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48 Cards in this Set

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Representational Art

type of art that we see the most. it means descriptive, figurative and symbolized. it depicts something easily recognized by most people.

Non Representational Art

complete abstraction, where the lines, colors, and shapes themselves are the focus of the artwork


an outdoor view of nature where the artist creates the illusion of a three-dimensional world


groups of inanimate objects arranged in an indoor setting


subjects of the earliest art ever created. they are the earliest artworks known to us most especially in cave paintings


have realistic likeness of a person in a sculpture, painting, drawing or print


the emphasis is on human body

Everyday life

includes a set up similar to what is happening in our daily lives. the content here must be realistic

History and legend

refers to the story of a definite place, local custom and haunted place

Dreams and fantasies

how a given artist renders the world of dreaming is clearly not all about fantasy

Religions and myths

refers to the story that deals with supernatural tradition, men, culture, heroes and beliefs


a genre defined by a heightened sense of emotion. the main function is to describe as accurately and honestly as possible what is observed through the senses


it does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead, uses shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect


subject is in misshapen condition or the regular the shape is twisted out


subject is lengthened, a protracted or an extended much more than the reality


subjects which are cut, lacerated, mutilated or hacked with repeated blows


stresses abstract form through the use of cone, cylinder or a sphere at the expense of other pictorial elements. shows form in their basic geometrical shape

Abstract expressionism

a non-representational statement with line, colour and size as well as the aggressive mingling of colours, shapes and forms that creates a painting of pure thought and emotion


an emblem that assumes new meaning originating from a highly personal and unique association in the mind of the creator


first art movement in the 1900’s. used of extremely bright colors which symbolizes comfort, joy, and pleasure characterized this method


characterized with a radical use of unnatural colors that separated color from its usual representational and realistic role, giving new, emotional meaning to the colors


outworn traditions in art, and the evils they saw in the society


satire and wit, irreverence, and spontaneity. it is playful and highly experimental art.

Marcel Duchamp

best known Dadaist


it was developed in Italy. the speed and force of modern industrial society. glorified the mechanical energy of modern life


has no unified style. created form and images not primarily by reason but by unthinking impulse and blind feeling or even by accident


believed in the necessity of a spiritual rebirth for man in an age that was fast becoming influenced by materialism

Line, Shape, Color, Value, Form, Space, Texture

7 elements of art


a mark on a surface that describes a shape or outline. it can create texture and can be thick or thin

Expressive Lines

tend to be found in nature and are very organic

type of line

Constructive Lines

tend to appear to be man-made because of their precision. they are measured, geometric, directional and angular

type of line


created when a line becomes connected and encloses space

Height and Width

two ways that a shape can be measured

Geometric Shapes

have smooth even edges and are measurable

Organic Shapes

have more complicated edges and are usually found in nature


three- dimendional object having volume and thickness


a degree of light and dark in a design. it is the contrast between black and white and all the grays between

Light Source

place where the light is coming from

Full value range

a way of giving a work of art contrast

Cross Hatching

use irregular lengths of parallel lines that cross over each other diagonally


use of dots to create shade

Soft Shading

using your pencil to create soft gradual movements from one value to the next using full value range


refers to specific hues and has properties of Intensity and Value

Intermediate (tertiary) colors

a combination of a primary and a secondary color


the way the surface of an object actually feels

Tactile (Real) texture

the way the surface of an object actually feels

Implied texture

the way the surface of an object looks like it feels


feeling of depth or three dimensions. are around (negative) or occupied (positive) in the work of art