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97 Cards in this Set

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not necessarily related to real forms or objects, art relying on other qualities other than just depiction of things for its impact
additive colors
pertaining to the light primaries of red, green, and blue (video color primaries)
pertaining to the philosophy of what is beauty, relating to its nature, creation and appreciation
the science of the morphology or structure of animals and plants
a motion picture made by a series of images each showing a different phase of movement
without balance, or where one half of a picture is not the mirror image of the other
atmospheric perspective
the effects of impurities in the atmosphere on how we see an object. aka aerial
a real or imaginary straight line on which an object rotates or is regarded as rotating
the space behind the subject in a portrait or still life. the part of a scene that is or seems to be furthest from the viewer
a state of equilibrium in; amount, weight, value, importance between two or more parts of a thing. or that which suggests the offsetting or contrasting of parts so as to produce an aesthetic equilibrium in the whole
the technique of cutting and abrading the surface of a block of material to shape it into a particular form, the creation of sculpture by cutting away hard materials such as stone or wood
a use of light and dark in painting or drawing to produce the illusion of form and solidity
color wheel
a conventional way to show the relationships of paint
colors to one another by arranging them in a circle or wheel
primary colors
red, yellow, blue
secondary colors
orange, green, violet
the act of putting together a whole by combining parts, the total content of a work of art (includes design)
complementary colors
colors opposite one another on the color wheel. Mixed together into grays; mixed in full strength they produce dark gray or brown.
conceptual art
art that may exist only as an idea and not necessarily as a physical reality (circa 1960)
contrapposto (set against )
positioning or twisting of the human body so that hips, shoulder and head are turned in different directions to suggest movement and tension between parts of the body
to compare so as to emphasize the differences
skilled in workmanship, how well something is done
an analysis or evaluation of a subject requiring careful judgment
a technique, which uses intersecting parallel lines to create tone or shading effect
a solid having six equal sides
a type of line that is characterized by curves
a solid described by the edge of a rectangle rotated around its axis.
the skillful layout or the arrangement of parts in a work of art
elements of design
shape, size, color, texture, line, direction, value
principles of design
unity, conflict, dominance, repetition, alternation, balance, harmony, gradation
in design theory(the resolution of conflicting ideas) make one idea more important than the other. ie. in a drawing containing both circles and triangles, one or the other should be more important
special attention give to something in order to make it stand out. To be given a particular prominence.
eye level
a plane parallel to the ground and passing through the observers' eyes
focal point
a center of interest in a picture
the assortment of a type (in size and style). A set of glyphs (images) representing the characters from particular character set in a particular size and typeface
the part of a scene or picture that appears nearest to the viewer
to represent some lines of an object as shorter than they actually are in order to give the illusion of proper relative size, in accordance with the principles of perspective. To shorten a detail so it appears to have depth
3D characteristics of an object, its height, width, and depth
the generalized arrangement or plan of something (shape, size, type)
of the front, the part of something that faces forward or is regarded as faces forward
geometric forms
forms that are characterized by straight lines, triangles, circles, or similar regular forms
a movement or movements of the body or of its parts that express or emphasize ideas or emotions.
gesture drawing
any drawing technique intended to capture an action, movement or attitude of a person or animal. Usually such drawing is quick, sketchy, and spontaneous
graphic art
a type of art, including paining, drawing, printmaking that is expressed on flat surfaces
the base, the background surface over which a coating is applied before the application of paint
a state of agreement or proportionate arrangement, a combination of parts in a pleasing whole
horizon line
the imaginary line(the perceived interface) where sky and ground meet
the name of a particular color
implied lines
a line that is expressed indirectly or is suggested by allusion
the degree or extent of something, its relative strength (magnitude)
a thin continuous mark, as that made by a pen, pencil, or brush applies to a surface, a locus of points
line quality
the expressive characteristics of a line (eg thick, thin, curved, straight)
material or technique as used for expression or delineation in art
middle ground
in a representational picture it is the area that is neither closest nor farthest from the viewer
mixed media
the use of more than a single kind of material in a work of art
an artistic composition made up of different kinds of elements of a similar theme
a tendency or trend in art involving many artists aiming at common goals
negative space
the space or area around an object in a picture
a type of art that does not intend to represent, in recognizable form, objects in the observable world
the quality of being or regarded as independent of the mind, the actual, without bias or prejudice
one point perspective (parallel perspective)
a system of converging lines towards a single vanishing point that creates the illusion of depth
organic shape
shapes which are derived from living organisms
a technique for suggesting depth where the object in front is seemingly closer and the object in the back (the one that is partially covered) is seemingly farther
an arrangement of forms often repetitive or that which serves as a model or template
a technique for suggesting depth and distance in a picture by making parallel lines meet.
picture plane
the image area or the surface of a picture
capable of being shaped or forms, pliable
positive space
the space or shape that is occupied by the subject in a drawing or painting ( the occupied space)
the procedure or steps taken to achieve a particular goal
the comparative relationship between parts, things, or elements (with respect to size, amount, degree) relative to the whole
characterized by straight lines
the process of creating, shading, and texturing of an image, especially a photo-realistic one. Describes the quality of execution of that process. The emphasis of the term is on the correct reproduction of light-and-shadow and that surface properties of the depicted objects, not on the emotional impact, composition, or other more generic qualities, most often it is used in relation to the more exacting, meticulous techniques like pencil or airbrush
a design principle of reoccurrig theme such as size, shapes, colors and so on in order to contribute to the unity of a work of art
to portray or depict a likeliness, in recognizable form, objects in the observable world
a flow of movement or activity characterized by regular recurrence of these elements
the size ratio between the represented and that of the actual object (the relative size)
the use of careful transitions in value to help define form. Like chiaroscuro but finer and more delicate and often characterized by a smoky quality
the contour, outline or the two dimensional quality of an object, which is the height and width
any quick preliminary drawing or painting not necessarily intended as a final product
the areas in which things exist occupy or move
a round solid having the surface equally spaced from the center at all points
affected by or produced by the mind or a state of mind or resulting form the feelings or temperament of the individual. Or having to do with the perception or conception of a thing by the mind as opposed to its reality independent of the mind
subtractive colors
these are the colors where objects subtract(absorb) form white light reflecting off the remaining colors. Primary colors are red, blue, yellow (associated with pigmented colors)
superficial muscles
muscles perceivable of or being on the surface
surface anatomy
anatomy which pertains to the outer face or exterior structure
an arrangement marked by regularity and balanced proportions
the visual or tactile characteristics of the surface of an object
a lighter shade of a color made by dilution or mixing with white
two point perspective (angular perspective)
linear perspective that consists of two vanishing points on a horizon line
Art is satisfying only if there is wholeness, the quality of being total or whole, and the state of being one
the relative lightness or darkness of a color; tone; shade.
dark = low value
light = high value
vanishing point
the point at which a diminishing object seems to appear
the quality or condition of being various or varied; diversity. The state or quality of being varied, the absence of monotomy or sameness
the amount of space that is occupied in 3D
warm colors
colors are often described as temperature. often associates with fire and sun. appear on one side of the color wheel, bordered by the neutral colors and opposite of cool colors. psychologically stimulating and passionate. optically advancing towards the viewer.
purples, reds, orange, yellow
violet and green
blue-green and blue