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361 Cards in this Set

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What Army regulation prescribes the policies and responsibilities of command?
AR 600-20
What is meant by the term "Chain of Command?"
It is the succession of commanders, superior to subordinate, through which command is exercised.
What are the three formal channels of communication in the Army?
The Chain of Command, the NCO Support Channel, and Staff and Technical Channels
Describe the structure of the NCO Support Channel.
It begins with the Commander's SGM and ends with the section, squad or team leader.
Who is the only person who performs as both a member of the Chain of Command and the NCO Support Channel?
The section, squad or team leader.
What is command?
The authority a person in the military service lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank and assignment or position.
Who is the only civilian authorized to exercise command in the military?
The President of the United States.
What are the key elements of command?
Authority and responsibility
How does a commander exercise command?
Through subordinate commanders
What is a Command Sergeant Major?
This is the position title designating the senior noncommissioned officer of the command at the battalion or higher levels.
What date is considered the beginning of the U.S, Army?
14 Jun 1775
Who was the first Commander in Chief of the Continental Army and when?
George Washington; 15 Jun 1775
Whose last words were, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country?"
Captain Nathan Hale, just prior to being hanged by the British.
When, where and by whom did the Army receive its first real training?
During the winter of 1778 at Valley Forge by the former Prussian officer, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben
The training programs of Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben were published and known by what name?
The "Blue Book"
The United States was initially governed by what document? What replaced this?
The Articles of Confederation; this was replaced by the Constitution.
What treaty ended the War of 1812?
The Treaty of Ghent, signed on December 24, 1814.
What famous battle of the War of 1812 occurred some two weeks after the Treaty of Ghent was signed? Why?
The Battle of New Orleans; there had not been enough time for word of the peace treaty to reach the units in the field.
What Mexican general attacked the Alamo on Feb 23, 1836, in order to quell an uprising and assert the Mexican governments authority over the Texas territory?
General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.
Who was successful in the Battle of the Alamo?
The Mexican Army under General Santa Anna-with significant losses.
What event sparked the Mexican War on April 25, 1846?
The admission of Texas to the Union.
What treaty ended the Mexican War on Feb 2, 1848
The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
What issue, perhaps more than any other, led to the outbreak of the American Civil War?
When and with what act, did the Civil War actually begin?
It began when South Carolina militia forces fired on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor in April 1861.
On Sept 22, 1862 President Lincoln issued an order freeing slaves in all areas still under Confederate control as of January 1, 1863. What was this order officially called?
The Emancipation Proclamation.
When and by what means was the Medal of Honor established?
Congress authorized the creation of the Medal of Honor on Jul 12, 1862
Who was the first recipient of the Medal of Honor?
Private Jacob Parrott, Company K, 33d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, on March 25, 1863.
What event basically marked the end of the American Civil War?
The surrender of General Robert E. Lee and his Confederate Army to General Ulysses S. Grant and the Union Army at Appomattox Court House, VA, on April 9, 1865. The last major confederate unit west of the Mississippi gave up six weeks later.
What is the oldest part of our Army?
The Army National Guard (In December 1636, the Massachusetts Bay Colony organized America’s first militia regiments, some of which still serve today in the Army National Guard.)
When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
July 04, 1776
What did Baron Fredriech von Steuben teach the Continental Army at Valley Forge?
He taught the Continental Army:

-A simplified but effective version of the drill formations and movements of European armies.
-Proper care of equipment.
The use of the bayonet (a weapon in which British superiority had previously been marked).
-He impressed upon officers their responsibility for taking care of the soldiers.
-Taught NCOs how to train and lead those soldiers.
The nation nearly doubled in 1803 when it purchased a huge expanse of territory from France in what became known as what?
The Louisiana Purchase
What is the bloodiest war in American history?
The Civil War with the death of over 600,000 Americans on both sides.
Who was the only female to receive the Medal of Honor?
Dr. Mary E. Walker
Congress declared war on Spain on what date?
25 April, 1898
What event sparked the Spanish-American War?
On 15 Feb 1898, a US Navy battleship, the USS Maine, mysteriously exploded while anchored in the harbor at Havana, Cuba. Public opinion turned hostile toward Spain and Congress declared war on April 25, 1898.
When and with what event did the United States emerge as a world power?
In 1898, with the outbreak of the Spanish-American War.
What agency was created on August 10, 1949?
The Department of Defense.
By what generic name were the earliest American military organizations called?
What are the words on the official seal of the Army?
"This we'll Defend"
What famous General was relieved of his command during the Korean Conflict?
General of the Army Douglas MacArthur.
How long did the Mexican siege of the Alamo last?
13 days
How long did it take the Army to build the Panama Canal?
8 years.
What did the Hoover Committee recommend renaming the National Military Establishment?
The Department of Defense.
