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100 Cards in this Set

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Flow equation
Q = ΔP/ R
or Q = π (ΔP) r4 / 8ηl
Poseilles Law
Resistance (mmhg/ml/min)
= 8ηl / r4 π
Flow and vessel length?
inversely prop to L
increased l = more R = > surface area for particles to rub against
Friection developed btwn molecules of fluid as they slide over eachother during flow= increases as hematocrit rises
Reynolds number
Nr= pDv/η
(p=density, D= diamter)
<2000 laminar flow, > 3000 turbulent, 2000-3000 = transition
Turbulent Flow
fluid doesn’t flow in definite laminae (layers), but rapid mixing occurs (like in blood). ΔP ~ proport to square of Q, vs 1st order in laminar Q
i.e., a heart will have to pump harder if turbulent flow develops
Series resistance found
BVs in specific organ (each organ supplied by netrowkr of large/small aa’s, arterioles, capillaries, etc)
Benefits to parallel resistance
oTotal R < R of any one resisotor → 1/ Rt = 1/ R1 + 1/ R2 + 1/ R3 +……
impact of changes in R of a few vascular beds on BP is minimized
Can use individual organ R to control blood distribution (flow) throughout the body
optimizes gas and substrate distribution dynamics
Velocotiy- how does it relate to flow?

v ↓ as cross sectional area ↑
wehre is largest drop in pressure?
btwn arteries & arterioloes --- capillares in contrast have far > caps arranged in parallel, thus total R is less
How does KE (dynamic pressure) respond to narrowing aorta
↓ radius ↓ A, which ↑ velocity; v ↑ KE (sig in aorta where already high flow v) - lateral P must ↓ (for constant total P), or ↓ P pushing blood from coranary arteries to heart
Arteries as P Reservoir - Systole
ventricular contract: e- used to 1) distend arteries 2)expel blood into aorta
oArteries elasticity enables them to expand to temp hold excess ejected blood V storing some of the P e- imparted by cardiac contraction in their stretched walls (like balloon expands to accom extra V of air)
Arteries as P Reservior- Diastole
oWhen heart relaxes (stops pumping blood into arteries), stretched arterial walls passively recoil- pushes excess blood contained in arteries into downstream vessels- ensuring continuted blood flow to organs when heart relaxing
Reason for dicrotic notch?
– aortic valve closure produces a brief period of retrograde flow from aorta back to valve, there is a slight decrease in aortic P- creates extra hump.
what happens when arteries lose elasticitiy
when arteries rigid - no SV can be stored in artieres during systole and during diastole - flow through caps stopis since aa cant recoil, no constant Q - intermittent flow
energy consequences of arterial loss of elasticity
more energy (measure by 02) required in rigid system
tendency of arterial walls to recoil (how rigid), inverse of compliance
-ΔP/ (ΔD/D)
-as age elastance increases - diameter changes less for given change in pressure
which blood vessels are most compliant
Veins - can hold largest V of blood at low P. arteries much < C - hold < blood. Recall compliance is a measure of "how stretchy" vessel is- how much V you can hold at given P
compliance and age
oCompliance of arteries ↓ as age↑: walls get stiffer, < distensible, < C, hold < blood at any given arterial P.
which blood vessels have greatest elastance
greatest in arteries, smallest in veins.
blood flow through heart
venae cavae → RA → (tricusp V) → RV → (SL valve)→ pulm artery → lungs → pulm vein → LA → (mitral valve) → LV →(sl valve) → aorta →body → vena cava
When are semilunar valves open? closed?
oOpen: ventricle P > aorta or pulm artery P (ventricle contraction & emptying)
oClose: ventricles relax; ventricular P < aorta or pulm artery
back flow in semilunar valve prevented by:
its anatomy- leakproof seam
chordea tendinae
o Edges of AV valve leaflets fastened by tough, thin fibrous cords of tendinous-type tissue, chordae tendinae, which prevent AV vavles from being everted (open in direction into atria).
papillary muscles
Chords extend from edges of each cusp; attach to papillary muscles (small) which protrude from inner surface of ventricular walls. When ventricles contract, papillary muscles also contract, pulling downward on chordea tendineae (closing AV valve cusps).
elaxation and filling of the heart (Repoloarziation)
contraction and emptying of the heart (Spread of excitation)
early ventricular diastole
Atrium is still also in diastole; TP interval on ECG, (after VEN repolarization & before another atrial depol)
-Bc continuous inflow of blood from venous sys to atrium, atrial P slightly > VEN P (both are relaxed) (1). P differential: AV valve open, blood flows from atrium into VEN throughout VEN diastole (heart A).
