose End

My Assignment, or simply click the Sign Out button on the ED toolbar.

You will be prompted to reassign providers in your place on your

patients’ treatment teams, but you can simply click OK to sign out without


Startup Activity

In the Foundation System, when the nurses log in, the ED Track Board is the

startup activity. Each startup activity occupies a workspace. You can recognize a

workspace by the presence of a tab.

Magnifying glass (Selection Button)

Selection button. It appears in any field that accepts

selections from a pre-defined list of options.

ED Track Board

The ED Track Board is the most convenient place for a clinician to acquire

information about a patient.

ED Manager

The ED Manager is where ED Managers may find they do most of their work in

ASAP Emergency Department. From the ED Manager, you can view a summary

of all the patients in the ED organized by care area. You can also view a list of all

staff members signed in to the ED along with the role they fill. Further, you can

quickly room patients, admit patients, discharge patients, and modify patient

treatment teams.

Care Area

ED Manager is organized by care area
ED Map

The ED Map is another home activity that helps users to keep track of the patients

in the ED. It is commonly used as a visual representation of your ED, containing

beds colored to represent the status of the patient in each bed.

Completion Matchng

Use completion matching in any and all fields that have a Selection button

Date Conventions

Remember to use date conventions where appropriate:

Use “t” to represent days from today

Use “w” to represent weeks

Use “m” to represent months

Use “y” to represent years