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40 Cards in this Set

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When Virginia called the constitutional convention in 1786, how many delegates showed up?
Who was the chairman of the Constitutional Committee
George Washington
Who is known as the "Father of the Constitution?"
James Madison
What were the goals of the constitutional convention
Control tariffs, preserve the Union, forestall anarchy, ensure security of life
What was the large state plan? who was it proposed by?
Houses of congress should be based on population. Virginia
What was the Small State plan?
Equal representation in congress. New Jersey
What was the Great Compromise?
Representation by population in House of Reps but Equal representation in Senate
What was the verdict of the 3/5 compromise
A slave in the south counts for 3/5 a person
What was the state voting policy in the Articles of Confederation?
Each state gets its separate 1 vote
At the end of the Constitutional Convention how many people remained to sign the constitution?
What did the anti-federalists believe in
weaker federal government
what did the federalists believe in?
stronger federal government
Who were the leaders of the anti-federalists
Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee
What social class was the anti-federalist group made up of?
the poorest class
How did many anti-federalists view the constitution?
a plot by the upper crust to steal power back from the common folk.
Aside from being more upstanding people, what else gave the federalists the advantage above the anti-federalists
they controlled the press
When was the constitution officially adopted?
June 21, 1788
a. Unlike the _______________, who believed that the sovereignty of the people resided in a single branch of government—the legislature—the ___________ contended that every branch—executive, judiciary, and legislature —effectively represented the people
Antifederalists, federalists
Under both the Articles of Confederation (Art. VI) and the Constitution (Art. I, Sec. 10), states are prohibited from exercising certain powers. In both documents, states were prohibited from what action?
No states can sign themselves into a treaty
Under the constitution, how are peace treaties with foreign powers made?
The president with consent of at least 2/3 senate
Name 4 of the powers chartered to congress in the constitution
lay and collect taxes, borrow money, coin money, and establish a postal service.
name two ways an amendment is created
2/3 house and senate vote or by 2/3 state's proposal
Describe one of the safeguards the Constitution erects to address the fear the delagates had of unrestrained democracy
3 branches of government structure
How was a ratification to the constitution accepted?
9 states had to accept it
How are vacancies in the House of Representatives filled?
By election
Who is in-charge of the senate
The Vice President but he has no vote
Who tries all impeachments
the Senate
Explain Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission
Citizens United sought an injunction against the Federal Election Commission in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia to prevent the application of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) to its film Hillary: The Movie. The Movie expressed opinions about whether Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton would make a good president.
The Court ruled for Citizens United saying that the making of the movie was not unconstitutional
Explain Ward vs. Rock Against Racism
The band "Rock Against Racism" argued that because NYC made them use city issued equipment to patrol sound level that they were breaking the first amendment. The Court ruled in favor of the city saying that it didn't break the first amendment
Explain District of Columbia vs. Heller
a group of gun-owners argued that the law saying that all legal weapons must be kept locked, dissasembled, and unloaded, broke the second amendment. The Supreme Court agreed because the second amendment protects personal gun use as well as militia use
Explain Boy Scouts of America Vs. Dale
Dale, a homosexual, was relived of his duties because of his sexual orientation. He filed suit but lost because the court ruled that BSA had the right to bar him based on their right of freedom of expressive association
Explain Roper Vs. Simmons
Murder Christopher Simmions was sentenced to death for cruel murder of his next door neighbor. Although he committed an adults crime, the court ruled it was cruel and unusual to execute a minor
Explain Grutter vs. Bollinger
Barbara Grutter, white, was denied admission to University of Michigan law school. She filed suit because minority students with lower credentials got in and she didnt. the court upheld the affirmative action policy.
According to the US Constitution, how old do you have to be to be elected into one of the houses of Congress
According to Article VIII of the Articles of Confederation, how is war funded?
Through taxes based on the value of all land in that state that is put into a common treasury
What is the committee called that sits in on congress during congresses' recess
A committee of States
How long is a Senator's term
6 years
According to the US Constitution, where is a money bill originated
House of Reps
According to Section IX of the Constitution, until when did the government not have control of the slave trade
According to the US Constitution, Section IX, when can habeas corpus be suspended
in times of rebellion or invasion