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74 Cards in this Set

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Is thought of as a moving dot or path of a moving point

Countour line.

Created by the edge of things

Implied line

A discountinuous line that is completed by the viewer

Psyschological line

A line created by perceptual connection.( Ex. When a carracter is pointing at somthing.)


The creation of illusion of roudness with third dimension throught light and shadow.


The use of a pattern of dots that thickens and thins


Using a series of closely spaced parallel lines to achieve shading

Cross hatching

A series of lines that run in a different direction and cross one another.

Actual mass

Occupies three dimensional space has measurable volume and wiegh.

Implied mass

Creates the illusion of processing volume, having wiegh

Geometric shapes

Regular and precise, have an unnatural mathematical appearance.

Organic shapes

Resembles organism found in nature


Shapes that are not forced into nature.


Without a clearly defiend shape or form.

Positive shapes

The object that the viewer focuses on

Negative shapes

The empty space. left over the piece.

Figure ground

The relationship between the positive and negative shapes in a piece

Figure ground reversals

When positive and negative shapes in a piece can be reversed or are ambiguouse.


Contianed by or consisting of a curved line or lines


Contained by, consisting of, or moving in a stright line or lines.


Light enables us to see lines, shape and texture, as well as the visible spectrum through wavelengths of energy that we reconize through color.


-the vale of color of a surface is its light and darkness.


The gradual shifting from light to dark through a successive gradation of tones across a curved surface.


-Language connects emotion with color.

-color can trigger emotional response in the observer.

Additive color

Mixing light

Subtractive color

Mixing pigments

Primary colors

Color that can not be derived from mixing the othe color light.




Secondary color

Created by mixing two primary colors




Tretiaty color

Created by mixing a primary and secondary color


A term for the family of color

Cool colors


Warm colors



The purness of the color.


Adding black to the hue


Adding white to the hue

Analogous colors

Hues that lie next to eachother on the color wheel

Complementary color

Colors that lie directly across from one another on the color wheel

Local color

The hue of an object as created by the colorrs its surface reflects under normal lighting conditions.

Optical color

Our perceptions of color, which can vary with lighting conditions.

Color symbolism

The symbol and meaning of colors are cultural specific


A thick buildup of paint on the surface of the canvas.

Actual texture

Is textile, texture you can touch.

Visual texture

Simulated texture. It looks like a texture but cant really be felt

Subversive texture

Texture chosen or created by the artist to subvert or undermine our idea about the objects they depict.

Trompe L'oeil

"Trick the eye"


Objects exists in a three dimensional space


This creates depth in a object

Spatial devices (ways to creat illusion of space)

Overlapping objects

Implied (illustion of)space

3d sculptures

2d paintings

Atmospheric prespective.

Method of creating the illusion of depth, or recession in a painting by drawing or modulating colour to simulat changes affected by the atmosphere of the colors that is seen in a distance.

One point perspective

When parallel lines in a picture come together at one point, the vanishing point on the horizon line.

Tow point perspective

When parallel lines in a picture come together at 2 diffrent points on the horizon line.

Actual mothion kenetic art

Art that moves

Implied motion

A motion has all ready happend

Illusion of motion

Mothion is happening right now

Op art

is based on creating optical sensation of movement throught the repetition and manipulation of color, shape, and line.

After image

When we look at the color for a long periond of time and then look away you may breifly see the opposite color due to fatigue of the cornea in the eyes.

Visual unity

Art work thaat is unified by color, shape, composition or some other visual design principle .

Visual verity


Design or composition

The act of organizing the visual elemente to effect a diserd aestgis on a work of art.

Actual balance

means that the piece of art is literally balanced it can stand up right on its own

Pictorial balance

Refers to the distribution of the apparent or visual weigh of the elements in works that are basically 2d

Symmetrical balance

Refers to a similarity of form or arrangment on either sides of an actual or imaginary dividing line or plane.

Asymmetrical balance

Bith sides are not identical but they are different from eachother.

Radial balance

Design elements radiate from the center point


Creats shock and discomfort, also can be used to capture a sense of motion


To intentionally focus the viers attention

Focal point

A specific part of a art work that hold the viewers attention


The orderly repition or progression of the visual elements of a work of art


Refers to size

Hierarchical scaling

Used to indicate importance, the bigger the better

Golden rectangle

A rectangle based on the measurments of the golden rectangle

Golden mean or section

The small part of work should relate to a larger part of the work as the larger part relates to the whole.

The cannon of porportions

A set of rules of your body parts and dimensions relatively to one another that became a standard for creating the ideal figure.