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47 Cards in this Set

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Alternate-Support System
In church architecture, the use of alternating wall supports in the nave, usually piers or columns or compound piers of alternating form.
The continuous molding framing an arch. In Romanesque or Gothic architecture, one of the series of concentric bands framing the tympanum.
An order of Benedictine monks who emphasized productive manual labour and condemned figural art in churches and religious books.
A monastery courtyard, usually with covered walks or ambulatories along its sides. Reserved for monks' use only.
An order of Benedictine monks who emphasized the liturgy and worship over all other aspects of monasticism. The duke of Aquitaine waived his feudal rights when he donated land for the Cluniac abbey, so the abbot of Cluny was subject only to the Pope.
Compound Piers
Piers with groups or clusters of attached shafts or responds, especially characteristic of Gothic architecture.
Crossing Square
The area in a church formed by the intersection of a nave and a transept of equal width, often used as a standard module of interior proportion.
Crossing Tower
The tower over the crossing of a church.
In architecture, the side posts of a doorway.
A horizontal beam used to span an opening.
Lambskin prepared as a surface for painting or writing.
Radiating Chapels
In medieval churches, chapels for the display of relics that open directly onto the ambulatory and the transept.
The body parts, clothing, or objects associated with a holy figure/the container in which relics are kept.
Formed in relief by beating a metal plate from the back, leaving an impression on the face. The metal sheet is hammered into a hollow mold of wood or some other pliable material and finished with a graver.
The writing studio of a monastery.
In church architecture, a gallery over the inner aisle flanking the nave.
In church architecture, the pillar or central post supporting the lintel int he middle of the doorway.
The space enclosed by a lintel and an arch over a doorway.
Calfskin prepared as a surface for writing or painting.
Wedge-shaped stone blocks used in the construction of a true arch. The central voussoir, which sets the arch, is called the keystone.
German, "western entrance structure." The facade and towers at the western end of a medieval church, principally in Germany. In contemporary documents the westwork is called a castellum or turris.
Lindisfarne Gospels
Northumbria ca. 698-721. Tempera on vellum. Hiberno-Saxon
Book of Kells
Iona, Scotland. Late 8th-early 9th century. Tempera on vellum. Hiberno-Saxon
Votive Crown of Reccenswinth
Spain ca. 670. Visigothic
San Juan Bautista
Banos de Cerrato, Spain. 661. Visigothic
Tower and Scriptorium of San Salvador de Tabara
Emeritus. Colophon of the Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus. Tabara, Spain, 970. Tempera on parchment. Mozarabic
Equestrian Portrait of Charlemagne or Charles the Bald
Metz, France. 9th century. Bronze. Carolingian
Palatine Chapel of Charlemagne
Aachen, 792-805. Carolingian
Coronation Gospels/Gospel Book of Charlemagne
Aachen, ca. 800-810. Ink and tempera on vellum. Carolingian
Ebbo Gospels
Hautvillers, France, ca. 816-835. Ink and tempera on vellum. Carolingian
Front cover of the Lindau Gospels
St Gall, Switzerland, ca. 870. Gold, precious stones, and pearls. Carolingian
Plan of a Monastery at St Gall
ca. 849. Red ink on parchment. Carolingian
Church of St Cyriakus
Gernrode, Germany, 961-973. Ottonian
Church of St Michael
Hildesheim, Germany, 1001-1031. Ottonian
Doors with relief panels
Commissioned by Bishop Bernwad for the Church of St Michael, Hildesheim, Germany, 1015. Bronze. Ottonian
Column with reliefs illustrating the life of Christ
Commissioned by Bishop Bernwad for the Church of St Michael, Hildesheim, Germany, ca, 1015-1022. Bronze. Ottonian
Gero Cross
Cologne, ca. 970. Painted wood. Ottonian
Otto III Enthroned, Gospel Book of Otto III
Reichnau, Germany, 997-1000. Tempera on vellum. Ottonian
Vignory, France, 1050-1057. Romanesque
Toulouse, ca. 1070-1120. Romanesque
Third Abbey Church
Cluny, 1088-1150. Romanesque
Trumeau of the South Portal at St Pierre
Moissac, France, 1115-1135. Romanesque
Tympanum of the South Portal at St Pierre
Moissac, France, 1115-1135. Romanesque
West Tympanum of St Lazare
Gislebertus. Autun, France, ca 1120-1135. Marble. Romanesque
Tympanum of the center portal of the narthex, La Madeleine
Vezelay, France, 1120-1135. Romanesque
Abbey church of Notre-Dame
Fontenay, France, 1139-1147. Romanesque
Mid-12th century