-Passive filling causes VEN V to slowly rise even before atrial contraction takes places (2).
late ventricular diastole
SA node reaches threshold and fires. Impulse spreads throughout aorta, (P wave, 3). Atrial depolarization causes atrial contraction, raising atrial P curve (4) and squeezing more blood into VEN. Corresponding rise in VEN P (5) that occurs simultaneous to rise in arterial P is due to additional V of blood added to VEN by atrial contraction (6 ,heart B). Throughout atrial contraction, atrial P still slightly > VEN P, AV valve open.
end of ventricular diastole
Ends at onset of VEN contraction- atrial contraction and VEN filling complete. The V of blood in ventricle at end of diastole (7) is end-diastolic V (avg ~135 ml) No > blood will be added to VEN during this cycle.
end diastolic volume
max amount of blood that the ventricle will contain during given cardiac cycle
what keeps AV valve closed
As VEN contraction begins, VEN P immediately > arterial P. This backward P differential forces AV valve closed
ventricular excitation and onset of ventricular sysole
After atrial excitation, impulse travels through AV node and specialized conduction system to excite VEN. Simult, atria are contracting. When VEN activation complete, atrial contraction is already over. The QRS complex = VEN excitiation (8), which induces VEN contraction. The VEN P curve sharply increases shortly after QRS complex, signaling onset of VEN systole
isovolumetric contraction
After VEN P > atrial P and AV valve closed, to open aortic valve, VEN P must increase until > aortic P. So, AV valve closes and before aortic valve opens= is brief period when VEN = closed chamber (10). Bc all valves closed, no blood can enter or leave VEN (IVC – heart C). BC no blood enters or leaves, VEN at constant V and muscle fibers at constant length. IVC is similar to isometric contraction in skeletal muscle. During IVC, ventricular pressure continues to increase as the volume remains constant (11)
systolic versus diastolic pressure
sys: max P exerted into arteries when blood ejected into them (~120)
dys: min P within arteries when blood draining off into rest of vessels during diastole (~80 mmhg
mean arterial pressure
Pa = Pd + 1/3 pulse pressure
where pulse pressure = Systolic P- diastolic P
physiological factors affecting artieral BP
Cardiac output (HR x SV)
peripheral resistance
Physiological factors modify physical ones (arterial blood volume and arterial compliance)
how does cardiac output affect BP
increase in CO increases BP- MAP must rise to level where arterial outflow = CO (increase Q by increasing aterial P)
TPR and Arterial BP
o If ↑R in arterioles (by↓ diameter), initial response is to ↓ flow, but build up of blood in system, cause ↑BP to push > blood through arteries & maintain constant Q (↑P)
arterial compliance and BP
with ΔCO, compliance determines rate at which new equilibrium value of MAP will be approached. ΔP much faster in an older person with small C -- can cause vessel rupture
Arterial Pulse P (sys-dys) mostly affected by...
Stroke volume (changes arterial volume), but also by compliance
decreased hemocrit (b/c decreas mass of RBC)- get turbulent flow, causes fxnl murmers.
MAP other equation
MAP = cardiac output x TPR
Reactive Hyperemia
Increased blood flow after period of inadequate blood flow (after excersie or ischemic event).
-As flow decreases O2 supply decreases and CO2 levels increase - causing release of vasodilator metabolites --> extra compensatory flow
vasodialator metabolites include
lactate, adenosine, potassium (accumulate as increase metabolic activity)
Endothelial vasodialators
Nitric Oxide
prostaglandins (prostacyclin, PGE2)
endothelial vasoconstrictors
prostaglandins (thromboxane)
Prostaglandins and vasodilation
prostacyclin and PGE2 - respond to shear stress (anatognize thromboxane)
prostaglandins and vasoconstriction
thromboxan, primarily platlet - but some endothelial; antagonizes prostacyclin
responds to autocrine- paracrine molecules (NO, adenosine) for vasoconstriction
Nitric oxide
Cross endothelial cells to relax smooth muscle; responds to shear stress, NT/autocrine-paracrine moelcules (Ach, bradyknin, histamine, adenosine).