Before it was named the Department of Defense by the Hoover Committee, what was this body known as?
The National Military Establishment.
Before being named the Department of Defense and the National Military Establishment, it was called what?
The War Department
Who was Chief of Staff of the Army when the US entered WWII?
General George C. Marshall
What code names were used for friendly and enemy forces during WWII?
Allied powers and Axis powers
What three major countries made up the Axis powers in WWII?
Germany, Italy, and Japan.
What even sparked the US into action and the official entry into WWII?
The Japanese attack of Dec 7, 1941 on Pearl Harbor and the Philippines.
On what date was the Army Flag dedicated?
June 14, 1956
Name the flag hoisted by General Washington in January of 1776 at Cambridge Massachusetts as the standard of the Continental Army?
The Grand Union Flag
Name the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb.
The "Enola Gay"
What is May 12, 1945 called?
VE Day (Germany surrendered)
On what date did North Korea invade South Korea?
June 25, 1950
Name the longest war in US History
The Vietnam War
What was the password used by the Army on D-Day?
Mickey Mouse
When did "The Star Spangled Banner" officially become the National Anthem by law?
3 Mar 1931, title 36, US Code 170
In what war was the helicopter first used on any scale?
The Korean Conflict.
What does SERE stand for?
Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape
What FM covers Guard Duty?
FM 22-6
What are the two types of guard duty?
1. Interior guard
2. Exterior guard
A guard on post is governed by two types of orders. What are they?
1. General orders
2. Special orders
What is your first general order?
1. I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved.
What is your second general order?
2. I will obey my speical orders and perform all my duties in a military manner.
What is your third general order?
3. I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the Commander of the Relief.
Who is responsible for insuring that all guards understand their special instructions prior to being posted?
The Commander of the Relief
What is meant by password?
A secret word or distinctive sound used to reply to a challenge. the second word or part of the countersign.
How are the challenge and password given?
In a low tone to prevent them from being overheard by others.
What is a "parole word"?
When an inspecting officer gives a guard the parole word, the guard answers with both parts of the countersign. The guard does not use the password at any other time.
What is considered the best means of identification when doubt exists?
A visual check of an individuals ID card.
Who is responsible for establishing special orders for guard posts?
The Post Commander.
Special orders differ for various post depending upon the nature of the area being guarded and are based on what two considerations?
Realism and clarity.
Who is the only person a guard should surrender his weapon to?
The person from whom he lawfully receives orders while on post.
Where are copies of special orders posted?
The should be continuously and conspicuouly posted in the guardhouse for reference. Copies are norrmally also posted on a fixed guard post and roving patrols may be required to carry a copy with them while on duty.
What are the two main qualifications for performing guard duty
1. guards must have completed range qualification or familiarization or train with the weapon they use on guard duty.
2. They must know their three general orders
Who supervises the enlisted members of the guards, and assigns them to reliefs?
The Sergeant of the Guard
Who inspects the guard (formal guard mount)?
The Officer of the Day or the Commander of the Guard or the SOG, when an OD is not appointed.
What should you do if you, or any other person in the military service, finds an irresponsible guard on post (i.e. sleeping)?
It is your duty to notify the commander of the guard or any other NCO of the guard and stay on the post until a qualified guard is posted
What is the punishment for any person who discloses the parole word or countersign to any person not entitled to receive it during time of war?
Death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.
What is an "interior guard"?
guard force detailed by commanders of military installations to protect property and enforce specific military regulations.
What is considered an "exterior guard"?
Guards detailed outside a military installation, guards in a combat area, guards in hostile or unfriendly territory.
At what position do you hold your rifle while challenging?
Port Arms
What is your chain of command as a guard?
Commander of the relief,
Sergeant of the guard
Officer of the guard
Field officer of the day
Commanding officer at the level responsible for the guard mount
What are three examples of exterior guard?
Listening posts
What AR covers the Code of Conduct and SERE?
AR 350-30
Who authorized the Publishing of the Code of Conduct in 1955?
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Executive order 10631, August 17, 1955.
The Code of Conduct has how many articles?
What is the first Articles of the Code of Conduct?
I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. Iam prepared to give my life in their defense.
What is the Second Article of the Code of Conduct?
I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.
When is the best time to escape?
As soon as possible(most likely, this is when you will be closest to your own lines.)
What is the main purpose of the Geneva Conference?
It provides rules that prisoners of war must be treated humanely. Specifically forbidden are violence to life and person, creuel treatment and torture, outrages on personal dignity, in particular.
What information are you authorized to give under the rules of the Geneva Conference?
Name, rank, service number and date of birth.
What should prisoners be searched for?
Hidden weapons and documents of intelligence value.
Prisoners should be separated into what groups?
Officers, NCOs, enlisted personnel, civilians, and females
A good way to remember what you should do if you capture a prisoner is to use the 5 "s" rule. What are the 5 "S"s?
