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44 Cards in this Set

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Sculpture in the round

freestanding figurines carved/modeled in 3D

relief sculpture

-figures projecting from a background

-degree of relief is high, low, or sunken

"Nude Woman (Venus of Willendorf)," Willendorf, Austria, c. 25,000 BC

-exaggerated proportions

-no face

-stone, small, sculpture in the round

"Hall of the Bulls," Lascaux, France, c. 16,000 BC

-seemed as though moving b/c of flickering light in caves

Corbeled Vault

Vault formed by piling of stone blocks in horizontal courses

"Human Skull with Restored Features," Jericho, c. 7,000 BC

"Passage Grave," Newgrange, Ireland, c. 3,200-2,500 BC

-Corbeled dome

"Stonehenge," England, c. 2,600 BC

-post and lintel construction

-used as clock/calendar

-1,500 years to finish

-religious, ritualistic


One of a series of superimposed bands/friezes in a pictorial narrative or particular levels on which motifs are placed

Hierarchy of scale

Bigger = more important

Composite View

Like Egyptian people; different perspectives combined into one picture for symbolic representation


Carved stone for marking graves or to commemorate historical events

"White Temple on its Ziggurat," Uruk, Iraq, c. 3,200 BC

-close as you can get to sky, where gods are

-sort of like pyramid, different use

"Female Head (Inanna?)," Uruk, Iraq, c. 3,200 BC

-taken from Baghdad during invasion

-had semiprecious stones and hair

"Warka Vase," Uruk, Iraq, c. 3,000 BC


-hierarchy of scale

-composite view


"Statuettes of 2 Worshipers," Eshnunna (Tel Asmar), Iraq, c. 2,700 BC

-large eyes = eternally wakeful

-clasped hands

-meant to serve as stand-ins for praying people

"Peace Side of the Standard of Ur," Royal Cemetery, Ur, Iraq, c. 2,500 BC

-Lapis lazuli--imported, more precious than gold, special

-hierarchy of scale, showing social class

-also has war side

-shows role of king in peace and war

"Lyre Soundbox," tomb of Queen Puabi, Ur, early Sumerian Dyastic Pd, c. 2,685 BC

-lapis lazuli

"Victory Stele of Naram-Sin," Susa, Iran, c. 2,250 BC, 6'7" high

-hierarchy of scale

-composite view

-unique because of setting, no registers

"Stele with the Laws of Hammurabi," Susa, Iran, c. 1,780 BC

-supposedly laws from gods

-everyonee had to obey same laws

-black basalt, engraving shows how important Hammurabi is.

"Ishtar Gate," Babylon, Iraq, c. 575 BC

-Nebuchadnezzar II's palace gate, renowned king

-1 of 7 wonders of ancient world


In ancient Egypt, immortal human life force

"Palette of King Narmer," Hierakonpolis, Egypt, c. 3,000 BC


-first to name king in artwork

-modeled after actual palette for mixing black eye makeup

"Imhotep, Stepped Pyramid of Djoser," Saqqara, Egypt, c. 2,630 BC

-Different kind of mastaba

-future palace for pharaoh

-hundreds of different rooms below ground

"Great Pyramids," Giza, Egypt, c. 2,500 BC

-tombs of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkare

-one of 7 wonders of ancient world

-were faced with white limestone, top plated w/ gold


Rule of proportion. Ancient Greeks considered beauty a matter of correct proportions and sought canon of proportions for the human figure and for buildings

"Khafre Enthroned," Giza, Egypt, c. 2,500 BC

-many portrait sculptures made of pharaohs

-important for ka to find body


-papyrus and lotus signify unified upper and lower Egypt

-used canon for proportions, not exactly lifelike

"Seated Scribe," Saqqara, Egypt, c. 2,550 BC

-limestone = cheaper, easier to use

-seated on ground

-not as canonized

-as importance decreased, sculpture less formal

"Aerial View of the Temple of Amen-Re," Karnak, Egypt, 15th c. BC

-Amen-Re = god

-meant to rise from the earth like origins of Earth from religion

-axial- along an axis, roughly symmetrical

-Great Hypostyle Hall - lots of columns

-most holy space at back, furthest from entrance

-only pharaohs and priests allowed holy places

-lot of sunken relief, brightly painted

-has clerestory level/open space for light

-size mattered: close to gods, show power, make worshipers feel small, insignificant, overwhelmed, meant to serve as microcosm of universe. Meant to be mini version of entire universe

"Nebamun Hunting Birds," Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, Egypt, c. 1375

-family included

-hierarchy of scale

-twisted view

"Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and their Children," Amarna Pd. c. 1,340 BC

-wife more = to husband, hierarchy of scale

-caring for children, intimate

-curvy lines, skinny arms, fat bellies

-sun shining on them, representing sun god

"Death Mask of Tutankhamun," c. 1,327 BC

-boy king, untimely, early death

-cobra & vulture head, indication of pharaoh

-most masks taken by looters

-looks young

-not Amarna style

"Last Judgement of Hunefer," Tut's Tomb at Thebes, Egypt, c. 1,300 BC


-Hunefer led by Anubis to weigh soul against feather

-soul lighter than feather = good

-heavier = fed to animal

-Osiris watching w/ Isis, Horus


Painting on plaster, dry or wet.

-wet: pigments mixed w/ water and chemically bound to lime plaster

"Aerial View of the Palace," Knossos, Crete, Greece, c. 1,500 BC

-not just living place, had store rooms, offices, shrines, etc.

-had labyrinths, origin of word

"Toreador Fresco," Knossos, Crete, c. 1,500 BC

-trying to grab bull by horns, flip over onto back. Manhood ceremony, bull is strong, big

-men have dark skin, women have light

"Smoke Goddess," Knossos, Crete, c. 1,600 BC

-taming animals, snakes, cat

-like "Lyre Soundbox," Ur, c. 2,685 BC, same theme

-Snakes assoc. w/ fertility, agriculture

-female fertility figure theme, too

-Aegean art common women clothes-apron, tiered skirt, open shirt, etc.

"Lion's Gate," Mycenae, 13th c. BC

-post and lintel construction

-corbeled archway

-lions supporting Minoan-style column

-column represents fertility goddess mastering the beasts

"Mask of Agamemnon," Mycenae, c. 1,500 BC


-similar to Egyptian funerary practice, but not as grand.

-prob king

-thought that Schliemann, discoverer, made it look like himself

Tholos Tomb, "Treasury of Atreus," Mycenae

-9 tholos tombs in Mycenae

-corbeled vault

-relieving triangle in entrance

-used to be lg.est vault w/o columns inside

"Geometric Dipylon Krater," Athens, Greece, c. 750 BC

"Kouros," Attica, Greece, c. 600 BC

"Calf Bearer," Athens, Greece, c. 560 BC

"Peplos Kore," Athens, Greece, c. 530 BC