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77 Cards in this Set

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culture wars

a struggle between two or more sets of conflicting cultural values

i.e. In America, conservative vs. liberal

Robert Mapplethorpe

- Robert Mapplethorpe photo of Louise Bourgeois

- he wanted to "challenge and adhere to classical standards"

"Piss Christ" - Andres Serrano

- late 1900s (1980s)

"Morgue Series" - Andres Serrano

- late 1900s

- loss of identity

- makes us think of the absence of a person in their own body

"Klan Series" - photographs of the Klu Klux Klan

- makes us uncomfortable - we think about the nature of hate

Karen Finley

- performance artist

NEA Four

Karen Finley, Holly Hughes, Tim Miller, John Fleck

- grants lost due to controversial art

- sued Frohnmater, the NEA chairman

- this lawsuit began the culture wars

- after this, the NEA had to stop giving out individual artist grants


National Endowment for the Arts


- political public accusations of disloyalty with a lack of evidence

- Joseph McCarthy

- national witch hunt for communists

- 205 people on his so-called list

- Judy Chicago - "The Dinner Party"

- 1970s

- vaginas on a dinner table - provocative

- collaborative work by woman artists who without a voice

- women in myth, legend, history on the work

- female genitalia because their bio. sex connected them


- used for funerals - symbolic

- animism


Benin culture - the heads carved out with lines of cardboard - 1800s

- based on observation - naturalism

- "The Judgement of Paris" - Saliger

- 1930s

- Nazi-approved art

- ridiculous because it is mainly about aestheticism and looking good - the ideal

- doesn't push rebellion or further thinking--Hitler thought it should imitate Greek, which is not avant-garde

- reinforcing of the master race, the ideal man

"Birdman" - Christian Schad

- perverse version of what a nation should look like

- counteracts the perfect man in "The Judgement of Paris"

Paul Klee - roughly WWII

- children's art - when the Age of Reason failed

- deliberately crude

installation art

- when you use regular objects from daily life in new contexts

Ways that Artists Looked for Essence

- mentally ill art

- untaught artists' art

- nature

- primitive art

- children's art

- the unconscious - Sigmund Freud

- rejects imitation of nature (Greek ideal) for truth to get to a higher state


- founded the Blue Rider (w/ Franz Marc)

- wanted to use purely color to express himself

Max Beckmann

- humanist

- self-portrait with small infantry horn

- NEA Four + Degenerate Art Show

- connection: the world is changing rapidly

- Louise Bourgeois

- 20th century modernist

- "Maman Series"

stand in for female and motherhood

- Louise Bourgeois

- 20th century modernist

- male and female

- biomorphic abstraction

- Louise Bourgeois

- 20th century modernist

- "Cells"

- installation art

- Louise Bourgeois

- 20th century modernist

- addresses woman's lack of agency

- Robert Smithson

- "Spiral Jetty"

- same spiral repeats over and over in nature - DNA, space, seashells, etc.

- modernism

- nature as a source to get to a higher state

- Polykleitos (author of the canon that was trying to get as close to the ideal as possible)

- 450 B.C.

- Michelangelo

1500 A.D.

- Vitruvian Man Man - Vitruvius

- Walter Demaria

"Lightning Field"

- steel poles part of art

- new element - lightning

- similar to Magdelena Abakanowitcz because all the poles of level

- elements of minimalism

- earth art



- Michael Heizer

- new materials

- minimalism

- actually a sculpture


- art movement that stripped elements down further and further

- trying to get to essence of it

--looks at paleolithic art

- Michael Heizer

- "Ox Bow"

- Andy Goldsworthy

- ephemeral

- uses time and nature as his medium

- Andy Goldsworthy

- earth artist?

- ephemeral

- uses time and nature as his medium

- Andy Goldsworthy

- ephemeral

- uses time and nature as his medium

- minimalist

- Andy Goldsworthy

- ephemeral

- uses time and nature as his medium

- Ana Mendieta

- uses nature like these men

- reclaiming of symbols

Ana Mendieta + Jenny Saville

- both deal with a woman's point of view

- fertility figures created by women? A woman's perspective? (i.e. Venus of Wilendorf but not)

male gaze

phrase used to describe how women are defined by men


- misuse of Darwin's Origin of Species and Theory of Evolution

- movement that claimed selective breeding and sterilization improved genetics

- originally started in United States before Germany


scientific method, proving based on experience


educated guess


validated hypothesis

social Darwinism

justified social inequality, called themselves more fit and thus were successful

- to the point of


- sub-human

- term used to describe those who did not fit with the Nazi "ideal"

- treated as inferiors

- super human

- relating to time

- OR relating to worldly versus spiritual affairs

a form of radical authoritarian nationalism [ELABORATE]

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization

a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs
The Sublime
- a transient experience with beauty

- ties into existentialism because of the responsibility of creating

- striving to do things that exceed the daily experience

- transcendence: beauty as an antidote

biomorphic abstraction
models artistic design elements on naturally occurring patterns or shapes reminiscent of nature and living organisms

- life shapes

Pope Innocent X + Francis Bacon's Screaming Popes

the former is a symbol of surety in faith - the latter has had his foundations shaken

Existentialism + WWII Bombings + Holocaust + Spiritual Certainty
- post war view of world
thought tribalism got to the essence of things

- House of Building

- Utopian

- wanted to subvert geometric shapes and lines - thought organics were best

- gathered architects, designers, and craftmakers in an effort toward collaboration

- contrasted Durer's assertion that artists were not builders

- wanted to make ordinary objects extraordinary

"Coffee and Tea Service" - Marianna Brandt

- 1920s

- part of the Bauhaus

- a perfect society

- often leads to a dystopia

- Hitler's utopian world led to the killing of the Untermensch

a bad society (where there is usually a totalitarian rule)

"The Migration Series" - Jacob Lawrence

- showed African American history

- What does it mean to be modern and African American?

- Harlem Reneaissance

Harlem Renessance

- end ot WWI to 1930s

- cultural, social, and artistic explosion of different talents

- Max Beckmann

- Late 20th century

Christian Schad

- George Grosz

Red Scare

is the promotion of fear of a potential rise of communism

Carl Jung


universally held idea

- Nuremberg Rallies - Nazi Party

- Albert Spear - designed deliberately to promote nationalism (for HItler)

- James Turrell

- an earth artist but does not create earth art

- works with light

- James Turrell

- an earth artist but does not create earth art

- works with light

- strving for transcendence and the sublime?

- James Turrell

- an earth artist but does not create earth art

- works with light

- strving for transcendence and the sublime?

- Romare Bearden

- What does it mean to be an African American modern artist? What does African American Art look like?

- he uses collage - not cubism

- Harlem Reneassance

- life on the street - important to him

- Yoruba Heads


- to distill a form, to simplify it

Ana Mendieta + Andres Serrano

- both Santeria

- cut off chicken heads

- both use body fluids

Milan Kundera + Kitsch

- relates kitsch to political totalitarianism - ignoring all the bad

- kissing babies - overly sentimental and dramatic

- no individualism, doubt, or irony allowed because it subverts the image that everything it perfect

Ways Artists Looked For Essence

- mentally ill art

- untaught artists art

- nature

- primitive art

- children's art

- the unconscious (Sigmund Freud)