Search, silence, segregate, speed and safeguard.
Why is it important to silence POWs?
It prevents them from planning resistance or escape and tends to keep them under control.
Why is it important to properly handle POWs and speed them to the rear?
They may possess valuable intelligence information which interrogators can obtain from them.
Which article of the Code pertains to escape and evasion?
Article Three
What FM covers First Aid?
FM 4-25.11
What is meant by "first aid" or "first aid measures"?
The first livesaving measures given to a casuality before medical personnel can arrive.
What are considered the four adverse conditions affecting human life?
Lack of oxygen
What three tasks are considered the basics of first aid?
Check for BLEEDING
Check for SHOCK
What is a Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC)?
CASEVAC is a term used by nonmedical units to refer to the movement of casualties aboard nonmedical vehicles or aircraft. Casualties transported in this manner do not receive enroute medical care.
What is a Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC)?
MEDEDVAC is the timely, efficient movement of the wounded, injured or ill service members from the battlefield and other locations to Medical Treatment Facilities. Medical personnel provide enroute medical care during the evacuation.
What are the eight steps in properly evaluating a casualty?
Check the casualty for responsiveness
Check for breathing
Check for pulse
Check for bleeding
Check for shock
Check for fractures
Check for burns
Check for possible head injury
What are the two vital body functions?
Respiration and blood circulation
Name four common points for checking pulse.
The side of the neck
What are the basic measures of first aid?
Open the airway and restore breathing.
Stop the bleeding and protect the wound
Check for shock and adminster first aid measures.
What is the single most common airway obstruction?
The tongue
What are the two prescrived methods for opening an airway?
The jaw thrust method
the head tilt/chin left method
What are the two prescribed methods of rescue breathing?
Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
Mouth-to-nose resuscitation
What is the preferred method of rescue breathing?
Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
Name five prescribed methods for controlling bleeding?
Field dressing
Manual pressure
Pressure dressing
Digital pressure
Who should loosen a tourniquet once it is applied?
Only medical personnel.
Where are the only places that a tourniquet can be used?
on the arms or legs
What are the seven steps in treating/preventing shock?
Move the casualty to cover if available
Position the casualty on their back.
Elevate the casualty's feet higher than the level of their heart
Loosen constricting clothing
Prevent chilling or overheating
Calm the casualty
Seek medical aid
When would you NOT elevate the legs when treating/preventing shock?
When the casualty has an unsplinted broken leg, head injury or abdominal injury.
What are the nine signs/symptoms of shock?
Sweaty but cool skin
Paleness of the skin
Restlessness, nervousness
Loss of blood
Faster than normal breathing
Blotchy or bluish skin
Nausea and or vomiting
What are the four types of burns?
What are the five first aid measures for treating burns?
Eliminate the source of the burn
Expose the burn
Apply a field dressing to the burn
Take precautions
Seek medical attention.
What is a fracture?
Any break in the continuity of a bone.
What are the three types of heat injuries?
Heat cramps
Heat exhaustion
What FM covers Field Hygiene and Sanitation?
FM 21-11
What is the purpose of FM 21-11, Field Hygiene and Sanitation?
To assist individual service members, unit commanders, unit leaders and field sanitation teams in preventing disease and nonbattle injuries.
What is "hygiene"?
The self-employment of practices that will keep on healthy.
What is sanitation?
The effective use of measures that will create and maintain healthful environmental conditions.
What is meant by "military santitation"?
includes the practice of both envorinmental sanitation and personal hygiene, particularly within the framework of situations and experiences associated with Army life.
What are the five communicable disease groups classified by the Army?
Which of the five communicable disease groups accounts for the highest incidence of disease in the Army?
Respiratory infections
What is the principle source of the organism that causes intestinal disease?
The feces of man
What is the chain of disease transmission?
Reservoir (source)
vehicle (means of transmission)
susceptible person
What are the three basic control measures for communicable diseases?
Control the source
Stop the transmission
Protect the susceptible person
What are the five Fs of field santitation?
Feces, flies, fingers, food, and fluids
One of the methods of controlling respiratory disease is by the avoidance of overcrowding. How many feet apart should cots be placed?
at least 5 feet, if less than 5 feet they should be positioned head to foot.
What does DNBI stand for?
Diseases and NonBattle Injuries
FM 21-10 covers eight categories of medical threats. What are they? And which one is the most lethal
Heat, Cold, Noise, Food/waterborne diseases, Personal hygiene and physical/mental fitness, poisonous plants and toxic fruits, Arthropods and other animals, and toxic industrial chemicals/materials. The most lethal one is Heat.
Water discipline is espeically important in hot weather. What steps of water discipline should you follow?
Drink extra water before starting any mission or hard work.
Drink small quantities frequently
Drink water even if you are not thirsty.