Effect of metabolites on upstream arteries
-Metabolites may propagate upstream
-Upstream vasodilation results in shearing stress in arterioles, causing even more metabolite release
-Diffuse through walls (especially NO)
-May act through surface receptors
importance of arteriolar resistance
converts pulsatile S-D P swings into arteries into non-flucuating pressure in capillaries
-high degree of resistance cuases marked drop in mean pressure as blood flows through - helps establish p diff to encourage Q from heart to downstream organs
composition of arterioles
thick latyer of smooth muscle richly innervated by sympathetic nerve fibers
-very little elastic connective tissue
arterioles and vascular tone
normally displays particial constriction - vascular tone- that establishes baselien arteriolar R. baseline from myogenic activity and sym supply continually releaseing NE (further enhancing tone)
phases of systole
isovolumentric ventricular contraction, ventricular ejection
phases of diastole
isovolumetric ventricular relaxation, atrial contraction
conducting zone
generations 0-16 --- airawys involved in gas transport
-trachea to terminal bronchioles
respiratory zone
16-23 where alveoli develop and gas exchange occurs--> respiratory bronchioles to alveolar sacs
First air expired
air from atomic dead space (air that reminas in the conduction airways - does not contribute to alveolar ventilation and not invovled in exhcnag eof o2 and Co2)
First gas to enter lungs during inspiration
alvolar air from the previous inspriation (so only 350/500ml of fresh air enters alveoli during inspiration)
minute ventilation
amt of air ventilated each minute;
Ve = TV * Respiratory freq OR
ve = atomic dead space + Alveolar TV
alveolar ventiation
Vt- Vd
or Ve (minute vent) - Vd
*part of inspired air entering alvolar/minute
alveolar dead space
2) Alveolar: Variable; Inspired air that gets into the alveoli that is in relative excess compared to the blood flowing through the alveolar capillaries (↑V/Q). This part of the alveolar gas is also considered “wasted” in terms of its lack of contribution to gas exchange and CO2 elimination. Increases in disease.
physiological dead space
VD/VT : Ratio of dead space to tidal volume-- Relative measure of Physiologic Dead Space.
Normally, VD/VT = 25- 35% of tidal volume or minutte ventilation is “wasted” dead
space-- increases with disease.
Bohr Equation of calc physiological dead space
Regional differences of ventilation
lower regions of lung ventilate better than the upper zones. Diff disappears with subject in supine position (but posterior lung > anterior lung)
CO2 content in arterial blood?
27 mmhg - once gets into periphery CO2 added to blood (as product of metabolism)- why the pvCo2 goes up to 47
Lung Recoil...
lungs tend to recoil inward (deflation, or expiratory) with its resting V < residual V (trying to collapse to < RV)
-50% VC recoil P increased
-at TLC recoil pressure maximal ~30 cm h20 (amt h2o need to keep lungs inflated)
Chest wall Recoil?
recoils outward (inflation) with resting volume being at 70% TLC
When is chest wall recoil positive?
Expiratory (tries to recoil inward) when expanded to > 60% VC to TLC. Below 60% tries to recoild outward to resting position (creating negative pressure)
Total recoil pressure at TLC
add CW (10) and lung (40) positive inspiratory recoils
Total Recoil Pressure at FRC
zero -- respiratory system at rest due to balance of inward postive lung recoil and outward negative CW recoil
what eventually limits inspiration
eventaully limited by ability of inspiratory muscles to generate pressure to overcome both lung and CW recoil - max inspiration or TLC reached.
Passive expiration
from TLC to FRC (Rs resting level). first assisted by lung and CW recoi, then just lung recil to FRC. Beyound FRC requires expiratory muscles to generate P to overcome outward CW recoil 1
Passive inspiration
from RV to FRC, ie RS recoil is outward (inspiratory) due to CW elastic recoil
Alveoli and Laplace's Law
P = 2T/r --> in lungs alveoili at top of lung bigger than bottom -- if surface tension were the same smaller alveoli would empty into larger (lower Pressure alveoli)
Lung surface tension dependant on...
Relative area (actually volume); tension reduced at low volumes - imp for maintaining alveolar stability and lung integrity with varying degrees of alveolar inflation (alveoli > inflated at top of lung bc of gravity)
role of surfactant
lowers T of alveolar walls at low long volumes, so recoil pressure (P) of large and small communicating air spaces is the same.
composition of surfactant
phosphatidylcholine (70-80%)
DPPC (60-70%)
surfactant synthesis
in alveolar type 2 cells - begins in ER --> golgi --> multivesicular bodies --> lamellar bodies (whirls of surfactant). when lamellar bodies secreted, 1st tubular myelin & then surfactant film formed.
