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28 Cards in this Set

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name the primary and secondary colors and how the secondary colors are made

primary-red, blue , yellow

secondary-green purple orange

green-blue and yellow

purple- red and blue

orange-red and yellow

two-dimensional 2D

when something is flat and only has width and length wh

what does analyzing mean

look carefully at how the artist has used the art elements because this determines the message the viewer will understand from looking at the artwork

what is shading

a west to add depth to a drawing

what is a line drawing

an entire drawing that consists of lines only. The artist doesn’t use a tonal range to create shadows.

what is scale

the size of the paper or canvas the artist is working on. Scale can also refer to the size of objects in a composition

what is a painting

picture on a flat surface. the image in the picture is an illusion and isn’t real


when objects and materials that are already made are combined to form a new object involves pasting, wrapping, tying, constructing and joining different materials

paste-what is it for

type of glue made with flour and water can use it to stick 3D objects to a paper

what are values

changes of tone from light to dark

what is a photomontage

when artists use only photos to make up an image

what are neutrals

black, white and grey-they aren’t colours

what does design mean

to structure or form


when different things are placed next to each other to bring out their differences


spaces closed by outlines

visual texture

when you look at an image and imagine what it feel like by the way it looks


the difference between light and dark

subject matter

the objects or figures in the artwork


the mood,emotion and feeling of an artwork

what is print making

an indirect was of making an image

what is a tint

when white is added to a colour

what is a shade

when black is added to a colour

what is a monochromatic colour scheme

when one colour is used in an artwork with tints and shades


when something looks exactly like the real thing; we can recognise what we are looking at


something is used to represent something else

what is casting

a technique where a mound of the object is made. molten material is poured into the mound and allowed to cool. the object is then removed from the mould

what is carving

when a person creates a form by cutting and removing pieces from a block of hard material like stone

what is modeling

when a person works with soft material like clay and shapes it into the required form