Refill your canteen at every opportunity.
If you urine is dark yellow, what is this an indication of?
You are not drinking enough water.
What are the six sources of water?
Surface, ground, rain, ice, snow and sea water.
What five factors should be considered when selecting a water source?
The military situation
The quantity of water needed
The accessibility of the source
The general quality of the source
The type of purification equipment available for use.
What are the three rules of water discipline?
Drink only approved water.
Conserve water
Protect water sources by good sanitary practices
FM 21-10 divides cold weather injuries into two types. What are they?
Freezing and nonfreezing.
What is meant by "potable" water?
Water that is safely drinkable.
Good water discipline involves filling your canteen with treated water at every chance. When treated water is not available, you must disinfect the water in your canteen using one of the five approved methods. What are they?
Iodine tablets
Chlorine ampoules
Emergency Water-treatment Kit
Household/common bleach
How long should water be boiled when chlorine and iodine are not abailable?
Boiling water at a rolling boil for 5 to 10 minutes kills most organisms taht are known to cause intestinal diseases.
What are some examples of waterborne diseases in man?
Hepatitis, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, dysentery, cholear, common diarrhea
What is dysentery?
A medical term applied to a number of intestinal disorders characterized by stomach pain and diarrhea. It is attributed to poor sanitary conditions.
What are the four types of field waste?
Liquid kitchen or bathing waste
Human waste
What is a cat hole?
A field expedient human waste hole used primarily when on the move. It is dug approximately 12 inches wide, 6-12 inches deep and covered up when finished.
How far should field latrines be located from food operations and sources of water?
At least 100 meters from food operations- downwind and down slope if possible, and at least 30 meters down slope from any water sources.
How far should a garbage burial area be from the field kitchen?
At least 30 meters
How far should garbage be buried from any natural source of water?
At least 30 meters.
Name three diseases commonly carried by flies.
Cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery
Name five diseases commonly carried by mosquitoes.
Malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, encephalitis, and filariasis
What is the water requirement per person, per day in a temperate zone?
5 gallons per day
What are the measurements of a straddle trench?
1 foot wide, by 4 foot long, by 2 1/2 foot deep
What is a communicable disease?
A disease that can be transmitted person to person, animal to person and insect to person
What is the best protection against disease or biological warfare?
Immunization and personal hygiene
What is a vector?
Any living organism that can carry a disease-producing virus
What are the three most common poison plants?
Poison ivy
Poison oak
Poison sumac
Who gives the final approval on whether water is safe to drink?
Medical personnel
It is very important to take preventive measures for your feet in cold or wet weather. What are some ways you can maintain healthy feet?
Bring several pairs of issue boots and socks with you.
Keeps socks clean and dry, change wet or damp socks as soon as possible.
Use foot powder
Wear overshoes to keep boots dry
Wash feet daily if possible
Avoid tight boots and socks, lace up loosely, but completely
What FM cover Map Reading and Land Navigation?
FM 3-25.26
The art and science of expressing the known physical features of the earth graphically by maps and charts is known as what?
What is a map?
A map is a graphic representation of a portion of the earth's surface drawn to scale, as seen from above.
Military maps are categorized by what two things?
Scale and type.
What is the standard "medium scale" map and what is it used for?
1:250,000; used for operational planning
List some of the items of information that may be contained in the margin of a military map.
Sheet name; sheet number, series name; scale; series number; edition number; index to boundaries; adjoining sheets diagram; declination diagram; bar scales; and the legend
On some maps, the adjoining sheets diagram is called something else. What is it?
The Index to Adjoining Sheets
What are the north-south rings around the earth called?
Meridians of Longitude, or simply Meridians or often just called Longitude Lines
One meridian is designated as the Prime Meridian. What is its location?
Greewich England-in 1884 an international conference decided that the meridian which passed through Britain's Royal Greenwhich observatory would be the world's prime meridian.
What are the colors used to facilitate the identifications of features on a standard large scale topographic map?
Black-man-made features
Red-Brown-all relief features, and contour lines on red-light readable maps
Blue-water features
Brown-evelation and relief features on older maps
Red-populated areas
Where is the International Date Line?
On the opposite side of the globe from the Prim Meridian at 180 degrees East or West longitude
The four lines (borders) that enclose the body of a map are known as what?
How many digits are required to locate a point to within 1000 meters (not counting grid zone designators)
How many digits are required to locate a point to within 100 meters?
How many digits are required to locate a point to within 10 meters?
How many digits are required to locate a point to within 1 meter?
Where is the Legend of the map found?
Lower left margin
What are contour lines?
Imaginary lines on the ground connecting equal elevation, they represent high and low ground elevation.
What are 3 types of contour lines?
How many Mils are in one Degree?
17.7 MILS
How many Norths are there on a military map? What are they
3; True North, Magnetic North, and Grid North
How many base lines are there on a military map and what are they?
