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44 Cards in this Set

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It deals with biological, biochemical and economic constituents.



clay models of human body that has preliminary studies of plants


Who discovered Papyrus Ebers?

George Ebers in 1550


embalming and mummification



_________ - text on various topics

_________ - 184 chapters, 1120 illness

_________ - written in poetic language

1. Charaka Samhita

2. Sushruta Samhita

3. Ashtanga Hridayan Samhita

A greek physician who made "De materia medica" which includes 600 plants.

Pedanios Dioscorides

A greek physician and pharmacist which made "galenical pharmacy" methods and processes of preparing drugs from plants and animal sources.

Claudius Galen

He coined and introduced the term "pharmacognosy" in the book "Analectica pharmacognostics" in 1815.

Christianus Aneotheus Seydler

He is the first to use the term "pharmacognosy" in the book "Lerbuch der Materia Medica" in 1811.

Johann Adam Schmidt

He said that pharmacognosy is a simultaneous application of various scientific disciplines with the objective of acquiring drugs from every point of view.


He discovered codeine.

Pierre Robiquet

They isolated Quinine.

Pierre Joseph Pelletier and Joseph Bienaime Caventou

He discovered Morphine.

Friedrich Serturner

Enumerate two plants found in De Materia Medica








MoA of Belladonna

antimuscarinic/anticholinergic (at m2 receptor)

It is a first line treatment of choice for bradycardia.


Treatment for belladonna toxicity


It is an antidote for Neostigmine and OP poisoning.


Scientific name of colchicum

Colchicum autumnale

MoA of colchicum

1. prevents microtubule assembly

2. inflammasome activation

3. chemotaxis

Enumarate at least 2 current use of Colchicum

1. for gout flares "acute gout"

2. pericarditis

3. behcet syndrome

4. familial mediterranean fever

Scientific name of a parasitic ergot

claviceps purpurea

Scientific name of a saprophytic ergot

Claviceps paspali

Treatment for ergot toxicity

IV Na nitroprusside or nitroglycerin

MoA of ergot

vasoconstriction —> extremity ischemia

It is directly obtained from plants and animals in nature.

Natural drug constituents

A synthetic drugs constituent that is totally made in the laboratory.

Total synthesis

A type of synthetic drug constituent where the starting materials came from nature.


A vegetable or animal drugs that have undergone only the process of collection and drying

crude drugs

These are substances that are found in nature.

Natural substances

These are the chief principles of crude drugs that are separated and uses in specific manner.



What is the solvent used fo the following chief principle:

1. Fat

2. Resin

3. Chlorophyll

1. hexane

2. alcohol

3. acetone

DerivativesWhat is the solvent used fo the following chief principle:

1. Chrysarobin

2. Inulin

3. Pectin

4. Solanine

1. hot benzene

2. alcohol

3. dilute acid

4. acetic acid

These are plants that are growing in their native county.

indigenous plants

These are plants that are growing in a foreign land other than their native source

naturalized plants

It is the separation of medicinally-active portions of plant or animal tissues from inactive or inert components by using selective solvents.


Methods of Extraction

1. maceration with gentle heat

2. use of percolator

3. boiling water for 15 minutes

4. maceration in cold or hot water

1. digestion

2. percolation

3. decoction

4. infusion

A small scale preparation of crude drugs. It is best when the plant is in its highest content.



1. Unripe fruit

2. Ripe

3. Overripe

1. protopectin

2. pectin

3. pectic acid


1. Young leaves

2. Mature leaves

1. cannabidiol

2. cannabidiol

The following are best collected when:

1. root crops

2. flower

3. bark

1. when overground parts are withering

2. morning, when they just bloomed

3. between summer and spring

A large scale of preparing the crude drugs with the use of mechanical devices.


It is the most important step in preparation of crude drugs. Removal of moisture is done to prevent microbial growth and enzymatic degradation.


A special type of drying which enhances the property of the active component.
