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9 Cards in this Set

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Symbol of St. Matthew from the Book of Durrow
tempera on vellum, short man legs only triangular cloth covering body, checked pattern
Iconoclastic Controversy
ironclasts led by the emperor insisted on a literal interpretation of the biblical ban against graven images because their use led to idolatry. They aimed to restrict religious art to abstract symbols, plants and animals. Iconophiles were led by monks, their argument was because Christ and his image are inseparable, the honor is given to the image is transferred to him. Conflict came when empire was reduced in size by the rise of Islam. Succeeded in reducing the production of sacred images but failed to wipe it out completely. Rapid recovery after victory of the Iconophiles in 843, secular art became popular again.
Good Sheppard
Mosaic of a young christ in a field surrounded by sheep. He holds a cross and reaches out to one of his sheep. Christ guided people like he guided his sheep.
Gero Crucifix
named for archbishop Gero of Cologne who commissioned it.
example of Byzantine art, compassionate nature.
Expressive realism.
There is a space in the back of the head of Christ in which to put the host transforming it into a reliquary
Describe Islamic manuscript illumination
Islamic, A poor Man refused Admittance to a Mosque, from manuscript of Bostan Sa'di. Opaque water colours, ink, gold on paper.
Scene: a rich man discovers a beggar and another man washes at a fountain.

High pt of view, overlapping in in genius ways to give a sense of 3-d while portraying all of the protagonists in the same scale.
Despite small size there is generous pictoral space, complex settings and large cast of characters.
a new artistic tradition emerges as a creative combo of previous artistic ideas under the impetus of a new ideology
Describe the formation of Islamic art
Islamic art was formed from a series of pre-existing Greaco-roman, byzantine, christian, Sasanian art
Tenets of Islam
1. Affirmation of faith
2. Prayer, 5 daily plus 1 weekly
3. Fasting
4. Pilgrimage
5. charity
6. Protected status of the people of the book: Jews and Christians
7. Profound mistrust of certain images, pictures and statues of people and animals
8. High regard for literacy, reading and study of scripture
Examples of Islamic architecture
bath houses, mosques like the Dome of the Rock, palaces