3; True North, Magnetic North, and Grid North
What are the two most commonly used base lines?
Magnetic North and Grid North
What is the most common military method for expressing direction?
By using an azimuth
Define the term "azimuth?"
A horizontal angle measured clockwise from a north base line.
What must be done to a map before it can be used?
It must be oriented.
What is meant by "intersection"?
This is a method used to determine the location of an unknown point by successively occupying at least two known positions on the ground and then map sighting on the unknown location
What is meant by "resection"?
This is a method used to locates one's position on a map by determining the grid azimuth to at least two well-defined locations that can be pinpointed on the map
What is an overlay?
An overlay is a clear sheet of plastic on which information is plotted to the same scale as the map it is to be used on.
What is blue used for on a military overlay?
What are the four types of compasses described in FM 3-25.26?
Lensatic compass, artillery M2 compass, wrist/pocket compass, and protractor.
What are the three major parts of the lensatic compass?
cover, base and lens
Where does the arrow on a lensatic compass always point when open?
Magnetic North
Name three field expedient methods for determining the four cardinal directions?
Shadow-tip method, watch method, and the star method
What are 5 major terrain features found on a map?
What are the 3 minor terrain features found on a military map?
What are the 2 supplementary terrain features found on a military map?
How many mils are there in a circle?
6400 mils in 360 degrees
Name two ways to hold a compass?
Compass-to-Cheek Method
Center-Hold Method
What is a "back azimuth" and now is it obtained?
It is the opposite direction of an azimuth. To obtain the back azimuth from an azimuth if the azimuth is less than 180 degrees add 180 degrees, if the azimuth is more than 180 degrees, subtract 180 degrees
What Army publication covers rifle marksmanship for the M16-series rifle and the M4-series carbine?
Fm 3-22.9
According to FM 3-22.9, what are the five phases of Basic rifle Marksmanship?
Phase 1 Preliminary Rifle Instruction
Phase II Downrange Feedback
Pahse III Field fire
Phase IV Advanced Rifle Marksmanship
Phase V Advanced Optices, Lasers, and Iron Sights
Describe the M16/A2 Rifle.
A 5.56 mm, magazine fed, gas-operated, air-cooled, semiautomatic or three-round burst, hand-held, shoulder-fired weapon.
Name the seven various types of ammunition that may be used in the M16-series weapon.
M193 ball
M196 tracer
M199 dummy
M200 blank
M855 Ball
M856 Tracer
M862 plastic
What is meant by the "stoppage" of a weapon?
The failure of an automatic or semiautomatice firearm to complete the cycle of operation
How do you clear a stoppage?
By applying either immediate or remedial action.
What word is commonly used to remember the procedure for applying immediate action?
Slap upward on teh magazin
Pull the charging
Observe the chamber
Relese the charging handle
Tap the forward assist
Squeeze the trigger
How many times should immediate action be applied to a weapon?
Only once. If the rifle still fails to fire, inspect it to determine the cause of the stoppage or malfunction and take appropriate remedial action.
What is meant by "remedial action?
The continuing effort to determine the cause of a stoppage or malfunction and to try to clear the stoppage once it has been identified.
What is considered a "malfunction"?
a procedural or mechanical failure of the rifle, magazine, or ammunition.
What are the primary categories of malfunctions?
Failure to feed, chamber, or lock
Failure to fire cartridge
failure to extract
Failure to eject
Which of the malfunctions of the M16 is one of the hardest to clear and is considered extremely dangerous since it could result in the rifle exploding?
Failure to extract
What are the eight steps in the cycle of functioning of the M16-series weapon?
What are the four basic fundamentals of the rifle marksmanship?
Steady Position
Breath Control
Trigger Squeeze
What are the two basic elements of the sight picture?
Sight alignment and placement of the aiming point.
Which finger is the "trigger finger"? Describe the proper position.
The index finger on the firing hand; it should be placed on the trigger between the first joint and the tip of the finger.
During PMI only two basic firing positions are taught. What are they?
The foxhole supported and the prone unsupported positions.
What is the shot-group standard when actually zeroing the weapn?
Using 18 rounds or less, the firer must fire 5 out of 6 rounds in two consecutive shot groups within a 4cm circle
What is the muzzle velocity of the M16/A2 Rifle?
3,100 feet per second
Describe the ranges for the M16/A2 Rifle.
Maximum Range - 3,600 meters
Max Effective Range for a Point Target - 550 meters
Max Effective Range for an Area Target - 800 meters
Describe the Barrel Rifling for the M16/A2 Rifle.
Right hand twist 1/7
What is the basic load of ammunition for the M16/A2 Rifle?
210 Rounds total. (7 magazines with 30 rounds in each)
What is a cookoff?
A round that fires as a result of a hot chamber without the trigger being pulled. It can occur at any time until the weapon has cooled.