Role of DPPC in surfactant
when alveolar SA ↓ at low lung V, DPPC forms monolayer w/ hydrophilic polar head at liquid interface & hydrophobic fatty-a tail extending into air space. b/c fatty tail sturated - arranged in straight line, get close packing which causes mutual repulsion of DPPC, ↓ surface T, prevents alveolar collapse
sufactant produced in fetus at
at begining of 3rd trimester - increases radidly before term at 36 weeks. if baby born premature may have insufficent surfactant
infantile respiratory distress syndrome
insuff sufactant production --> loss of volume dependance of surface T and high T at low volumes, (ie increase minimal ST); resulting recoil P mediates widespread alveolar collapse, pulmonary edma and acute resp failure
normal pleura pressure
intathoracic pressure measured by esophageal catheter reflects pleural pressure (btwn 2 pleura) normally sub atm at -5 cmh20 due to opposing,but balanced recoil forces of lung and chest wall
what happens to intrapleural pressure during inspiration
insp muscles expand thorax- ipp and alveolar p becomes > negative (-30 at full inspiration)
what happens to intraplueral pressure during expiration?
if relaxed passive returns from > neg insp values to -5 ... if forced/rapid expiration (exp muscles of chest and ab recruited) ipp becomes +
Transpulmonary pressure
lung recoil pressure - can be obtained from measurements of esophogeal pressure recorded via esoph catheter manometer
Elasticity of lungs
compliance (normal ~.2 L/cmH20)
-highly compliant lungs distensible and easily inflated
-plot lung V (spirometer) vs transpulm P (esoph catheter)
Lung ventilation and compliance
distribution of inspired air dep on lung compliance - due to gravity get gradient of pleural pressure (> negative at top than bottom). Result = alveoli at top of lung assume larger V than bottom and lie at diff points along P-v cuve
Varying compliance in the lungs
-get compliance decrease closer to TLC
-at FRC - base lung at steeper, > compliant part of P-V curve than apex so get pref venilation of lung base and these alveoi inflate or expand to a greater degree than alveoli at apex; at RV- pref filling of apex, now at > compliant part of PV cruve
basis of pulm fibrosis
increased collagen deposition in lung resulting in increased lung elastic recoil and decreased lung compliance
basis of emphysema
destruction of alveolar septa--> decreased elastic recoil and increased compliance.
shift of PV curve in emphysema
shifts to left (loss of elastic recoil) and upward (long V increased) with steeper slope (compliance increase)
-at any lung volume recoil P decreased compared to normal
shift of PV curve in pulm fibrosis
right, downard with flatter sloep; more recoil P for given V (inreased recoil); lung compliance decreased (stiff lungs) and lung volume reduced
emphesyma and lung volume
Hyperinlation: loss of elastic recoil-- normal recoil of chest wall pulls "flabby" lungs outward to new resting V (FRC) > normal
pulm fibrosis and lung volume
increased recoil of lung overpowers that of chest wall - get restriction, or reduced lung volume
arteriole tone at rest
normal arteiole tone is somewhat contracted; this basal tone (being always contracted) is what allows arteriole to dialate. Tone maintained by sympathetic input and myogenic activity
Sympathetic nervous system and contractility
-catecholamines act on β1 Receptors coupled via Gs protein to adenyl cyclase →↑cAMP levels →activate kinases (ie: PKA) to P-late enzymes (2)
1) Sacrolemma Ca Channels: ↑ inward Ca current during plateu→↑ trigger Ca, ↑ Ca released from SR
2) Phospholambam: ↑ SR Ca pump activity; p-lation stimulate Ca-ATPase→↑ Ca uptake & storage
Glycosides (digitalis
-↑force of contraction by inhibiting the Na+/K+ ATPase in myocardial cell membrane.
-With Na/K inhibited, ↓ Na pumped out of cell, ↑ intracellular Na+ -- alters Na gradient across cell membrane
-Altered gradient affects Ca-Na exchanger; 1 Ca pumped out (uphill) for 3 Na in (downhill- maint by Na/K)
-no Na gradients = ↓ Ca leaves the cell → ↑ intracellular [Ca2+] good for contractility!