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20 Cards in this Set

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What are the three main periods?
-Classical=Greco-Roman, ended in 500 CE
-Medieval= 500-1350, "Dark Ages", illiteracy rates increase
-Modern=we're in the end of it, starts with Renaissance, rebirth of classical learning and art
What was feudalism?
-Decentralized form of government, power from land ownership
-Lord/ladies ruled over land
-Agricultural society, 90% ppl are farmers
-12th C urban centers emerge
What was the guild system?
-Merchant/craft unions
-Ex. gold workers, weavers
-Gold: monopoly over production
What was Aristotle's "just economic theory"?
1. Ppl should produce useful goods and services
2. Ppl should charge a just price (based on cost and production)
3. Surplus goods must be shared with community
What was the early medieval Christian Church like?
-Roman Orthodox Church= Western Europe
-Council of Nicea= established basic tenents. "dogmatic"= specific set of teachings
-Mithraism= flood story, Holy Day (dec.25th), 7 sacraments, lots of similarities
What religions/traditions led to Christianity?
-Gnostics= sect, "knowledge", taught religion could not give you knowledge, knowledge comes from a connection w/ god (anyone could have this)
-Paganism= Greek gods kind, and rustic= followed nature
-Judaism= Torah is foundation -Gospels created but gnostics left out
-Rise in asceticism= self denial
Who were 3 medieval writers?
-St. Augustine
-Peter Abelard
-Thomas Aqunias
Who was St.Augustine?
-Born in North Africa, big family
1.Manichean= Persian tradition of dualism: metaphysical and physical worlds (MP is good)
2.Neo-platonism= philosophical belief in god, everything that exists precedes from god
3.Christianity=wrote City of God about absolute and eternal truth, instinctive knowledge planted by god, predetermination, and Confessions: autobio, all-knowing single god, sinners by nature
What was Peter Abelard?
-Sic et Non= "yes and no", criticism of patristic teachers
-The History of My Calamities= tells his story
-Rationalist, truth is reached through questioning and examination (challenges Christianity)
-University of Paris= surpassed his teachers (arrogant)
-Letters between him and Eloise (intellectual)
What was Thomas Aquinas?
-Dominican Friar
-Summa Theologica= men and women had free will
-Surpasses Augustine
-Scholasticism= from his works, harmonize faith and reason, philosophy serves theology
-Rationalist, authoritarian (never questions scriptures), ethical (try to be good)
-Universe is static= non-changing
Who was Pope Innocent III?
-4th Lateran Council= furthered idea of freewill to effect salvation, established 7 sacraments, faith and good works to salvation
-Eucharist= bread and wine is literal, only priest can preform
-Marks church hierarchy (must have priest to be saved)
What were humanizing elements of the church?
1. Franciscan order= Friars, doing good in temporal world, by St. Francis, all things sacred, mendicant (begging), criticized church for being to ritualistic, should back to gospels
2. Dominican order= by St. Dominic, zealot (religious at expense of others), set up Inquisition
-Veneration of Saints= connection with god, allowed ppl to connect
-Veneration of Mary= goddess, "Queen of Heaven", iconagraphy, feminist, she had empathy
Who was Dante?
-The Divine Comedy= in Tuscan, made Tuscan basis for Italian
-3 books= Inferno (Virgil is guide, 9 circles), Pergatorio (Beatrice is guide, perge sins), Paradisio (Beatrice, heaven)
Who was Barbara Tuckman?
-The Calamities of 14th C
1. Bubonic plague= waves, worst in 14th C, 1/3 population dead, god was angry (punishment), move to aethticism or indulging (eat drink be merry)
2. Babylonian Captivity= King captures Pope from Rome to Avigon, Rome lost prestige, leads to Great Schism (ppl keep dying of plague)
What did the Renaissance begin in Italy?
1. Classical heritage= access to classics, scribes and scholars
2. Geography= Meditaranian, Middle East access, Venice as major port
3. Major Universities= schools
4. City-States= in competition, war created good competition
What is humanism?
-Philosophical movement associated w/ Renaissance, emphasis on human values and classics
-Liberal arts= grammar, rhetoric (seek truth), poetry, morals, history
-Virtú= people should live a virtuous life, Renaissance man
-Rejected Medieval scholasticism, too rigid, didn't allow for growth
Who are two humanists writers?
-Petrarch= father of humanism, used Tuscan dialect, Christian but not consuming (beauty of nature), introspective in Secretum (dialogue with Augustine), 1st Modern Scholar, Reviver of Classics
-Boccario= Florentine, wrote The Decameron: 10 teenagers during height of plague, 10 stories from each person, anti-clerical, vulgar, justified carnal (animal) life
Who were the members of the Medici family?
-Giovanni= 1st powerful, banker to Papal Court, settled banking industry in Florence
-Cosimo= inherited wealth, continued banking, educated in classics
-Lorenzo= "magnificent", lower classes had decent standard of living, strong diplomat and patron of arts, but neglected banking person $ hurt
Who was Savanarola?
-Demagogue, burned at stake
-Focal point of teachings= Augustinian monk teachings, fear kept ppl from sinning
-Joins Dominican order
-Book of Revolation= apoliptic book, great orator
-Preaches into Duomo, popular
-Head of San Marco= speaks out against church(corruptions)
Who was Machiavelli?
-Inspiration= Livy, wrote Discourses on Livy, read classics
-Interested in warfare, advised troops, assistant to head of state in Florence
-The Prince= dedicated to Lorenzo, "evil one" made him do it Church censored it (b/c he said you can't uphold Christian morals in gov), warn free men of dangers of tyranny (satire), getting rid of French and Spanish to unify Italy, or Political Scientists= observed as things are (what worked)