Will the M16 fire without the cam pin?
Yes, but it will explode
What does "CLP" stand for and how does it work?
Clearnner, Lubricant, and Preservative
It contains solvents to dissolve firing residue and carbon, It lays down a layer of Teflon as it dries to provide lubrication, It prevents rust from forming.
The first consideration when handling any weapon is to do what?
What does "NBC" stand for?
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
What is a cookoff?
A round that fires as a result of a hot chamber without the trigger being pulled. It can occur at any time until the weapon has cooled.
Will the M16 fire without the cam pin?
Yes, but it will explode
What does "CLP" stand for and how does it work?
Cleaner, Lubricant, and Preservative
It contains solvents to dissolve firing residue and carbon, It lays down a layer of Teflon as it dries to provide lubrication, It prevents rust from forming.
The first consideration when handling any weapon is to do what?
What does "NBC" stand for?
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
What are the three fundamentals of NBC defense?
Contamination avoidance, Protection and Decontamination
Name some of the Army Field Manuals that explain the fundamentals of NBC defense.
FM 3-3, Chemical and Biological Contamination avoidance, FM 3-3-1 Nuclear Contamination Avoidance, FM 3-5, NBC Decontamination
There are four steps to contamination avoidance. What are they?
Implement passive defensive measures, Warn and report NBC attacks, Locate, identify track and predict NBC hazards, Limit exposure to NBC hazards
What is the current US policy regarding the use of nuclear, chemical and biological assets?
Biological-no use
Chemical-no use
Nuclear-may be used to terminate a conflit or war at the lowest acceptable level of hostilities
Who as the authority to order the use of nuclear weapons?
Only the President of the United States
What are the three categories of decontaminants?
Standard-Supertopical Bleech
nonstandard-soaps and detergents
What are the dimensions of an NBC marker?
11 1/2 inches on the top by 8 inches on either side.
Which of the NBC reports is the most widely used?
NBC 1 report
What are the three classifications of NBC markers? Describe them?
Chemical: red letters GAS on a yellow background.
Biological: red letters BIO on a blue background
Radiological: black letters ATOM on a white background
What are the four principles of decon
Speed: decon as soon as possible
Need: decon only what is necessary to continue the mission
Limit: decon as far forward as possible
Priority: decon the most important things first
Which decon princlple is considered to be the most important?
Decon as soon as possible
What is MOPP?
Mission Oriented Protective Posture; a flexible system of protection against chemical and biological agents
What does JSLIST stand for?
Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology
When under an NBC attack, when do you give warning?
After you mask
What will replace the Nerve Agent Antidote Kit (NAAK) based on shelf life expiration dates?
The Antidote Treatment, Nerve Agent Autoinjector (ATNAA)
What forms do Chemical Agents come in?
Soldiers in MOPP 4 may lose how much water per hour through perspiration?
1 quart or more
How long should you apply pressure when using the Auto injector?
10 seconds
When fitting the protective mask, in what sequence should the straps be tightened?
Forehead straps
Cheek straps
Temple straps
The protective mask will not protect against what two types of gases?
Ammonia vapors or carbon monoxide
When giving Buddy Aid, whose auto injectors would you use?
The other person (the person's auto injectors that is receiving the medication
Once a unit has masked, who can make the decision to unmask?
The unit commander
What are the 3 types of nuclear bursts?
What are the 4 types of microorganisms found in Biological agents?
What is the best decontamination for Biological agents?
Warm soapy water
What Field Manual covers Army Leadership?
FM 6-22
What is meant by the term leadership?
Leadership if influenceing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation-while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization.
What is the fundamental mission of our Army?
To deter war and , if deterrence fails, to win in combat.
Name two reasons why good leadership SHOULD be important to you and why it IS important to the Army?
It enhances the warrior ethos in yourself and in your people; Your people deserve nothing less
Describe what is meant by providing direction.
Figuring out how to get the work done right with the available people, time, and other resources-then communicating that information to your subordinates
There are many techinques for motivating soldiers. What is perhaps the best techinque?
Set the right example- Lead from the front
What are the four dimensions of the Leadership Framework?
Values, Attributes, Skills and Actions
When it come to characeter, what a Soldier must "BE: to be a good leaders is subdivided into what two areas?
What are the Army VALUES that define a leader's character?
Loyalty, Duty . Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage
The desired ATRIBUTES of a good leader are further subdivided into three categories. What are these three categories?
Mental attributes-
Physical Attributes-
Emotional attributes-
Skills relate to what a person KNOWS. A person must have a certain level of knowledge in order to by competent. That knowledge is spread across four areas-known as "skill domains". What are the four "skill domains" that determine a leader's level of COMPETENCE?
Interpersonal skills
Conceptual skills
Technical skills
Tactical skills
What three things must a leader DO in order to provide "purpose, direction, and motivations"?
