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23 Cards in this Set

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What may happen to a species with low genetic diversity?

  • They might not be able to adapt to a change in the environment and be wiped out by a single event (e.g. disease).

Give an example of a factor that may lower genetic diversity in a population.

  • Isolated populations
  • Examples are those that are bred in captivity (e.g. zoos, and pedigree and rare breeds)

What is a pedigree animal?

An animal bred purely from animals from the same breed.

What is a rare breed?

A breed of farm animal that's not used in large-scale farming.

Give an example of how the genetic diversity of a population could be increased

Breeding programmes.

Genetic .......... is used to measure genetic diversity


What is a locus on a chromosome?

The point where alleles of the same gene are found at the same point.

The point where alleles of the same gene are found at the same point.

What does polymorphism describe?

A locus that has two or more alleles.

Working out the polymorphic gene loci in an organism gives you a measure of genetic diversity. State the formula used to calculate the proportion of polymorphic gene loci.

State three factors affecting global biodiversity.

  • Human population growth
  • Increased use of monoculture in agriculture
  • Climate change

State four factors that affect biodiversity due to human population growth

  • Habitat loss
  • Over-exploitation
  • Urbanisation
  • Pollution

How does habitat loss affect global biodiversity?

  • Human development is destroying habitats, e.g. there is deforestation in the Amazon to make way for grazing and agriculture.

How does over-exploitation affect global biodiversity?

  • Over-exploitation - a greater demand for resources means a lot of resources are being used up faster than they are replenished.
  • This decreases genetic diversity within populations, as well as species diversity (as a result of extinction).
  • An example of this is industrial fishing, which can deplete populations of certain fishes and even end up causing extinction.

How does urbanisation affect global biodiversity?

  • Sprawling cities and major road developments can isolate species, meaning populations are unable to interbreed and genetic diversity is decreased.

How does pollution affect global biodiversity?

  • High amounts of pollutants can kill species and destroy habitats.
  • An example is a large amount of fertiliser flowing into a river, killing the fish species in the river, reducing biodiversity.

What is monoculture?

The growing of a single variety of a single crop.

How does monoculture in agriculture decrease global biodiversity?

  • Habitats are lost as land is cleared to make way for large fields.
  • Local and naturally occuring plants and animals are seen as weeds and pests, and destroyed with pesticides and herbicides, reducing species diversity.
  • Heritage (traditional) varieties of crops are lost because they don't make enough money and are not planted any more.

What is climate change?

The variation of the earth's climate (e.g. changes in the temperature and rainfall patterns).

Climate change occurs naturally, but the scientific consensus is that the climate change we are experiencing is due to humans. What is one of the causes of climate change due to humans?

The increased emissions of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases cause .......... warming (increasing the global average ..........), which causes other types of climate change, e.g. changing ........ patterns.

1. global

2. temperature

3. rainfall

Climate change will affect .......... areas of the world in different ways - some places will get warmer, some ........, some wetter and others ........... .

1. different

2. colder

3. drier

Most species require a particular .......... .


What can a change in climate do to a habitat? What may this result in? Give an example of a species this has affected. What would happen if a species cannot react fast enough to this change?

  • An area that was once habitable may become inhabitable, but the same thing may occur the other way, and inhabitable may become habitable.
  • This may increase or decrease the range (the area in which they live) of some species. This can increase or decrease biodiversity,
  • The southern range of the Sooty Copper butterfly has moved 60 miles north in recent decades.
  • If a species can not react fast enough to this change (e.g. migrate), or if the change is too fast, it could result in the extinction of a species.