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18 Cards in this Set

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branches of common carotid a.
causal thyroid a.
cranial thyroid a.
internal carotid a.
external carotid a.
caudal thyroid a.
o: from base of common carotid aa. or from brachiocephalic trunk
supplies: trachea, esophagus, thyroid gland
cranial thyroid a.
O: near thyroid gland (some branches directly from common carotid a.)
Supplies: thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, pharyngeal mm., larynx, cervical trachea, cervical esophagus
termination of common carotid a.
Internal & external carotid aa.
Medial to medial retropharyngeal ln., near basihyoid bone.
receptors of internal carotid a.
Carotid sinus - bulbous enlargement - baroreceptor
Carotid body - at bifurcation - chemoreceptor
carotid sinus innervation
carotid sinus br. of glossopharyngeal n.
internal carotid a. course through skull
through tympano-occipital fissure - carotid canal - emerges & loops back in at foramen lacerum - through one layer of dura mater - sinus between dura layers (cooling mechanism) - subarachnoid space
internal carotid a. trifurcation
middle cerebral a.
rostral cerebral a.
caudal communicating a.

with basilar a., go to cerebral arterial circle then brain
external carotid a. branches
Occipital a.
Cranial laryngeal a.
Ascending pharyngeal a.
Lingual a.
Facial a. (sublingual a.)
Caudal auricular a.
Superficial temporal a. (rostral auricular a., transverse facial a.)
Maxillary a.
occipital a.
Muscles on caudal aspect of skull

Anastomoses with vertebral a.
cranial laryngeal a.
Pharyngeal mm.

Location: between hyopharyngeus, thyropharyngeus, and thyrohyoideus mm.
Going ventral from external carotid a.
ascending pharyngeal a.
Soft palate

O: cranial to occipital a., going dorsal from external carotid a.

Anastomoses with internal carotid a.
lingual a.
Tongue (primary a. supplying)
Palatine tonsils

Location: ventral surface of tongue. Proximally, runs with hypoglossal n.
O: Cranial to cranial laryngeal a. Goes ventral from external carotid a.
facial a.
Mandibular and sublingual salivary glands
Br. to face and nose

O: cranial to lingual a. Goes ventral from external carotid a.
sublingual a.
Floor of mouth including mylohyoideus and geniohyoideus

O: from facial a.
caudal auricular a.
Br. to: facial n., parotid and mandibular salivary glands, brachiocephalicus m., sternocephalicus m., temporalis m.

O: Cranial to occipital a. Variable origin.
superficial temporal a. branches
Masseteric a.
Transverse facial a.
Rostral auricular a.
Temporal brs.
Superior and inferior palpebral aa.

O: cranial to caudal auricular a.
maxillary a.
continuation of external carotid a. after branching of superficial temporal a.