Influence, Operate, Improve
What is meant by "mentoring"?
"Mentoring in America's Army is the proactive development of each subordinate through observing, assessing, coaching, teaching, developmental counseling, and evaluating that results in people being treated with fairness and equal opportunity.
What are the three stages of TEAM BUILDING?
Formation, Enrichment, Sustainment
What are the two steps in the Formation stage of team building?
Reception and integration/orientation
What is the most important thing a leader can do to strengthen his team?
Train them properly
What are the three LEVELS of Army leadership?
Direct, Organizational, and Strategic
What are the five basic STYLES of Army leadership?
Directing, Participating, Delegating, Transformational, and Transactional
Describe the Directing Style of Army Leadership
Leader centered-tell subordinates what to do, how to do it, where to do it and when it is to be done and then closely supervises to ensure that the instructions were followed
Describe the participating Style of Army Leadership.
leader and team centered, involves subordinates in determining what to do and how to do it
Describe the Delegating Style of Leadership
Team centered-delegates problem solving and decision making authority to a subordinate or to a group of subordinates
The first of the four leadership SKILLS- known as "skill domains" is Interpersonal Skills. This SKILL often goes by a more comman name. What is it?
People Skills
What are the four INTERPERSONAL SKILLS at the DIRECT level of leadership?
Communicating, Team building, Supervising, Counseling
What is considered one of the most important skills in two-way communication?
Active listening
What is considered the "cardinal sin" of active listening?
Interrupting the speaker.
What is considered the most important influence you have on your people?
The example you set
The success or failure of any communication is the responsibility of whom?
the leader
What are the three principal ways that leaders can develop others through which they provide knowledge and feedback?
A leader’s effectiveness is dramatically enhanced by understanding and developing what areas?
Military Bearing
Physical Fitness.
Attributes of an Army leader can best be defined as what an Army leader is. What are the attributes of an Army leader?
A leader of character
A leader with presence.
A leader with intellectual capactiy.
What is meant by authority?
The legitmate power of leaders to direct subordinates or to take action within the scope of thier responsibility.
What are the two types of authority?
Command authority, General Military Authority
When you are responsible for something, you are liable, or accountable, for the outcome. What are the two categories of responsibility?
Individual responsibility, Command responsibility
What is communication?
A process of providing information
Name the two barriers of communications
Name some physical barriers of communication
Noise of battle
What is counseling?
Counseling is a subordinate-centered communication that produces a plan outling conditions necessary for subordinates to achieve individual or organizational goals. it leads to a specific plan of action that can be used by a subordinate as a road map for improvement
What are the five characteristics of effective counseling?
Purpose, flexibility, Respect, communication, Support
What are the four QUALITIES of an effective counselor?
Respect for subordinates, Self-awareness and Cultural awareness, Empathy, Credibility
Active listening, responding, and questioning
What are the two categories of developmental counseling?
Event-oriented counseling
Performance/professional growth counseling (if the question is three categories are Event, performance, and professional growth)
What are the Three approaches to counseling?
Directive, nondirective, and combined
Which approach to counseling is the most preferred for most counseling sessions?
The nondirective approach.
When is a leader most likely to use the directive approach in a counseling session?
When time is short, when the leader alone knows what to do, and when the counseled soldier has limited problem-solving abilities.
What are some techniques that may be used in the Directive approach?
Corrective training, and Commanding
What are some counselinhg techniques that may be used in the Nondirective approach/
Suggesting alternatives, recommending, persuading, advising
What are the seven steps of the problem solving process?
Identify the problem
Identify facts and assumptions
Generate alternatives
Analyze the alternatives
Compare the alternatives
Make and execute your descision
Assess the results
What are Beliefs?
Beliefs derive from upbringing, culture, religious backgrounds, and traditions.
What are the four basic steps in conducting the counseling session?
Open the session
Discuss the issues
Develop the plan of action
Record and close the session
List five things that affect a unit's morale
Mess, military justice, mail, supply and living conditions
Core leader competencies are what an Army leader does. What are the core leader competencies?
An Army Leader Leads.
An Army Leader Develops
An Army Leader Achieves
What are the three mentoring techniqes?
Teaching, developmental counseling and coaching
What AR covers Military Justice?
AR 27-10
What is the "UCMJ"?
The Uniform Code of Military Justice; the statute that prescribes criminal law for soldiers.
How did the UCMJ come about?
The UCMJ was passed by Congress on 5 May 1950, signed into law by the Presdient, and became effective 31 May 1951. the Uniform Code of Military Justice replaced the Articles of War, which had been in existence in various forms since 1775.
What does the UCMJ establish?
The UCMJ declares what conduct is a crime, establishes the various types of courts and sets forth the basic procedure to be followed in the administration of military justice.
