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74 Cards in this Set

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Jan Van Eycks Giovanni

D- the mirror

The Dukes of Burgundy


The illusion found in French manuscript


In the colander pages of Les Tres

C- seasonal tasks

The Dukes of burgundy commissioned art

A- the Dukes wanted to reinforce the view

Dynastic symbol of Burgundian power

C-chartreuse de champol

The following phrase from revelations

C-Alter of the Lamb

Which artist served as the dean of the painters guild

D-Hugo Van der Goes

Which artist specialized in images of madonna

C-Hans Memling

Enhancing its meaning the Portinari altarpiece

A-the arrival of the magi

Vote Stoss excelled in creating

A- Large carved wooden altarpieces

The Hundred Years' War involved

A- England and france

Who was the noble patron

D- Jean, Duke of Berry

Which of the following was Phillip the Bold

A- Chartreuse de Champmol

The Nuremberg chronical is a tribute to

C- It was the history of the world

In Martin Schongauers engraving he created

A- St Anthony tormented by demons

Slithers sculptural works

B- having little physical movement

One of the most important trading cities

B- Burges

Which of the following artists created one

D- Jan Van Eyek

Which art form grew in popularity

A- portraiture

Which of the following episodes from chemists life was NOT

C- deposition

In Riemenschneiders assumption of the virgin

D- Gothic Intricacey

Hugo Van Der goes's portrait alter piece is characterized

D- it's rich colors

In 1401 an important competition was held

B- a new pictorial illusionism

In Ghibertis Isaac and sons from the east doors

C- Alberti

Which of the following describes the midevil narrative

A- presenting several episodes in single frame

Which of the following describes Ghibertis use of the midevil narrative

C- the figures in varying degrees

Which of the following works represent the beginning process

C- 13th century statuets

Donatello revolutionized relief sculpture

C- creating an atmospheric affect

How did masaccio's create a sense of bulk

A- modeling with specific light

In Masaccio's Trinity he embodies

A- the application of mathematics

In Masaccio's trinity the vanishing point

C- at the foot of the cross

Which artist was the winner

B- Ghiberti

Which Dominican painter combined elements

C- Fra Angelico

Which individuals denounced humanism

C- Savonarola

Which of Brunelleschi's buildings comes closest

C- Pazzi Chapel

Which Italian City played the most important role

B- Florence

Which of the following accounts for the decline

D- Savonarola

Which was most prominent patron

A- Medici family

The style of Ghibertis can be characterized as rhythmic

C- realism in characterization

Which artist departed from the rule of frontality

C- Pollaiuo

The classical principal of contrapposto

D- Donatello

The duke of Mantua commissioned the frescos

B- to creat visual expression

In Peruginos Christ delivering the keys

A- the triumphal arches

Which describes the style of Fra angelico

C- simple and direct

Which artist was most interested in depicting the human body

B- Signorelli

Leonardo painted the virgin of the rocks

C- Masaccio

Leonardo's style fully emerges in cartoon

B- visual unity

Leonardo's style fully emerges in cartoon

B- visual unity

In Leonardo's last supper

C- a halo

In Leonardo's last supper how did the artist break tradition

A- by the placement of judas

Who commissioned the tempietto

B- ferdinand

How did Michaelangelos David become political

D- the placement of the figure near the west door

How has Michaelangelo portrayed david

B- with stern watchfullness

The Sistine ceiling represents

A- the chronology of Christianity

What is an Arcadian reverie

C- idyllic place of rural

Michaelangelos fascination with the human body

D- psychological insight

Increasingly in portaiture artists of the high ren.

A- raphael

The dome Bramante designed for at peters

A- pantheon rom

Of the following who was one of the most important

C-Julius 11

Which of the fallowing was one of the favorite comp. devices

C- a pyramid

In Leonardo's last supper the número use prep sketchis

A- individualize

In Raphael's stanza Della segnatora

D- organism and christianity

In Raphael's stanza Della segnatora

D- organism and christianity

The term terrribilita

B- Michaelangelo

Which painter created dynamic compositions with swirling clouds

B- tintorretto

Which artist painted groups of soaring figures

B- coreggio

Titans meeting of Bacchus and ariadne

A- classical art

Which of the following sculptural conventions

D- the bulging muscles

Which of the following dev. In 15th century italy

C- perspective

Which of the following dev. In 15th century italy

C- perspective

Sans ovine was succeeded as chief architect by

D- Palladio

The major center for artistic development

C- rome

Who was instrumental in transforming manatua court

A- Isabella d'este