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53 Cards in this Set

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Seal showing Yogi Mohenjo-Daro, 2300-1750 BCE Indus Valley
Mohenjo-Daro Great Bath 2300-1750 BCE Indus Valley
Yakshi figure c. 200 BCE Pre-Buddhism

Great Stupa, Sanchi, 3rd century BCE-1st century BCE Buddhism

Buddha Seated on lion throne, Mathura, 1st century Buddhism

Shiva Nataraja, 11-12th century, bronze Hinduism

Khajuraho Temple Complex and sculpture of couples 11th century Hinduism

Taj Mahal, compl 1653 Mughal India

Gu wine vessel, bronze Shang Dynasty

Terra cotta soldiers, tomb of first emperor, 210 BCE Qin dynasty

Horse poised on swallow, bronze Han Dynasty

Colossal Buddha, Yungang Cave, Northern Wei Dynasty

Bodhisattava Guanyin, Song Dynasty

Fan Kuan, Travelling in Streams and Mountains, 950-1050 Song Dynasty

Bottle with copper rim, Ru Ware, Song Dynasty

Great Wall, begun in Xin and enlarged in Ming Dynasty

Fish Jar porcelain Ming Dynasty

Bodhisattva seated in meditation, gilt bronze early 7th century CE, Silla

Stone pagoda, 8th century, Unified Silla

Ewer, with inlaid chrysanthemum flowers and cranes Goryeo

Horyuji compound, pagoda, 7th century, Nara

Womb World Mandala, 859-880, Heian
Catching Catfish with a Gourd, early 15th century, Muromachi

Himeji Castle, late 16th century, Momoyama

Hokusai, View on Fine and Breezy Day, wood block print, 1822-32, Edo

Shazia sikander, SpiNN, 2003, digital animation

Anish Kapoor, cloud gate, chicago, 2003, public sculpture of stainless steel plates

Xu Bing, Book from the sky, 1987-1991, installation of woodblock books, text, caligraphy

Ai Wei Wei, Sunflower seeds, 2010, installaion

Nam Jun Paik, Electronic Highway

Do-Ho Suh, Some/One, 2003, 3,00 dogtags

Yayoi Kusama, Transmigration, 2011, installation

Mariko Mori, Play with me, 1994, performance art

Takashi, Murakami, DOB DOB, 1996

Takashi Murakami, Wink, 2001

Siddhartha Gautama

Indian religious leader: founder of Buddhism.
axis mundi
line through the earth's center around which the universe revolves


The Destroyer, the third member of the Trimurti


The Hindu god of wisdom

lingam shrine

a symbol of divine generative energy, especially a phallus or phallic object as a symbol of Shiva.

Mughal Empire

was a Persianate empire extending over large parts of the Indian subcontinent and ruled by a dynasty of Mongol and Chagatai-Turkic origin.


a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events.

Pure Land Buddhism

a paradise believed by the followers of a Mahayana sect (Pure Landsect) to be ruled over by a Buddha (Amida) whose hope it is tobring all beings into it.


were civil servants appointed by the emperor of China to perform day-to-day governance from the Han dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty in 1912, China's last imperial dynasty.


a gray-green glaze used on pottery, especially that from China.


Chinese philosopher and teacher.


a Hindu or Buddhist temple or sacred building, typically a many-tiered tower, in India and East Asia.


are small humanoid and animal figurines made during the late Jōmon period

Wabi Sabi

represents a comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.


the indigenous religion of Japan consisting chiefly in the cultic devotion to deities of natural forces and veneration of the Emperor as a descendant of the sun goddess
Zen Buddhism
a Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism emphasizing the value of meditation and intuition.
Esoteric Buddhism
is one of the mainstream major schools of Buddhism in Japan and one of the few surviving Vajrayana lineages in East Asia,
indicates subject matter in painting felt to be especially of interest to women, such as that illustrating romantic poetry orprose; this style is exemplified by tsukuri-e paintings, in which built-up colordominates.