The UCMJ is comprised fo how many punitive articles?
In what Army publication will you find the Constitution of the United States?
The Manual for Courts-Martial, Appendix 1.
Military Justice is administered at two levels. What are they?
Nonjudicial punishment-Article 15 procedures
Judicial punishment-also know as courts-martial
What is the purpose of nonjudicial punishment?
To educate and reform offenders; to correct misconduct in violation of the UCMJ
Who may impose an Article 15?
Any commanding officer, including a warrant officer exercising command.
When might a commander choose to use Article 15 punishment?
When the offender has shown that they cannot benefit by less stringent methods.
What are the three classifications of Articles 15s?
Company Grade
Field Grade
What is an "Field Grade" Article 15?
An Article 15 imposed by an 04 or above.
What are the advantages of disposing of cases by Article 15?
The offender benefits in that there is no trail by court-martial.
The Article 15 is not a federal conviction and will not follow the offender for life
Preserves an offender's record from unnecessary stigmatization
What is the length of time one has to appeal an Article 15?
A reasonable time will vary according to the situation; however, an appeal submitted more than 5 calendar days after the punishment is imposed may be rejected as untimely
What six things should be considered when deciding whether or not to announce punishment of soldiers in the rank of SGT or above?
The nature of the offense
The individuals military record and duty position
The deterrent effect
The impact on unit morale or mission
The impact on the victim
The impact on the leadership effectiveness of the individual concerned
The maximum punishment a Company Commander may impose for an Article 15 is what?
14 days extra duty
14 days restriction
7 days correctional custody
7 days forteiture of pay
1 grade reduction, E4 and below
Oral or written Reprimand
What is the maximun number of days of extra duty that may be given by a field grade commander?
45 days
What is the statute of limitations for punishment by ARticle 15?
Nonjudicial punishment may not be imposed for offenses which were committed more than two years before the date of imposition
What form is designed for the purpose of notifying a soldier of Article 15 proceedings?
DA Form 2627
What form is used to record summarized Article 15 proceedings?
DA Form 2627-1
What article of the UCMJ is designed to protect the rights of the Solider?
Article 31
What rights does the accused have in addition to Article 31?
The right to remain silent.
The right to have counsel present during questioning.
The right to due process by law
The right under search and seizure
Protection against double jeopardy
The right to sentence review
The right to a speedy public trial
The right to call witnesses favorable to you
The right to trial by court-martial
What are Articles 77 through 134 of the UCMJ known as?
Punitive Articles
What are the three types of courts-martial?
Summary, Special and General
What is the maximum punishment imposed by Special Court martial?
Confinement at hard labor for 6 months.
forteiture of two-thirds pay per month for 6 months.
Reduction to lowest enlisted grade
What is the maximum punishment imposed by General Court martial?
What is the major difference between a General and a Special court martial?
A General Court has a military judge who serves on it and may impose the death penalty.
What is the purpose of a military judge?
Insure the accused's rights are protected and insure correct legal procedures are used.
What are the five types of discharges?
Honorable, General, Other than Honorable, Bad Conduct, Dishonorable
What is the difference between arrest and confinement?
Arrest is the restraint of a person by an order directing him/her to remian within certain specified limits, Confinement is the physical restraint of a person.
What is the difference between a "confession" and an "admission"?
A confession is an acknowledgment of guilt while an admission is an incriminating statement falling short of a confession.
If enlisted members serve on a court, what percentage can be enlisted?
What do the letters "MCM" stand for?
Manual for courts-martial
What is the highest court in the Army?
The Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
What FM covers Drill and Ceremonies?
FM 3-21.5
What is the primary purpse of drill in the Army today?
It enables a commander, or noncommmissioned officer to move his unit from one place to another in an ordery manner; to aid in disciplinary training by instilling habits of precision and response to the leader's orders; and to provide for the development of all soldiers in the practice of commanding troops
What are the three methods of instruction used to teach drill to soldiers?
Step-by-step, talk-through, and by-the-numbers
What is a drill command?
An oral order of a commander or leader. The precision with which a movement is executed is affected by the manner in which the command is given.
What are the five types of commands in drill?
Two part, combined, supplementary, directive and mass
Most drill commands have two parts. What are they
The preparatory command, and the commmand of execution.
What is the interval between the prepartatory command and the command of execution?
One step or count.
Give a few examples of Combined Commands.
At ease, Fall in, and Rest
What is inflection?
The rise and fall in pitch and tone of the voice.
What are the four rest positions?
Parade Rest, Stand at ease, At ease, and Rest
Parade Rest is commanded only from what position?
The position of Attention.
When marching in formation, who salutes and acknowledges salutes?
Only the person in charge of the formation
When double timing, what must you do before saluting.
Go to quick time.
What is quick time cadence
120 steps per minute
What is double time cadence
180 steps per minute